Throughout the series of Power Rangers, the Rangers have received special enhancements to their powers, allowing them to be able to defeat new foes that have also gotten stronger. There are currently 18 enhancement modes in Power Rangers.
In the New Saban Era, there are Ranger teams with modes used as pilot suits in zords with cockpits. For these see Cockpit Modes.
Super Sentai
While not actual Battlizers, Super Sentai did come up with several ranger upgrades prior to Power Rangers; there was DynaBlack's Battle Tector Armor and Chikyu Sentai Fiveman's Five Tector Armor. There was also the Mega Tector Armors which appeared in Denji Sentai Megaranger vs. Carranger; however, they didn't appear in Power Rangers in Space. In Seiju Sentai Gingaman, GingaRed's motorcycle the Mobile Steed Galeo Pulsar which is accessible by their Ginga Lights upgrades (though it also removes them while it is in use), but in Lost Galaxy this was not included, instead it's counterpart the Capsular Cycle was created from the Red Astro Cycle, a Power Rangers-original item. In Mahou Sentai Magiranger there was a upgraded version of the Green Muscles (Mystic Muscles) called the Rock Armor only accessed while in Legend Mode which never appeared in Power Rangers: Mystic Force. Upgrades that were used in their respective Power Rangers series include Dragon Armor (Dragon Shield), Ginga Lights (Lights of Orion), Fire Mode (Super Samurai Mode), Abare Mode (Super Dino Mode), AbareMax (Triassic Ranger), S.W.A.T. Mode, Green Muscles (Mystic Muscles), Legend Mode, and the Acceltector (Defender Vest).
Mighty Morphin Modes
Dragon Shield
The Dragon Shield is used by Tommy Oliver, Jason Lee Scott, Zack Taylor, and J.J. Oliver.
- Stats:
- Gold chest shield
- Protection against injury and magical spells
- Activation:
- "Dragonzord Power!"
- "I summon the power of the Dragon Shield!"
- Dragon Dagger
- Ability to summon Dragonzord
- Tommy was the first to use this as it came with his Green Ranger powers, though he could temporarily transfer the shield to other Rangers when needed.[1] After Tommy lost his powers as the Green Ranger, he gave his coin to Jason, which gave him more power than before using the Dragon Shield, and enabled the Rangers to control the Dragonzord using the Dragon Dagger weapon. Tommy then got his powers back a short time later.
- As the primary user, Tommy has two golden forearm bands in addition to the shield, as well as the Dragon Dagger. When he temporarily transfers the shield to other Rangers, they gain the shield only, and he keeps the arm bands and Dragon Dagger. When Jason permanently took the Green Ranger powers and called for them, he received the shield, both arm bands, the Dragon Dagger, and a color change of his morpher from its normal gray hue to a gold tint.
Ninja Ranger Mode
Ninja Ranger Mode is used by Tommy Oliver, Billy Cranston, Rocky DeSantos, Adam Park, Aisha Campbell, Kimberly Ann Hart and later Katherine Hillard.
- Stats:
- Ninja suit
- Activation
- Ninja Ranger Power Now!
With new coins came new powers. With the increased strength of the Tenga Warriors in comparison to the Putty Patrollers, the Rangers required a form stronger than their civilian forms could provide. Their new Ninja powers granted them powers that lied intermediate to their morphed and unmorphed forms, in which they would appear in ninja robes that corresponded to their color. Aside from the basic enhancements to strength, speed, stamina, and agility, this set of powers also granted them ninja-like abilities, such as super-speed, the ability to walk through solid objects, and the ability to create illusions. This form was activated without their Morphers, and with the phrase, Ninja Ranger Power Now!
Battle Mode
Battle Mode is used by Ninjor.
- Stats:
- Samurai-styled armor.
- Fireball Projection
- Activation: Ninjor Battle Mode, Now!
- Whenever monster fights are taken to Zord level, Ninjor is able to grow to the size of a Megazord and enter this mode in order to help the rangers take the giant monster down.
