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[Request] Support Data Platform Engineering with data usage interviews
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Please provide all the following information:

  • Context. Provide a short paragraph with some background context for your request, please include links to relevant material.

There is a Data Strategy Planning offsite planned for mid-November 2024. Members of the Data Platform Engineering team would like to conduct a series of interviews across the foundation to understand how data is used and then use this information to take to the offsite to help inform our data strategy.

  • Description.What is your request about?

On July 29th @lbowmaker, @VirginiaPoundstone, @Ottomata, @Milimetric and @dchen met to discuss our approach to conducting interviews across the foundation on how data is used. We reviewed a list of questions, discussed generally our approach and what would help us achieve our goal. It was felt that members of the DPE could conduct the interviews objectively but it would be very beneficial if someone who is not part of our team could objectively look at the results to find common themes and threads. We felt if we did this we may be biased towards certain areas that we see as high priority problems.

Link to meeting notes with design research
Link to draft questions in interview notes doc
Data Platform Strategy Kickoff doc

  • Expected Deliverable. What is the ideal outcome or result of your request?
  • Review and comment on our list of proposed questions (currently being done)
  • When results are ready, synthesize them and provide an output report of general themes
  • Estimated Effort. Please provide an estimate of the amount of work needed to complete this task, if known.

Not known.

  • Priority Please indicate a priority of your task and a small description of what it would unlock for you. We ask you to leave this task as “needs triage” since your request will go through a Backlog refinement process where our team will prioritize the work.

Based on the timelines described below it will help us to have an unbiased view of data usage issues across the foundation.

  • I need this task resolved in:

The planning meetings are scheduled for mid-November. Would it be reasonable to conclude our interviews in early October and have this work done by early November?

  • Other. Do you have any other questions or comments ?


For use by WMF Research team; please leave everything below as it is:

  1. Does the request serve one of the existing Research team's audiences? If yes, choose the primary audience. (1 of 4)
  2. What is the type of work requested?
  3. What is the impact of responding to this request?
    • Support a technology or policy need of one or more WM projects
    • Advance the understanding of the WM projects.
    • Something else. If you choose this option, please explain briefly the impact below.

Event Timeline

Yay a phab task!

@dchen I moved the draft interview questions to the interview doc to make it easier to collaborate.

I've updated the link in the task description too.

Hi all. Thank you for submitting this request. I reviewed it and discussed with Daisy. We have a large backlog of work for Design Research to support OKRs and very limited time available. Daisy and I agreed that she offers some guidance to you when she's back from her sabbatical in early October and you can use the guidance the analyze the data you gather from the interviews. She may also do some of this work in the coming couple of weeks before her sabbatical.

I would like to go ahead and decline this request given that @dchen will be able to offer the guidance as part of her consulting time and we don't need to track it here. Feel free to reopen the task if you have follow-ups or you want to keep it and move it to another board.

Idea 1
idea 1
Note 3
Project 3