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J Appl Physiol (1985). 2022 Oct 1; 133(4): 1011–1018.
Published online 2022 Sep 1. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00388.2022
PMCID: PMC9550570
PMID: 36049058

Core temperature responses to compensable versus uncompensable heat stress in young adults (PSU HEAT Project)

Keywords: activities of daily living, climate change, core temperature, heat wave, temperature regulation


With global warming, much attention has been paid to the upper limits of human adaptability. However, the time to reach a generally accepted core temperature criterion (40.2°C) associated with heat-related illness above (uncompensable heat stress) and just below (compensable heat stress) the upper limits for heat balance remains unclear. Forty-eight (22 men/26 women; 23 ± 4 yr) subjects were exposed to progressive heat stress in an environmental chamber during minimal activity (MinAct, 159 ± 34 W) and light ambulation (LightAmb, 260 ± 55 W) in warm-humid (WH; ∼35°C, >60% RH) and hot-dry (HD; 43°C–48°C, <25% RH) environments until heat stress became uncompensable. For each condition, we compared heat storage (S) and the change in gastrointestinal temperature (ΔTgi) over time during compensable and uncompensable heat stress. In addition, we examined whether individual characteristics or seasonality were associated with the rate of increase in Tgi. During compensable heat stress, S was higher in HD than in WH environments (P < 0.05) resulting in a greater but more variable ΔTgi (P ≥ 0.06) for both metabolic rates. There were no differences among conditions during uncompensable heat stress (all P > 0.05). There was no influence of sex, aerobic fitness, or seasonality, but a larger body size was associated with a greater ΔTgi during LightAmb in WH (P = 0.003). The slopes of the Tgi response during compensable (WH: MinAct, 0.06, LightAmb, 0.09; HD: MinAct, 0.12, LightAmb, 0.15°C/h) and uncompensable (WH: MinAct, 0.74, LightAmb, 0.87; HD: MinAct, 0.71, LightAmb, 0.93°C/h) heat stress can be used to estimate the time to reach a _target core temperature from any given starting value.

NEW & NOTEWORTHY This study is the first to examine heat storage and the rate of change in core temperature above (uncompensable heat stress) and just below (compensable heat stress) critical environmental limits to human heat balance. Furthermore, we examine the influence of individual subject characteristics and seasonality on the change in core temperature in warm-humid versus hot-dry environments. We provide the rate of change in core temperature, enabling projections to be made to and from any hypothetical core temperature.


The frequency, duration, and severity of heat waves have increased globally over the past several decades (1). The continued warming of the climate and associated heat waves are projected to cause an increase in heat-related morbidity and mortality. For example, extreme heat events are associated with an increased risk in emergency department visits due to heat-related illness (2). Furthermore, in Europe, future climate projections based on Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 have predicted 30,867–45,930 excess heat-related deaths from 2036–2064 and 46,690–117,333 excess attributable deaths from 2071–2099, respectively (3). In addition, projections incorporating socioeconomic factors into climates represented by RCP4.5 and 8.5 simulations project 5,032–7,935 and 5,130–8,079 excess heat-related deaths, respectively, in Houston, Texas from 2061–2080 (4). However, many of these studies detailing future heat-related health risks are overly simplistic as it can be hard to incorporate population-wide adaptative measures to extreme heat or the complex physiological responses that humans experience during these events (5). It is imperative to identify the specific combinations of temperature and humidity that increase the risk of heat-related mortality and illness among various populations. Identifying those critical environmental thresholds can lead to the development of _targeted policy and safety interventions to mitigate future heat-related morbidity and mortality. That is the overarching goal of the PSU HEAT (Pennsylvania State University—Human Environmental Age Thresholds) project. To date, the PSU HEAT project has primarily focused on a heterogenous sample of young, healthy adults to establish a best-case baseline for comparative purposes with future data in vulnerable populations (6).

The specific combinations of temperature and humidity above which heat balance cannot be maintained, resulting in a continuous rise in body core temperature (Tc), are termed critical environmental limits (710). Environmental conditions just below the critical environmental limit are compensable and increases in Tc are minimal for a given metabolic rate; combinations of temperature and humidity above the critical environmental limit are uncompensable and Tc increases at a higher rate. As part of the PSU HEAT project, we previously published critical environmental limits in young, healthy adults at two low metabolic rates—those associated with activities of daily living (MinAct; ∼0.45 L/min V̇o2) and during light ambulation (LightAmb; ∼0.85 L/min V̇o2)—across a wide range of thermal environments (6). However, heat storage (S) and the rate of change in Tc above and below those critical limits, i.e., during compensable and uncompensable heat stress can provide important information regarding human thermoregulation, health, and safety during prolonged heat exposures in a variety of environments.

