This task outlines how we want beta wikis to be configured in order to be able to do QA for the Add-Link project:
For each wiki (English, Czech, Vietnamese, Arabic, and Bengali) we want to set this up for:
- Import articles from production using Special:Export / mwscript importDump.php
- Run the GrowthExperiments importOresTopics.php script (T276163: Create maintenance script for importing ORES topics) which assigns topics to articles in the beta wiki's search index, using the production article copies as the source for what those topics should be
- Use $wgGENewcomerTasksRemoteApiUrl = null; so the suggestion engine uses local search.
- Use $wgGELinkRecommendationsUseEventGate = false; to signal that we will write updates to the search index directly, unlike in production
- use $wgGELinkRecommendationServiceUrl to connect to the external traffic production release (T269581)
- use a personal access token from stored in private puppet to be able to connect
- Keep $wgGELinkRecommendationFallbackOnDBMiss set to false like we have in production
- refreshLinkRecommendations.php will run hourly via cron just like it does in production