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Table 2

Within- and across-age Spearman correlations between sleep measures

6 months
18 months
30 months
6M CNS0.36***0.26***
6M CDS0.13***0.20***0.12**
6M Sleep ratio−0.53***0.74***0.26***0.21***
18M CNS0.05−0.16***0.40***
18M CDS0.040.17***0.010.25***
18M Sleep ratio−0.21***0.13***−0.64***0.72***0.31***
30M CNS0.01−0.11**0.06−0.21***
30M CDS−0.020.08*−0.010.21***0.05
30M Sleep ratio−0.17***0.12**−0.23***0.18***−0.56***0.76***

Within-age correlations are in bold text. Across-age correlations within measures are shown above the diagonal.

CNS, consecutive nighttime sleep duration; CDS, consecutive daytime sleep duration.

Sleep ratio is the CDS divided by CNS.

*P <0.05,
**P < 0.01,
***P < 0.001.