The primary aim of this investigation was to compare and contrast calculated S and the change in core (gastrointestinal) temperature (Tgi) over time (i.e., the slope of the Tgi response) during MinAct and LightAmb above and just below critical environmental limits in warm-humid (WH) versus hot-dry (HD) environments. In addition, we examined whether individual characteristics (i.e., sex, aerobic fitness, body size) or time of year of testing (seasonality) were associated with the rate of increase in Tgi in WH or HD environmental conditions at each metabolic rate. By calculating the slopes of the Tgi response over time during low-intensity physical activity in minimally compensable and uncompensable conditions, the time to meet a generally accepted Tc criterion associated with heat-related illness can be calculated from any theoretical Tc.



All experimental procedures were approved in advance by the Institutional Review Board at the Pennsylvania State University. Oral and written consents were obtained voluntarily from all subjects before participation and in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Declaration of Helsinki. All testing was conducted in environmental chambers housed in Noll Laboratory at the Pennsylvania State University.

Subject characteristics are presented in Table 1. All subjects were healthy, normotensive, nonsmokers, and not taking any prescription medications that might affect the physiological variables of interest in this study. Subjects were representative of the population in this age group with respect to body size, adiposity, and aerobic fitness. No attempt was made to control for menstrual status or contraceptive use (9). Maximal aerobic capacity (V̇o2max) was determined using open-circuit spirometry during a graded exercise test performed on a motor-driven treadmill. During the experiments, subjects wore thin, short-sleeved cotton tee-shirts, shorts, socks, and walking/running shoes plus sports bras for the women.

Table 1.

Subject characteristics (n = 48; 22 men, 26 women)

CharacteristicMeans ± SDRange
Age, yr23 ± 418–34
Height, m1.73 ± 0.101.57–1.98
Weight, kg71 ± 1252–97
AD, m21.84 ± 0.201.50–2.31
AD/wt, m2/kg0.026 ± 0.0020.022–0.031
o2max, mL/kg/min46.6 ± 12.027.5–74.3
o2max, L/min3.36 ± 0.991.39–4.83

AD, body surface area; AD/wt, body surface area-to-mass ratio.

Testing Procedures

Experimental trials were conducted on separate days with at least 72 h between visits. Before each experimental session, subjects were instructed to abstain from alcoholic beverages and vigorous exercise for 24 h and from caffeine for 12 h. On arrival, participants provided a urine sample to ensure euhydration, defined as urine specific gravity ≤ 1.020 (USG; PAL-S, Atago, Bellevue, WA) (8). Subjects performed light physical activity in an environmental chamber at two low metabolic intensities reflecting the metabolic demand of activities of daily living (MinAct) or slow walking (LightAmb) (11, 12). Subjects cycled on a cycle ergometer (Lode Excalibur, Groningen, The Netherlands) against zero resistance at a cadence of 40–50 rpm for MinAct trials and walked on a motor-driven treadmill at a speed of 2.2 mi/h and grade of 3% for LightAmb trials.

Critical environmental limits were identified as previously described (6, 13) using a controllable environmental chamber at five constant dry-bulb temperatures (Tdb) of 34°C, 36°C, 38°C, 40°C, and 42°C and two constant water-vapor pressures (Pa) of 12 and 16 mmHg. Following a 30-min equilibration period, either the Pa (during constant Tdb trials, Pcrit) or Tdb (during constant Pa trials, Tcrit) in the environmental chamber was increased in a stepwise fashion (1 mmHg or 1°C) every 5 min (Fig. 1). We have previously reported excellent reliability and validity of this protocol to identify critical environmental limits (14). In this paper, warm-humid conditions (WH; ∼35°C and 59%–72% RH) include data combined from 34°C and 36°C Pcrit trials, and hot-dry conditions (HD; 43–48°C and 18%–22% RH) include data combined from 12 and 16 mmHg Tcrit trials. During each experiment, chamber data (i.e., Tdb, Pa, and RH), Tgi, and HR were continuously monitored and subjects free-pedaled or walked continuously until a clear rise in Tgi was observed. Each subject completed experimental trials in multiple environmental conditions at both metabolic rates. Experimental trials lasted ∼90–120 min.

