In T269093 we deployed an A/B test that compares the old location of language switching versus the new for logged in users on the pilot wikis for the desktop improvements project.
Analysis Criteria
Which group has a higher rate of language switching?
How frequently do users open the list but not switch to a language?
Have any other interesting trends emerged?
Background Details
AB Instrumentation Details
Deployment Dates:
AB Start Dates:
June 22nd: frwiktionary, hewiki, ptwikiversity, frwiki, euwiki, ptwiki, kowiki, trwiki, srwiki, bnwiki, dewikivoyage, vecwiki
June 28th: fawiki
AB Test End Date:
July 20th : All test wikis
- language link clicks
There was an average 44.57% decrease in total clicks on language links by logged-in users on the early adopter wikis in treatment group compared with control group. The decrease is contradicted with our hypothesis. It might be due to the lags in new feature adoption. Further investigation may be needed to identify possible reasons for this decrease. R&D is double checking the instrumentation now (
- input language link clicks
There was an average 134.75% increase in total clicks on input language links by logged-in users on the early adopter wikis in treatment group (with deployment of the new language feature). The average is driven upwards mainly by wikis with low activities.
The activities of input language switch is low cross wikis, too less to statistically model the impact.
- interface language click clicks
There was an average 36.9% decrease1 in total clicks on interface language links by logged-in users on the early adopter wikis in treatment group (with deployment of the new language feature). The average is driven downwards mainly by wikis with low activities.
The activities of interface language switch is low cross wikis, too less to statistically model the impact.
- How frequently do users open the list but not switch to a language?
In average1, 30.9% of new button clicks do not lead to the next step: switch to a language. If exclude two low activity wikis, German Wikivoyage and Portuguese Wikiversity, the average non-switch rate is 35.4%.
Report is posted at