Metallic Armor
The Metallic Armor is used by Tommy Oliver, Kat Hillard, Adam Park, Rocky DeSantos, Aisha Campbell, and Billy Cranston.
- Stats:
- Enhanced speed
- Enhanced strength
- Resistance to injury and magical spells
- Suit gains a coat of glitter and becomes shinier.
- Activation: "Metallic Armor, Power Up!"
- The Metallic Armor is special armor created for battling the new-and-improved Tenga Warriors. The power comes directly from the Morphing Grid and the armor cannot be used outside the Earth's atmosphere. It enhances the Rangers' speed, strength & resistance to injury or magic spells. It was given to the Rangers by Zordon after Master Vile had powered up the Tengas.
Lost Galaxy Modes
Lights of Orion
The Lights of Orion are used by the Galaxy Power Rangers.
- Stats:
- Upgraded Quasar Sabers
- Upgraded Quasar Launchers
- Orion Claw on left hand
- Green gem arm band on left arm
- Gold trim around boots and gloves
- Upgraded belt buckle
- Activation:
- "Lights of Orion, Activate!"
- These Powers were given to the rangers after showing that they would destroy the lights rather than to allow them to fall into evil hands. They first used these new amazing powers against Destruxo. By calling "Lights of Orion, Power-Up Mode", the five Rangers merge into a flaming ball of light which pierces the foe, most often destroying them. The Lights of Orion would give the team special golden armor that encased not only the Rangers, but upgraded their Quasar Sabers as well as the Galaxy Megazord on occasion. However, the Lights of Orion couldn't be summoned unless all five Rangers were present, with the sole exception of the Red Ranger who gained the ability to summon his upgrade on his own when using his Battlizer.
- The Lightspeed Rescue Omega Megazord was at one point powered-up with the Lights of Orion.
Ninja Storm Modes
Super Samurai Mode (Ninja Storm)
Super Samurai Mode is used by Cam Watanabe, the Green Samurai Ranger.
- Stats:
- Rotated visor
- Shed shield
- Increased strength
- Activation:
- "Super Samurai Mode!"
- Super Samurai Mode was used by Cam. This mode automatically came with his Morpher; he didn't have to unlock it. In this mode, he appears to use a sword better than usual. This mode also increases his speed and strength, more than that of the average ninja (probably related to the removal of an overweight chestplate, weighted clothing enhancing strength and reflexes being a cliché in Japanese series).
Dino Thunder Modes
Super Dino Mode
Super Dino Mode is used by Conner McKnight, Kira Ford, Ethan James, Tommy Oliver, and Trent Fernandez.
- Stats:
- Spiked armor projecting from patterns on Ranger suit
- Wings (Yellow Ranger only)
- Spikes in hands (White Ranger only)
- Spikes on shoulders (White Ranger only)
- Increased strength
- Activation:
- "Super Dino Mode!"
- Super Dino Mode is an ability all five Dino Rangers eventually utilize. By drawing energy from their Dino Gems, they go through an almost feral transformation. Their helmets roar, the patterns on their suits transform into spiked armor, and their strength increases greatly. Kira is also granted a pair of wings in this state. The White Ranger Clone could also access this ability.
Triassic Ranger
The Triassic Ranger is a power-up mode used by Conner McKnight, the Red Dino Ranger, formed by the Blue and Yellow Rangers (Kira and Ethan) giving their power to him temporarily. He was eventually able to use this without borrowing other Ranger's powers.
- Stats:
- Suit color changes from red and white to red with gold, yellow, and blue accents
- Gold embroider added to the helmet
- Gold shoulder pads
- Sufficient physical strength to throw giant-sized monsters (with one hand)
- Activation:
- Activating the Shield of Triumph "Triassic Power, engage!"
- As Triassic Ranger, Conner can use the Shield of Triumph to transport him and his enemies to his "Triassic Dimension" where he has the advantage against his opponents. Conner can also battle enemies in outer space using the shield.
S.P.D. Modes
S.W.A.T. Mode
S.W.A.T. Mode is used by the B-Squad Rangers.