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Object name is japplphysiol.00388.2022_f001.jpg

Representative tracing of the time course of gastrointestinal temperature (Tgi; B), dry-bulb temperature (Tdb), and ambient water vapor pressure (Pa) for a MinAct trial with increasing Pa (A). The dashed vertical line in A and B denotes the Pa at which Tgi begins to continuously rise (i.e., heat stress becomes uncompensable). In this case, the Tgi inflection point (i.e., critical water vapor pressure, Pcrit) occurs at Pa = 26 mmHg. B: the compensable and uncompensable slope of Tgi and heat storage components. MinAct, minimal activity.

Determination of Critical Environments

The critical environmental limit was determined from the raw data by a continuous rise in Tgi following a steady state. A line was drawn between the data points starting at the point at which Tgi began to equilibrate (typically 30–60 min after beginning physical activity), and a second line was drawn at the end of the Tgi steady state until the completion of the study (Fig. 3). The average Tdb and Pa for the 2 min immediately preceding the inflection point was defined as the critical environmental limit. Following the inflection point, subjects continued exercising in the environmental chamber for ∼15–30 min to ensure a clear and continuous rise in Tgi occurred. Inflection points were determined by visual inspection, as previously reported (9, 10, 15, 16). We have previously demonstrated excellent interrater reliability for the determination of the Tgi inflection point (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.913) (10). Mean critical environmental loci from each environmental condition were plotted on a standard psychrometric chart with lower bounds of the 95% CI for MinAct and LightAmb trials to delineate relatively safe (compensable) from potentially unsafe (uncompensable) environmental conditions (Fig. 2, updated from Ref. 6 with additional subject data).

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A standard psychrometric chart showing empirically derived mean critical environmental limits (symbols and solid lines) for minimal activity (MinAct; A) and light ambulatory activity (LightAmb; B) trials. Dashed lines denote the lower bounds of the 95% confidence interval for each condition. Updated from Wolf et al. (6).

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Object name is japplphysiol.00388.2022_f003.jpg

Representative tracing of the time course of gastrointestinal temperature (Tgi) during a progressive heat stress protocol, as described in methods. Dashed lines are drawn through the data points to represent the slope of Tgi used to calculate the time (h) to 40.2°C from a theoretical 37°C Tgi baseline.


Gastrointestinal temperature telemetry capsules (VitalSense, Philips Respironics, Bend, OR) were provided for subjects to ingest 1–2 h before reporting to the laboratory in accordance with previously published data demonstrating that ingestion times from 1–12 h before use do not influence the precision of Tgi data (18). Tgi data were continuously transmitted to a PowerLab data acquisition system and LabChart signal processing software (AD Instruments, Colorado Springs, CO) using an Equivital wireless physiological monitoring system (Equivital Inc., New York, NY). Skin temperature was measured continuously (iButton, Whitewater, WI) at four sites: chest (Tch), arm (Tarm), thigh (Tth), and lower leg (Tleg). A weighted mean skin temperature (T¯sk) was calculated (19) as

T¯sk=0.3 Tch+0.3 Tth+0.2 Tarm+0.2 Tleg.

Oxygen consumption (V̇o2; L/min) and respiratory exchange ratio were determined at two time points (5 and 60 min after the onset of exercise) using indirect calorimetry (Parvo Medics TrueOne 2400, Parvo, UT).

Heat storage (S; W/m2) was calculated as

S= (ΔT¯b/Δt)·(0.97 W h/kg/°C)·(mb/AD),

where 0.97 W h/kg/°C is the specific heat of the body and ΔT¯b represents the change in mean body temperature measured over the time period (△t in h) between the beginning of Tgi equilibration and the time at which the critical Tgi inflection point was observed (S1) and between the critical Tgi inflection point and the end of the experimental trial (S2; Fig. 1). The equation for ΔT¯b (°C), which is a function of the change in Tgi and T¯sk (20), was

ΔT¯b=(0.9Tgi+0.1T¯sk)critical point(0.9Tgi+0.1T¯sk)equilibration


ΔT¯b=(0.9Tgi+0.1T¯sk)end(0.9Tgi+0.1T¯sk)critical point.

