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Table 2

Pain characteristics of the 2 study groups (local myalgia vs. myofascial pain with referral)

Local myalgiaMyofascial pain with referralp
Temporal characteristics: In the last 30 days, which of the following best describes any pain in your jaw, temple, in the ear, or in front of the ear on either side?
 No pain5 (4.5%)2 (2.4%)0.772
 Pain comes and goes72 (64.9%)52 (63.4%)
 Pain is always present34 (30.6%)28 (34.1%)
Pain duration: How many months ago did your pain in the jaw, temple, in the ear, or in front of the ear first begin?
 (Mean ± SD)50.08 ± 73.0161.03 ± 93.930.217
 Median (IQR)18.00 (6.00–60.00)24.00 (11.50–72.00)
Report of headache: In the last 30 days, have you had any headaches that included the temple areas of your head?
 No53 (46.9%)21 (25.6%)0.002
 Yes60 (53.1%)61 (74.4%)
Headache duration: How many years or months ago did your temple headache first begin?
 (Mean ± SD)62.73 ± 77.5852.05 ± 98.930.295
 Median (IQR)27.00 (4.25–96.00)24.00 (3.00–60.00)
Characteristic Pain Intensity (CPI) (1–100)
 Mean ± SD)54.27 ± 23.0360.9 ± 21.74)0.033
 Median (IQR)53.33 (40.00–70.00)66.67 (43.33–80.00)
Pain persistence: On how many days in the last 6 months have you had facial pain?
  (Mean ± SD)80.16 ± 76.4484.51 ± 69.890.499
 Median (IQR)30.00 (13.25–180.00)60.00 (20.00–180.00)
Pain Persistence Score:
 Low (≤ 89 days)58 (60.4%)39 (53.4%)0.363
 High (≥ 90 days)38 (39.6%)34 (46.6%)

*Significant values are shown in bold