- Stats:
- Thermal and night visions, interscope and communication device added to helmet
- Torso armor containing the Delta Morpher and their assigned numbers
- Elbow and knee pads
- Delta Enforcer (shotgun-like) weapons
- Activation:
- "S.P.D. S.W.A.T. Mode!"
- Special Weapons And Tactics - This technology, created by Kat and stolen by Piggy's friends, was rebuilt and given to the B-Squad Rangers once they learned to work together. Once the Rangers completed their training with Sergeant Silverback, the Morphers were integrated with the S.W.A.T. technology. The S.W.A.T. Mode gives each Ranger a heavy flak jacket-like black upper armor, headset microphones, and most importantly, their Delta Enforcer weapons. Going into S.W.A.T. Mode is the only way to access the S.W.A.T. Flyers to activate the S.W.A.T. Megazord. S.W.A.T. has many other valuable functions, including both thermal and night visions built into their helmets.
- S.W.A.T. mode armaments are roughly equivalent to the standard equipment of A-Squad Rangers.
S.P.D. Red upgrade
As of Power Rangers: Soul of the Dragon, Bridge Carson's Red Ranger suit is given an upgrade.
Mystic Force Modes
Mystic Muscles
The Mystic Muscles are used by Xander Bly on two occasions. According to Super Sentai continuity that the Green Mystic Ranger could access an upgraded form of the Mystic Muscles while in Legend Mode it was called the Rock Armor although the footage for this upgrade was never used in Power Rangers.
- Stats:
- Hulk-like muscles
- Enhanced strength
- Activation:
- Dialing 10 "Mystic Muscles!" (Galwit Neramax)
Legend Mode
Legend Mode is used by the core Mystic Rangers.
- Stats:
- Helmet extensions
- Mystic Lion Staffs
- White additions on gloves, boots, and chest with gold trim
- Gem on the Armor
- Loss of capes
- Activation:
- Dialing 120 "Legendary Source, Mystic Force!" (Galwit Mysto Neramax)
- Legend Mode is a power-up for the five core Rangers given to them by the Tribunal of Magic, after they learned that the easy way is not always the best way. This enables them to transform from Rangers into the Legend Warriors with a call of "Legendary Source, Mystic Force!". Included are extra armor and the Mystic Lion Staffs. The Rangers lose their capes in this form and also gain small helmet attachments modeled after their visors (Nick and Chip have wings protruding from the sides of their helmets, Madison has a fin on the top of her helmet, Vida has wing-like ridges, and Xander has horns that sweep backwards)
- While in Legend Mode, they have access to the "Legendary Mystic Titan" spells, transforming Nick into the Mystic Firebird and Vida, Xander, Madison, and Chip into the Mystic Lion.
- This is the first, and so far only team power up which the rangers can access directly from their civilian forms, rather than having to morph into their standard Ranger forms first, although this has occurred in Power Rangers S.P.D. on one occasion.
- Although it is shown by Noah in Super Megaforce Episode 3 that the Mega Rangers can access their Super Mega Modes from their civilian form.
Ancient Mystic Mode
Ancient Mystic Mode is used by Clare, Niella, Imperious, Daggeron, and Leanbow.
- Stats:
- Resistance to injury and magical spells
- Ancient Titan-like appearance
- Activation:
- "Ancient Mystic Mode!"
- Clare has an Ancient Mystic Mode as the Gatekeeper, dubbed the Shining Moon Warrior. This form appears as a woman in an Arabian-style dress that resembles a bell. Niella had this form when she was alive.
- Calindor had an Ancient Mystic Mode where he assumed the form of a creature with many lightning bolt-like extensions and two lightning bolt-like wings. When he became a master of dark magic, his face mask is removed to reveal a fanged mouth.
- During Daggeron's morphing sequence, the viewer is given a brief glimpse of his Ancient Mystic Mode that represents the sun (as his powers as the Solaris Knight are derived from the sun). This form appears as a golden being with various wing-like appendages. He was shown in this form during a flashback to the Great Battle. He is also capable of using it in the present.
- Leanbow has an Ancient Mystic Mode, a red and purple-colored fiery demon-like form; similar to Koragg, he uses a sword and shield as his weapons.
- The "Spirits of the Ancient Titans" that appear when the Rangers morph/use the Titan Megazord's finisher later on in the season are the Titans that grant the Rangers their powers.
Operation Overdrive Modes
Defender Vest
The Defender Vest can be used by any Ranger. However, because there is only one, it can only be used by one Ranger at a time. Out of all the Overdrive Rangers, only Mack, Will and Dax have used it in the show.
- Stats:
- Resistance to injury and recoil from the Drill Blaster.
- Activation:
- "Defender Vest!"
- During its testing by Mack Hartford and Ronny Robinson, the new Drill Blaster weapon was too powerful. Andrew created a shield to protect the Rangers from the subsequent recoil caused by the weapon. In order for this new shield to work, a dragon's scale was required. Andrew had contacted Toby in Briarwood; Toby told him about Fire Heart and sold a scale from the dragon to him. While the scale was being transported, Moltor and Volcon ambushed the truck driver. The Rangers fought Moltor and Volcon only for the both of them to get away. Later on, they found the scale inside a factory Moltor was using in an attempt to make Volcon a Powerful Dragon. Their plot was foiled by the DriveMax Megazord Mixer Formation, as well as by the Rangers managing to recover the scale before escaping the factory. After the Megazord battle, the Rangers confronted Moltor and Volcon. Ronny called for the vest, and then handed both the scale and shield to Mack, who then inserted the scale into the underside of the shield. He yelled out "Defender Vest!" and held the shield to his chest, causing the full armor to form. Then he wielded the Drill Blaster in Mixer Mode (inspired by the Cement Driver) and fired at Volcon, which incased the monster in cement. Mack then switched the weapon to Drill Mode (inspired by the Drill Driver), and as the other Rangers gathered around him, he fired the weapon and destroyed Volcon. In Face to Face I and II both Dax and Will used the Defender Vest and Drill Blaster against Bullox. In Once A Ranger II, Adam Park had used the Defender Vest in his battle against Thrax for protection (which was overpowered by the villain).
Jungle Fury Modes
Jungle Master Mode
Jungle Master Mode is used by the three main Rangers.
- Stats:
- Helmet Modification
- Claw Boosters
- Suit changes to primarily white
- Enhanced Strength
- Jets added
- Neck turns from white to black
- Activation:
- "Jungle Master Mode!"
- When RJ was captured by Jarrod, Casey, Theo, and Lily travel to the dimension of spirits to train with the masters that live there. There they faced their greatest fears, they where sent back to earth to face Jarrod and his guards again. They soon find that they are still no match for Jarrod, Casey stands tall and summons the power within him. Then the Claw Booster appears and Casey activates his Jungle Master Mode, then Lily and Theo do soon after. They rechallenge Jarrod and his guard and they defeat them easily. When two guard grow and Jarrod leaves, The Rangers summon their new Jungle Master Zords and defeat the white guard, whose power is absorbed by the blue. To fight the enhanced guard, the rangers combine to create the Jungle Master Megazord and defeat the guard.
Phantom Beast Mode
Phantom Beast Mode is used by Dai Shi while he possessed Jarrod and Camille while she was evil.
- Stats:
- Rinzin Power
- New armor reflecting their Phantom Beast Animal Spirits.
- Activation:
- Jarrod and Camille summon their Animal Spirits to form armor, just as when enter their regular armored forms.
- When the Phantom Beast Generals joined their power with Dai Shi, he became the Phantom Beast King and was granted the spirit of the gryphon. After words, he demanded that the generals give Camille Rinzin Power, making her a Phantom Beast General as well with the Spirit of the Phoenix.
Samurai and Super Samurai Modes
Unlike previous seasons, Samurai and Super Samurai has not one power-up mode, but six. However, only two out of the six forms are enhancement modes used for ground battles, with the rest serving as pilot suits.
Super Samurai Mode (Samurai)
Super Samurai Mode is used by the Samurai Rangers to boost their power in battle to slay powerful Nighlok. It can only be used by one ranger at a time.
