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Special:Translate shows unparsed bdi tags in the warning message for unprioritized translations
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Steps to reproduce

  1. Go on
  2. Click on option to translate (it is under the title of page)
  3. Choose some non-listed language

You will get this:

2020-08-25 09.53.35 (296×1 px, 33 KB)

Expected behaviour:
Box shouldn't show bdi tags, just names of languages.

Actual behaviour:
Box shows bdi tags.

Event Timeline

Kizule renamed this task from Special:Translate shows bdi tags on pages which are marked for translating with priority on some languages to Special:Translate shows unparsed bdi tags in the warning message for unprioritized translations.Aug 25 2020, 7:58 AM
Kizule added subscribers: Amire80, Nikerabbit, Kaganer and 2 others.