GasStation |
Built environment |
Number of gas stations in each U.S. census block group |
VacLot |
Built environment |
Number of vacant lots in each U.S. census block group |
VacBldg |
Built environment |
Number of vacant buildings in each U.S. census block group |
ParkingLot |
Built environment |
Number of parking lots in each U.S. census block group |
AlleyDen |
Built environment |
Alley density |
ParkArea |
Built environment |
Area of park propertied in each U.S. census block group |
HighSch |
Built environment |
Number of high schools in each U.S. census block group |
POccupyHouse |
Built environment |
% of house occupancy |
POwner |
Built environment |
% of house ownership |
PRenter |
Built environment |
% of house rent |
Built environment |
Total land area (not include park or conservation area) |
D3b |
Built environment |
Street intersection density |
D3bmm3 |
Built environment |
Auto- and pedestrian-oriented intersection (three legs) density |
D1A |
Built environment |
Gross residential density |
D1C5_Ret10 |
Built environment |
Gross retail employment density |
D1D |
Built environment |
Gross activity density (employment and house units) |
Built environment |
Employment and household entropy |
TotPop |
Sociodemographic |
Total population in each U.S. census block group |
TotHH |
Sociodemographic |
Total households in each U.S. census block group |
PMale |
Sociodemographic |
Percentage of male population |
PFemale |
Sociodemographic |
Percentage of female |
PWhite |
Sociodemographic |
% of population selecting race as white American alone |
PBlack |
Sociodemographic |
% of population selecting race as black/African American alone |
Pasian |
Sociodemographic |
% of population selecting race as Asian American alone |
Phispanic |
Sociodemographic |
% of population selecting race as Hispanic/Latino American alone |
PBachelorHigher |
Sociodemographic |
% of population with college level degree |
MedianHHIncome |
Sociodemographic |
Median household income |
PPovertyHouse |
Sociodemographic |
% of household in poverty status |
PPovertyIndv |
Sociodemographic |
% of population in poverty status |
PEmploy |
Sociodemographic |
% of full time and part time employees |
Punemploy |
Sociodemographic |
% of unemployment |
PFulltimeEmploy |
Sociodemographic |
% of full-time employment among all employment |
PParttimeEmploy |
Sociodemographic |
% of part-time employment among all employment |
Sociodemographic |
% of population that is working aged |
Sociodemographic |
% of zero-car households |
Sociodemographic |
% of two-plus-car households |
Sociodemographic |
Number of high wage workers |
Sociodemographic |
% low wage workers |
E8_RET10 |
Sociodemographic |
Retail jobs |
E8_OFF10 |
Sociodemographic |
Office jobs |
HS_t_1 |
Spatial and temporal lag variables |
Time-lagged variable (whether this BG belonged to a hotspot at t-1 period) |
nb_t_1 |
Spatial and temporal lag variables |
Spatiotemporally lagged variable (number of neighboring BGs belonged to a hotspot at t-1 period) |
trend |
Spatial and temporal lag variables |
Trend variable (increase or decrease in the number of neighboring block groups that belonged to a hotspot at t-1 period) |