- Stats:
- Long white two-tailed cloak with the Black Box symbol adorned on the back.
- Only one Ranger can be in Super Samurai Mode at a time as there is only one Black Box. However, in Tensou Sentai Goseiger vs. Shinkenger: Epic on Ginmaku, this limit was bypassed by the use of special Gosei Cards.
- Activation:
- The Rangers place the Super Power Disc into the Black Box, then press the button on top of it. "Super Samurai Mode!" or "Super Mode".
- The Gold Ranger never used Super Samurai Mode. The Black Box can't connect to his Barracuda Blade, or his Lightzord weapon, thus making it impractical. Although his counterpart was given a Super Samurai Mode in Goseiger vs. Shinkenger, it was through the use of a special Gosei Card.
Shark Attack Mode
Shark Attack Mode is used by the Samurai Rangers when things get desperate. The main user of this form is Jayden, but others have used it occasionally. Because of its simple activation, any Ranger with a sword can use it. This included the Gold Ranger in unused Shinkenger footage and even Ranger Operator Series Red.
- Stats:
- Long two-tailed cloak similar to Super Mode, but it is primarily red and is adorned with the symbol of the Samurai team. Scott Truman was shown using this in Clash of the Red Rangers - The Movie.
- Only one Ranger can be in Shark Attack Mode at a time.
- Activation:
- Place the Shark Attack Disc onto a sword, then spin the Disc. "Shark Attack Mode!". The sword will either morph into the Shark Sword or gain its powers.
Cockpit Modes
The Samurai Team has pilot suits called Mega Mode only used in cockpits.
Megaforce and Super Megaforce Modes
Ultra Mode
Ultra Mode is the powered up form to the Mega Rangers. The Rangers achieve this form after retrieving the Wild Sword. The morphing call is "Megaforce Ultra Mode, Activate!" To morph, the Rangers use Power Cards that says "Miracle Gosei Power". The Morpher calls out "Summon Zords" and the Ultra Zords appears. With its power, the Ultra Zords summon the Ultra Sword. The Rangers say "Megaforce Ultra Mode, Activate!" and put it in the dome on top, initiating the morphing, the morpher than calls out "Ultra Mode Morph". Once the transformation is complete, the Rangers shout "Ultra Mode, Ready!". Also new is the Rangers' roll call, which the Rangers gain their own elements.
Super Mega Mode (Super Megaforce)
Super Mega Mode is the secondary powered up form to the Mega Rangers in Super Megaforce. Coincidentally, its name is the exact same as one of the Megazord Mega Modes in Super Samurai. While this acts as a second layer to the base modes, they are also separate Ranger powers and can be accessed directly.
- Used by Troy Burrows, Emma Goodall, Jake Holling, Gia Moran, and Noah Carver
- Activation: It is activated by inserting a ranger key into the Legendary Morpher with the activation call of "Super Mega Mode!". During the Super Mega Mode morph sequence they say "Super Megaforce, Ready!".
- Stats:
- Can access Legendary Mode, allowing to morph into any of the past rangers that have preceded them using the Legendary Ranger Keys.
- New Weapons:
- Enhanced Strength, Reflexes, Agility, and Durability. [2]
- Complete New Suit Design and New Team Symbol/Logo
Dino Charge and Dino Super Charge Modes
Dino Steel
Dino Steel was developed by Keeper and Kendall as an enhancement to the Dino Charge Rangers' ranger forms.
- Activation: To activate Dino Steel, the Rangers insert their respective color Dino Charger in their morphers. They then flip the mouth open and then close it again before sliding the barrel across their right arms. They shout out "Dino Steel! Armor On!".
- Stats:
- Added layer of protection.
- Individual weapons not originally accessible in their default forms.
Dino Steel Weapons
Armor X
Armor X was developed by Kendall as an enhancement to the Dino Charge Rangers' ranger forms to add weaponry and enhance movement. However, it only works with the Red and Black Energems as of now. Using it with any other charger or Energem causes an explosive blowback. It malfunctions if the Ranger using it has a guilty conscience.
