Hello, I am temporary administraor @ Buryat Wikipedia (bxr.wikipedia.org) Soul Train. I see that after the years almost all the Progect name-spaces are still in English Wikipedia. Here is the translation of name-spaces in Buryat languge done by native speakers. Fist of all we can be sure in the quality of these translation because of user http://translatewiki.net/wiki/User:Bjargal - current, but inactive bxr.wikipedia sysop (Jargal). That is all that I can give in this request. No other discussions I can find. Buryat Wikipedia is very small project with small Community. I don't know Buryat language, so we have to trust in Jargal's translation (he teaches mongolic languages and mongolistics at the Buryad State University). And these translations are better that nothing.
So, I request to fix next name-spaces in bxr.wikipedia.org:
Media → Меди
Special → Тусхай
Talk → Хэлэлсэхэ
User → Хэрэглэгшэ
User_talk → Хэрэглэгшые_хэлэлсэхэ
$1_talk → $1_тухай_хэлэлсэхэ
File → Файл
File_talk → Файл_хэлэлсэхэ
MediaWiki → Викимеди
MediaWiki_talk → Викимеди_хэлэлсэхэ
Template → Загбар
Template_talk → Загбар_хэлэлсэхэ
Help → Туһаламжа
Help_talk → Туһаламжа_хэлэлсэл
Category → Категори
Category_talk → Категори_хэлэлсэхэ
Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement
URL: https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Thread:Support/bxr.wikipedia
See Also: