Local Genetic Diversity in Different Regions and Groups
(A) Current land use, current and paleoclimate for relicts and non-relicts. Relicts are purple (∗∗p < 0.01; ∗∗∗p < 0.001). Horizontal lines indicate median, boxes include second and third quartiles, and whiskers indicate 1.5 times the inter-quartile-range.
(B) The geographic distribution of average pairwise distance (π) and Tajima’s D. Sizes of the green circles indicate regional π (range from 0.002 [USA] to 0.006 [Iberian Peninsula]). Dotted circles indicate the global value, 0.006. Size of purple circles represent the regional values of Tajima’s D (range from −1.01 [Northern Sweden] to −2.08 [USA], global value −2.04). Blue dots indicate sampling sites.
(C) Regional diversity as a function of latitude or longitude.
(D) Rank ordered distribution of non-private variants in each accession by ADMIXTURE group, offset to show density.
See also Figure S6.