The rate of change in Tgi below (β1) and above (β2) the critical environmental limit (see Fig. 1) were used to calculate separate theoretical times to reach a Tgi of 40.2°C from a baseline Tgi of 37°C (example shown in Fig. 3). The calculations to a Tgi of 40.2°C is an illustration of how the slopes can be used in a real-world setting where there are an infinite number of scenarios for starting and final Tc. Sweat rate was determined during each experiment from the loss of nude body mass on a scale accurate to ±10 g. Fluid intake was prohibited between the initial and final measurements of nude body mass.

Statistical Analysis

For the purpose of this study, statistical comparisons were made between WH and HD environmental conditions. However, data for each environmental condition are reported in tables for completeness. Simple linear regression analyses (GraphPad Prism, v. 9.2, GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA) were used to calculate β1 and β2 for each experimental trial. Separate independent-samples t tests (IBM SPSS Statistics, v. 28, IBM Corp., Armonk, NY) were performed to compare S1, S2, β1, β2, V̇o2, and sweat rate between environmental conditions and exercise intensities. Furthermore, Tdb, Pa, and RH were compared between environmental conditions using paired-samples t tests. Independent t tests were used to compare sex differences within β1 and β2 for both environmental conditions and exercise intensities. Separate linear regression analyses (GraphPad Prism, v. 9.2, GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA) were completed to examine the relation between β1 and β2 and V̇o2max, AD/wt, and season of testing for environmental conditions and exercise intensities. To examine the association between seasonality and rate of change in Tgi, months of the year were divided into six 2-mo periods (i.e., January and February, March and April, etc.). Group data are presented with means and 95% confidence intervals (CI) except for Tables 1 and and2,2, which report mean data ± SD. Significance was set at P < 0.05.

Table 2.

Environmental conditions, core (Tgi) temperature, mean skin (Tsk) temperature, o2, and sweat rates for each experimental condition (means ± SD)

n Environment (°C, %RH)Tgi at Start (°C)Tsk a Equilibration (°C)Equilibration Tgi (°C)Tsk at Inflection (°C)Tgi at Inflection
Tsk at End
Sweat Rate
1433.9, 8037.05 ± 0.5335.78 ± 0.5137.36 ± 0.3036.23 ± 0.3337.39 ± 0.2736.42 ± 0.310.49 ± 0.08121.78 ± 60.00
1436.0, 6736.97 ± 0.3535.75 ± 0.5737.18 ± 0.1836.30 ± 0.2637.24 ± 0.1836.47 ± 0.240.42 ± 0.10136.39 ± 88.58
837.9, 6137.31 ± 0.3536.28 ± 0.3837.32 ± 0.2236.54 ± 0.2237.3 ± 0.2236.79 ± 0.200.47 ± 0.12179.76 ± 105.44
940.0, 5037.27 ± 0.4936.99 ± 0.4337.46 ± 0.3637.07 ± 0.3937.49 ± 0.3537.28 ± 0.360.43 ± 0.07147.48 ± 70.39
542.0, 3937.22 ± 0.3537.49 ± 0.2837.26 ± 0.1937.65 ± 0.2437.31 ± 0.1837.67 ± 0.380.51 ± 0.13210.32 ± 117.73
1746.4, 2136.93 ± 0.4537.09 ± 0.3937.25 ± 0.3237.98 ± 0.3937.40 ± 0.2938.58 ± 0.500.48 ± 0.09141.73 ± 68.14
1549.3, 1437.21 ± 0.2237.79 ± 0.4137.28 ± 0.2038.53 ± 0.4437.47 ± 0.2439.04 ± 0.440.50 ± 0.12160.32 ± 89.07
Env. n (°C, %RH)Tgi at Start
Tsk at Equilibration
Tgi (°C)
Tsk at Inflection
Tgi at Inflection
Tsk at End
Sweat Rate
WH2835.0, 7337.01 ± 0.4335.76 ± 0.5337.27 ± 0.2636.26 ± 0.3037.31 ± 0.2436.44 ± 0.270.45 ± 0.10129.09 ± 74.61
HD3247.7*, 18*37.07 ± 0.3837.41 ± 0.5337.31 ± 0.2738.24 ± 0.4937.43 ± 0.2738.80 ± 0.520.49 ± 0.11150.44 ± 77.90
n Environment (°C, %RH)Tgi at Start (°C)Tsk at Equilibration (°C)Equilibration Tgi (°C)Tsk at Inflection (°C)Tgi at Inflection
Tsk at End
Sweat Rate
1633.8, 6237.71 ± 0.4734.43 ± 0.5837.65 ± 0.4534.96 ± 0.4137.71 ± 0.4336.19 ± 0.450.91 ± 0.17180.93 ± 61.49
1335.9, 5536.96 ± 0.4835.53 ± 0.6737.52 ± 0.2635.85 ± 0.5037.60 ± 0.2436.06 ± 0.490.77 ± 0.16205.06 ± 78.30
1238.1, 4637.31 ± 0.3036.39 ± 0.6237.82 ± 0.3336.61 ± 0.6237.87 ± 0.3336.82 ± 0.540.82 ± 0.19252.97 ± 100.44
840.1, 3637.05 ± 0.2836.39 ± 0.4037.43 ± 0.3736.61 ± 0.4737.50 ± 0.4136.69 ± 0.450.82 ± 0.15260.24 ± 93.18
541.9, 3036.76 ± 0.3737.10 ± 0.3837.34 ± 0.2837.16 ± 0.5037.42 ± 0.2737.37 ± 0.460.80 ± 0.14246.30 ± 73.98
1842.3, 2636.95 ± 0.4835.88 ± 0.6137.52 ± 0.3137.14 ± 0.5137.61 ± 0.3037.70 ± 0.580.79 ± 0.14192.82 ± 88.10
1843.7, 1937.25 ± 0.4136.47 ± 0.5937.60 ± 0.3037.45 ± 0.5537.69 ± 0.2838.06 ± 0.610.88 ± 0.20220.62 ± 74.34
Env. n (°C, %RH)Tgi at Start
Tsk at Equilibration
Tgi (°C)
Tsk at Inflection
Tgi at Inflection
Tsk at End
Sweat Rate
WH2934.8, 5937.08 ± 0.4835.47 ± 0.6137.59 ± 0.3835.91 ± 0.4537.66 ± 0.3636.23 ± 0.630.85 ± 0.18†191.75 ± 69.30†
HD3643.0, 2237.10 ± 0.4636.17 ± 0.6637.56 ± 0.3037.30 ± 0.5537.65 ± 0.2937.88 ± 0.610.84 ± 0.18†206.72 ± 81.55†

