Konferencja Wikimedia Polska 2010/Sprawy organizacyjne/en

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Wikimedia Polska Conference 2010
March 27th-28th, 2010
Wikimedia Polska Conference 2010
March 27th-28th, 2010


Nominations for the awards presented during the Conference


Every active editor of Wikimedia projects may submit a candidate for the award. More information here (in Polish).

Financial help


If you can't afford to travel to Warsaw or to pay the conference fees (see below), but you would like to join the Conference anyway, please contact us beforehand: konferencja@wikimedia.pl



Hostel Helvetia, ul. Sewerynów 7, 00-924 Warszawa.

Accomodations at editors' homes


If you can invite someone to stay at your home during the Conference, please write about it here.



If you can share your car with someone on your way to the Conference, please write here where will you be travelling from and how many places are available. If you are looking for a companion in train, you can also place a note here.

Breakfasts will be provided for people accomodated in the hostel. Tea and coffee will be served during the conference. Lunches (served during breaks in proceedings) will be provided for people accomodated in the hostel and those who will have paid the conference fee of 25 zł (for lunches on Saturday and Sunday).

Participation in the Conference is free of charge.

Accomodation fee (2 stays at the hostel + full board meals) is 50 zł per person.

Lunches fee (for those not using conference accomodation) is 25 zł per person (for two lunches).

The final deadline for payment registration at our account is March 19th, 2010.

Please transfer the money to this account:

26 1050 1214 1000 0023 4432 0763
Stowarzyszenie Wikimedia Polska
ul. Mazowiecka 59
92-221 Łódź
in the transfer description please write: Conference fee Wikimedia Polska 2010

If your bank is outside Poland:

IBAN: PL 26 1050 1214 1000 0023 4432 0763



Please use this page's talk page to ask any question you may have. You may also write to us at konferencja@wikimedia.pl

Note 1
Project 1