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The indication of the calculation of pages viewed on Special:Impact is not clear
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The Impact module displays the number of views for an article edited by the user. But if they edited the article yesterday, they have the sum of views from the last 60 days.

A user reports on Danish Wikipedia that it embellishes the actual number of views. the message is:

Views since you edited (last 60 days):

This user suggests to change the current sentence on MediaWiki:Growthexperiments-homepage-impact-subheader-subtext to something like:

Number of views in the last 60 days, of the pages you edited:

Event Timeline

kostajh added subscribers: KStoller-WMF, kostajh.

We still have this issue in the new impact module. @KStoller-WMF should we add some clarification text about this?

kostajh added a project: Growth Design.
kostajh added a subscriber: KieranMcCann.
KStoller-WMF added a subscriber: Dyolf77_WMF.

Although the language and design has changed since this task was created, some aspects of the Impact module are still somewhat confusing to interpret.

  • It's unclear if that "last 60 days" applies to all data below the scorecards.
  • It's unclear if the view counts and sparklines relate to "since your edit" or totals for the last 60 days. (related T323253 )
  • @Dyolf77_WMF mentioned on Arabic wikipedia it was unclear if the sparklines are displayed left to right or right to left.

I'll move this to Needs Design for further discussion to decide if this is all OK for now, or if we should consider adding more clarity in any of these areas.

RHo subscribed.

Although the language and design has changed since this task was created, some aspects of the Impact module are still somewhat confusing to interpret.

  • It's unclear if that "last 60 days" applies to all data below the scorecards.

Pasting screenshot of new impact page for context:

image.png (1×1 px, 191 KB)

IMO it is clear based on the timeframe being in heading that this is the case. It will probably be clearer if/when the time period dropdown in the initial designs and task T220143: Impact Module: Provide an option to show pageviews earlier than the 60-day limit from the PageViewInfo extension to enable counts beyond the 60-day limit is added.
However, we could consider adding (last 60 days) to the end of the total articles count label, and "Views on articles" heading if this makes it clearer.

  • It's unclear if the view counts and sparklines relate to "since your edit" or totals for the last 60 days. (related T323253 )

Per fix from T323253, it is "since your edit", so we should again consider amending to clarify accordingly to something like "View on articles since edit".

  • @Dyolf77_WMF mentioned on Arabic wikipedia it was unclear if the sparklines are displayed left to right or right to left.

Good catch, I believe they should display RTL that is fluent with the reading direction for the rest of the module. I filed a separate bug T326308.

I'll move this to Needs Design for further discussion to decide if this is all OK for now, or if we should consider adding more clarity in any of these areas.

I think this task is no longer exactly valid since T323253 is fixed so the misleading count is no longer happening. I suggest incorporating suggested copy updates for the Special:Impact page into T322890 where there are still strings such as removing second person language ("your edits" etc) as much as possible still to be updated. What do you think about closing this and working on the copy task instead, @KStoller-WMF?

Sounds good.
Honestly now that T323253 is fixed, I'm comfortable with the current wording.
@Trizek-WMF you should feel free to follow up in T322890 if you think further copy changes are needed.

Note 1
Project 3