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keyboard shortcut for random page doesn't work if the random page link is removed from the sidebar
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


The keyboard shortcut to view a random page (Alt+x / Alt+Shift+x by default on Windows) only works if the sidebar has the link to view a random page. I assume this also happens for other sidebar links and their respective keyboard shortcuts (e.g. recent changes and Alt+r / Alt+Shift+r), but have never had cause/opportunity to test.

Event Timeline

Dinoguy1000 renamed this task from keyboard shortcut for random page (and probably other sidebar mainstays) doesn't work if the random page link is removed from the sidebar to keyboard shortcut for random page doesn't work if the random page link is removed from the sidebar.Feb 11 2024, 2:26 AM
Dinoguy1000 updated the task description. (Show Details)
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