*HD vs. WH, P < 0.05. †MinAct vs. LightAmb, P < 0.05. HD, hot dry; LightAmb, light ambulation; MinAct, Minimal Activity; WH, warm humid.


Core Temperature, V̇o2, Metabolic Heat Production, and Sweat Rate

Table 2 presents Tgi, V̇o2, and sweat rate for each environmental condition. There were no differences in Tgi at the start, at equilibration, or at the inflection point among environmental conditions for either metabolic rate. As expected, sweat rate (P < 0.003) and V̇o2 were greater (P < 0.001) during LightAmb versus MinAct trials in both HD and WH environments. Furthermore, sweat rate was not different in HD versus WH during LightAmb (P = 0.44) nor MinAct trials (P = 0.12). Metabolic heat production was not different in HD versus WH during LightAmb (P = 0.88) or MinAct trials (P = 0.53).

Heat Storage and Rates of Change in Core Temperature

Heat storage (S) and rates of change in Tgi below (S1, β1) and above (S2, β 2) critical environmental limits for each experimental condition, and compiled for WH and HD, are presented in Table 3. There were no significant differences in β2 or S2 (uncompensable heat stress) between environmental conditions for either metabolic rate (all P > 0.05). However, S1 was greater in HD versus WH during both LightAmb and MinAct trials (P < 0.001) and although not statistically significant (P ≥ 0.06), β1 was correspondingly 67%–100% higher in HD.

Table 3.