- Stats:
- Armor stranger than regular Dino Steel on both arms
- Claw weapons similar to the Dino Steel weapons but themed after the Deinosuchus
- Spiral Attack in which the Ranger flies forward while spinning rapidly to drill through _targets
- Activation: To activate Dino Armor X, Tyler and Chase insert their Dino Armor X Charger into their morpher with the shout of Dino Armor X Charger, ready! and after the transformation, they shouted Armor X, ready!.
Cockpit Modes
The Dino Charge Team has pilot suits called Dino Drive Mode only used in cockpits. They also upgraded them to Super Dino Drive.
Ninja Steel and Super Ninja Steel Modes
Super Star
This is a powerup used only by the Ninja Steel Gold Ranger. Activating it requires the Superstar Blade.
- Stats:
- Enhanced strength and speed
- More powerful attacks
- Activation: To activate Superstar Mode, Levi spins the Superstar Mode Power Star in the Superstar Blade.
Cockpit Modes
The Ninja Steel Team has pilot suits called Ninja Master Mode only used in cockpits. After recreating their arsenal with Ninja Super Steel, they upgraded to using Ninja Super Steel Mode.
Beast Morphers Modes
Beast-X Mode
The Beast Morphers Rangers can turn the Beast Bots into battle armor
- Stats:
- Chest armor resembling the Beast Bots
- Silver armor on arms and legs
- More powerful attacks
- Individualized attacks for each Ranger
- The Red Ranger can move fast enough to vanish and reappear
- The Blue Ranger can materialize a boulder or a metal beam by touching a flat surface and pulling out
- The Yellow Ranger can create energy platforms to bounce off of
- Activation: To activate Beast-X Mode, the Rangers put Beast-X Visors on the side of their morphers, then put Morph-X Keys with the likeness of the Beast Bots in the front of the morphers.
Robo-Roxy Upgrades
Robo-Roxy can upgrade herself using data from the Rangers' stolen DNA scanner by getting in Scrozzle's regeneration machine with the data.
Dino Fury Modes
Boost Arms
Stink Boost
Gravi Boost
Hyper Boost
Sonic Boost
Hover Boost
Fix-It Boost
Sprint Boost
Shield Boost
Elasto Boost
Muscle Boost
Flare Boost
Slick Boost
Balloon Boost
Spin Boost
Mist Boost
Vision Boost
Invisi Boost
Battle Armors
Blazing Battle Armor
Electro Battle Armor
Shadow Battle Armor
Cosmic Battle Armor
Light Battle Armor
Smash Battle Armor
Freeze Battle Armor
Dino Master Mode
Ranger Keys
Legendary Ranger Devices
- Power Rangers Dino Charge treats "Dino Steel" differently from its counterpart in Kyoryuger, the "Armed On" mode. In Kyoryuger, the Armed On mode is simply to access weapons and comes as default accessible to the Kyoryugers. However, in Dino Charge, it was developed as an Enhancement Mode instead. Furthermore Kendall developed Armor X (the counterpart to Deinosgrander) separately as well, in addition to Megazord-only modes not seen in Kyoryuger, which are Dino Drive and Dino Super Drive.
- While not technically a new mode, the Ninja Steel Rangers' powers and gear are greatly enhanced by the use of Ninja Super Steel for forging Power Stars. However, their suits remain the same as normal and they retain their arsenal, despite getting a few new weapons Zords.
See Also
- Super Rangers - the Sentai equivalent, cataloged by ranger, using the official Sentai umbrella term
- Battlizer - Special Power Up designed for Red Rangers only, from the 6th season up until the 19th season. Starting from the 23rd season to the 29rd season, Battlizers were adapted from Super Sentai.
- Cockpit Modes - Power Up used by Rangers while inside their cockpits.
- ↑ Tommy temporarily transferred his shield to Jason in "Gung Ho" and permanently when he lost his powers in "The Green Candle, Part II", and to Zack in "An Oyster Stew".
- ↑ Super Megaforce (episode)