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J Neurosci. 2006 Jan 11; 26(2): 722.
PMCID: PMC6674404


In the article “Organization of the Human Trichromatic Cone Mosaic,” by Heidi Hofer, Joseph Carroll, Jay Neitz, Maureen Neitz, and David R. Williams, which appeared on pages 9669-9679 of the October 1, 2005 issue, Figure 6 was duplicate of Figure 9. The correct versions of both figures with legends are printed here.

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Object name is zns0020613660006.jpg

Cumulative histogram comparison plots for the S-cone submosaic. The solid line is the fraction of inter-S-cone separations within a particular distance value for the actual mosaic versus that for the average of 100 random simulations. The dashed lines represent the maximum and minimum bounds of the random simulations. If the solid line lies entirely between the two dashed lines, then the arrangement of the S-cone submosaic is indistinguishable from random.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is zns0020613660009.jpg

Cumulative histogram comparison plots for the M-cone submosaic (L-cone submosaic for HS). The solid line is the fraction of intercone separations within a particular distance value for the actual mosaic versus that for the average of 100 random simulations. The dashed lines represent the maximum and minimum bounds of the random simulations. If the solid line lies entirely between the two dashed, lines then L- and M-cone arrangement is indistinguishable from random.

Articles from The Journal of Neuroscience are provided here courtesy of Society for Neuroscience

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