Heat storage and rates of change in core temperature below (S1, β1; compensable heat stress) and above (S2, β2; uncompensable heat stress) critical environmental limits for each experimental condition

n Critical Limit
(°C, mmHg)
% RHβ 1, x¯
95% CI
S1, x¯
95% CI
β 2, x¯
95% CI
S2, x¯
95% CI
14(33.9, 31.6)800.03(−0.02, 0.09)4.4(3.2, 5.6)0.63(0.44, 0.81)28.8(18.2, 39.4)
14(36.0, 29.6)670.08(0.01, 0.15)6.1(3.7, 8.4)0.85(0.34, 1.35)28.1(14.4, 41.8)
8(37.9, 30.0)610.04(−0.03, 0.12)3.7(0.85, 6.6)0.53(0.35, 0.72)24.8(14.3, 35.2)
9(40.0, 27.7)500.02(−0.02, 0.05)2.0(0.89, 3.1)0.68(0.42, 0.93)25.1(17.6, 32.6)
5(42.0, 23.9)390.10(0.07, 0.14)5.7(3.8, 7.6)0.65(0.42, 0.89)22.7(15.0, 30.3)
17(46.7, 16.2)210.12(0.04, 0.21)12.3(9.1, 15.6)0.71(0.52, 0.90)30.7(24.6, 36.9)
15(49.7, 12.1)130.13(0.07, 0.18)10.4(7.8, 13.0)0.71(0.44, 0.97)29.1(21.5, 36.6)
Env. n Critical Limit
(°C, mmHg)
% RHβ1, x¯
95% CI
S1, x¯
95% CI
β2, x¯
95% CI
S2, x¯
95% CI
WH28(35.0, 30.7)730.06(0.01, 0.10)5.23(3.9, 6.6)0.74(0.47, 1.00)28.5(19.9, 37.0)
HD32(47.7*, 14.3*)18*0.12(0.07, 0.18)11.4*(9.3, 13.6)0.71(0.55, 0.86)30.0(25.2, 34.7)
n Critical Limit
(°C, mmHg)
% RHβ 1, x¯
95% CI
S1, x¯
95% CI
β 2, x¯
95% CI
S2, x¯
95% CI
16(33.8, 25.3)640.13(0.04, 0.22)8.5(5.3, 11.7)0.92(0.56, 1.30)43.8(23.0, 64.5)
13(35.9, 24.2)550.04(−0.02, 0.10)5.4(3.6, 7.2)0.80(0.42, 1.19)28.4(16.4, 40.5)
12(38.1, 23.1)460.05(−0.01, 0.10)4.2(1.5, 6.8)0.79(0.37, 1.19)31.1(11.3, 50.8)
8(40.1, 20.1)360.13(0.03, 0.23)7.0(2.8, 11.1)0.74(0.40, 1.1)24.3(17.5, 31.2)
5(41.9, 18.4)300.23(0.05, 0.40)10.4(3.4, 17.4)1.42(−0.08, 2.92)52.7(2.32, 103.1)
18(42.5, 16.0)250.14(0.06, 0.22)13.9(11.9, 15.9)1.01(0.56, 1.45)40.5(26.3, 54.7)
18(44.1, 12.1)190.15(0.07, 0.23)14.2(11.0, 17.3)0.86(0.61, 1.11)38.0(30.4, 45.6)
Env. n Critical Limit
(°C, mmHg)
% RHβ1, x¯
95% CI
S1, x¯
95% CI
β2, x¯
95% CI
S2, x¯
95% CI
WH29(34.8, 24.4)590.09(0.03, 0.14)7.10(5.1, 9.1)0.87(0.61, 1.13)36.9(24.1, 49.7)
HD36(43.0*, 14.1*)22*0.15(0.09, 0.20)14.04*(12.2, 15.9)0.93(0.68, 1.18)39.2(31.3, 47.2)

*HD vs. WH, P < 0.05. CI, confidence interval; HD, hot dry; LightAmb, light ambulation; MinAct, Minimal Activity; WH, warm humid.

Seasonality, Subject Characteristics, and Rates of Change in Core Temperature

Table 4 presents correlations between subject characteristics and β1 and β2 for each metabolic rate during WH and HD trials. There were no associations between either sex, V̇o2max, or seasonality and β1 and β2 for either metabolic rate or environmental condition (all P ≥ 0.09). A higher body surface area-to-mass ratio (i.e., smaller size) was negatively associated with β1 during LightAmb in WH conditions (P = 0.003).

Table 4.

Correlations between subject characteristics and rates of change in core temperature below (β1; compensable heat stress) and above (β2; uncompensable heat stress) critical environmental limits for two low metabolic rates

Minimal ActivityWarm Humid
Hot Dry
r P r P r P r P
o2max, mL/kg/min0.330.09−0.620.32−0.010.84−0.240.17
o2max, L/min0.140.47−0.200.340.040.82−0.300.10
AD/wt, m2/kg0.280.16−0.050.77−0.100.550.040.80
Light ambulationWarm Humid
Hot Dry
r P r P r P r P
o2max, mL/kg/min<0.010.990.030.870.040.80−0.100.51
o2max, L/min0.050.750.060.74−0.080.65−0.010.85
AD/wt, m2/kg−0.530.003*−

AD/wt, body surface area-to-mass ratio; r, correlation coefficient.


