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Table 2

Sleep Environment and Bedtime Routine

TD cohortASD cohortP Value
n = 40n = 59
Home Environment 0.14
    Apartment2 (5)3 (5.1)
    Row house2 (5)11 (18.6)
    Unattached house36 (90)45 (76.3)
        No4 (10)17 (28.8)0.02
        Yes36 (90)42 (71.2)
    Child has own room
        No13 (32.5)15 (25.4)0.44
        Yes27 (67.5)44 (74.6)
    Falls asleep in parent's bed4 (10.0)4 (6.8 )0.65
Parent has concerns about child's sleep 0.001
    No35 (87.5)25 (42.4)
    Yes5 (12.5)34 (57.6)
Bedtime Routine0.89
    No3 (7.5)4 (6.8)
    Yes37 (92.5)55 (93.2)
Naps during week0.18
    No34 (85.0)55 (93.2)
    Yes 6 (15)4 (6.8)
Puts child to bed0.57
    Mother13 (32.5)22 (37.3)
    Father5 (12.5)11 (18.6)
    Both parents13 (32.5)18 (30.5)
    Self6 (15)7 (11.9)
    Other3 (7.5)1 (1.7)
Parent present when child is falling asleep0.71
    No31 (77.5)45 (76.3)
    Yes9 (22.5)14 (23.7)
        Weekday20:48 ± 4220:43 ± 55 0.68
        Weekend21:24 ± 5521:14 ± 610.42
    Wake time
        Weekday07:08 ± 3506:45 ± 460.01
        Weekend07:47 ± 6207:19 ± 74 0.05

Data are presented as number (%) or mean ± SD. TD refers to typically developing children; ASD, children with autism spectrum disorder.