Note: The resolution for PAL is typically listed as 720x576, which is the 1.067 aspect pixel ratio. The square APR for PAL is 768x576.
Similarly, the resolution for NTSC is typically listed as 720x480; of which the first and last 8 columns are "overscan" to avoid analog transients, and not normally visible. "Square-pixel" NTUC would be 640x480.
NTSC and PAL screens are both approximately 4:3.
OpisVideo Standards.svg
Comparison between MOST known Video Resolutions including relevant Aspect Ratio Lines. Made for use on Computer Video Standards page.
This is an SVG, though the drop shadows do not work with Firefox <=2.0 they do work in other browsers (namely IE with the Adobe plug-in) and it degrades nicely in those that they don't work in. The filters that are used to implement the drop shadows are however supported in the Trunk source of Firefox.
Also, I've reverted the licensing to the license specified in the original graphic.
The "original" is an Adobe Illustrator file that I'm happy to cough up on request.
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{{Information |Description= Comparison between MOST known Video Resolutions including relevant Aspect Ratio Lines. Made for use on Computer Video Standards page. This is an SVG, though the drop shadows do not work with Firefox <=2.0 they do work in other