The PSU HEAT Project is designed to determine critical environmental limits for heat balance, i.e., those combinations of ambient temperature and humidity above which thermal balance (defined as no or minimal rise in Tc during prolonged exposure) is not possible. Those psychrometric limits have been published (6) and are updated here. To our knowledge, this is the first study to quantify heat storage and the rate of change in Tc above and just below these critical environmental thresholds in young adults. Under compensable heat stress in HD environments, heat storage was higher than in WH environments (P < 0.05) resulting in a greater but more variable ΔTc (P ≥ 0.06) despite the same metabolic heat production. Increased heat storage in HD was due to increased dry heat gain, and therefore increased skin temperature, despite greater evaporative heat losses. On the other hand, once critical environmental limits were exceeded (uncompensable heat stress), there was no effect of environment or metabolic rate.

As expected, sweat rate and V̇O2 were greater during LightAmb versus MinAct trials and sweat rate was higher in HD than WH. There was no effect of sex, V̇o2max, or seasonality of testing on S or ΔTc in any condition. However, a larger body surface area-to-mass ratio (i.e., smaller body size) was associated with a lower β1 during LightAmb in WH environments. Thus, larger individuals have a higher metabolic heat production when walking up even low grades on a treadmill, resulting in a greater ΔTc in WH but not HD environments. These data are consistent with the results being driven by biophysical heat exchange principles between humans and the environment at a given metabolic heat production.

Under HD ambient conditions in which heat balance is limited by sweating capacity rather than evaporative capacity, higher maximal sweating rates (commonly observed in men compared with women) should be advantageous during prolonged heat stress to slow the rise of Tgi. However, there were no sex differences in β1 at either metabolic rate or environmental condition. The absence of a sex difference in β1 is likely due to the fact that, although lower sweat rates in women may translate to lower critical environmental limits when the sexes are matched for metabolic heat production (10, 16), differences in sweat rate likely have minimal influence on the slopes of Tc over time (0.06–0.15°C/h in the present study) when heat stress is compensable (i.e., the requirements for heat balance are met).

Because body surface area-to-mass ratio influences heat dissipation capacity and, therefore, the maintenance of heat balance (21, 22), we examined associations between body surface area-to-mass ratio and the rate of change in Tgi during compensable and uncompensable heat stress. Our study showed a correlation between body surface area-to-mass ratio and β1 during LightAmb in WH conditions such that the slope of Tgi was lower for those with a larger body surface area-to-mass ratio. However, this correlation did not exist during LightAmb in HD environments or during MinAct in either environment. Although speculative, the lack of correlation during LightAmb in HD may be due to increased dry heat gain for those with a larger body surface area despite similar sweating rates, potentially off-setting any differences in metabolic heat production. Conversely, in WH conditions a larger body surface area confers an advantage for both evaporative and dry heat losses. The lack of correlation between body surface area-to-mass ratio and β1 during MinAct is likely explained by similar metabolic heat production across body masses given the nonweight bearing nature of cycle ergometry, thus negating the thermoregulatory disadvantage imparted by increased body mass.

Associations between heat acclimatization, aerobic fitness, and thermoregulatory function are well documented (2326). Using the same progressive heat stress protocol detailed herein, we have previously reported that in heat acclimated subjects Tc typically equilibrates as a relatively horizontal line, whereas unacclimated subjects often display a gradual rise that precedes the upward inflection at the critical environmental limit (9, 27). Although we did not account for acclimatization status during subject recruitment, any effect of acclimatization on the rise in Tgi during prolonged heat stress should be captured by randomizing season of testing. Similarly, because aerobic fitness is associated with improved thermoregulatory function (24, 28), we hypothesized that subjects with a greater V̇o2max would have an attenuated rise in Tgi during compensable heat stress. However, in this sample, there was no correlation between seasonality or aerobic fitness with the rate of change in Tgi. The lack of an effect of fitness may be explained by the very low metabolic rates at which the subjects were working during this study. Further, although seasonality was used as a proxy for acclimatization, it is likely that these subjects did not spend adequate time outdoors in the heat to become acclimatized, explaining the lack of a seasonality effect.

The change in Tc during prolonged heat stress is driven by a change in body heat storage during thermal imbalance. As such, we calculated S and the change in Tc during compensable and uncompensable heat stress in varying environmental conditions. In the present study, S was greater in HD compared with WH environments at both metabolic rates; however, there was not a significant difference in β1. However, the mean increase in β1 from HD to WH was 100% in MinAct and 67% in LightAmb. This statistical discrepancy is driven by an increase in mean skin temperature during HD conditions in which Tdb and convective heat gain were greatest, eliciting a greater heat storage, although increased heat losses via sweating in HD offset the increased skin temperature. Importantly, quantifying S and ΔTc during heat stress is critical for developing safety guidelines, evidence-based alert communication, policy decisions, triage for impending heat events, and implementation of other safety interventions during extreme heat events.

In the present study, we calculated the rate of change in Tgi during minimally compensable (just below the upper limit for the maintenance of heat balance) and uncompensable heat stress in WH versus HD environments. Together, these findings provide important information regarding thermoregulation and health that can be used for future policy decisions and safety interventions during prolonged heat stress. From the rate of change in Tgi calculated in this study, projections can be made to and from any hypothetical Tgi temperature for an infinite number of real-world scenarios. For example, during light ambulation in a compensable WH environment with a baseline Tgi of 37°C, it would take an average of 36 h without any intervention to reach a Tgi of 40.2°C (see Fig. 3). However, during minimal activity in an uncompensable HD environment with a baseline Tgi of 37.5°C, it would only take 3–5 h without any intervention to reach a Tgi of 40.2°C.

These findings should be taken with caution for a variety of reasons. In independent living situations, it would be rare to continue steady-state activity once subjective and objective manifestations of heat strain appear. Similarly, in our experimental paradigm, no mitigating intervention strategies were employed (slowing down, replacing lost fluid, fans, movement to air conditioning, etc.) throughout the trial. The thresholds calculated using these slopes of Tgi should not be considered as a demarcation between healthy and unhealthy or as a threshold for survival, but rather limits where mitigation efforts become vital. In addition, a longer period of activity in uncompensable heat stress may lead to a more precise slope.

These results support the notion that, given prolonged exposure to combinations of temperature and humidity associated with uncompensable heat stress and a continued rise in Tc, heat-related morbidity and mortality will become of greater risk. With increases in the frequency, severity, and intensity of heat waves, along with continued warm-season temperature increases due to climate change, we are experiencing the environmental thresholds identified in the present study more frequently (29). When environmental conditions are above the thresholds for heat balance, it is crucial to encourage people to limit physical activity, replace lost fluid, and/or seek cooler temperatures to prevent rises in Tc to temperatures associated with increased risk of heat-related illness. Importantly, the data in this study were collected in young subjects in which thermoregulatory capacity is preserved; thus, further investigation is critical to understand how more vulnerable populations, such as the aged, respond to compensable and uncompensable heat stress.


These results provide important insight regarding heat storage and rates of change in Tc during compensable and uncompensable heat stress in young adults at two low metabolic rates, one associated with activities of daily living and the other slow walking. During compensable heat stress, heat storage was higher in HD than in WH environments (P < 0.05) resulting in a greater but more variable ΔTc (P ≥ 0.06) for both metabolic rates. Our findings suggest that, although individual characteristics may influence the point at which heat stress becomes uncompensable, they do not influence the rate of change in Tc during minimally compensable or uncompensable heat stress. Further, our data allow for the projection to and from any hypothetical core temperature which provides important information that can be used in future policy decisions and safety interventions. Ongoing work will examine these responses in vulnerable populations.


This research was supported by the National Institute on Aging Grant T32 AG049676 to the Pennsylvania State University (to R.M.C. and D.J.V.) and National Institutes of Health Grant R01 AG067471 (to W.L.K.).


No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by the authors.


R.M.C. and W.L.K. conceived and designed research; R.M.C., Z.S.L., D.J.V., and S.T.W. performed experiments; R.M.C. and Z.S.L. analyzed data; R.M.C., S.T.W., and W.L.K. interpreted results of experiments; R.M.C., D.J.V., and S.T.W. prepared figures; R.M.C. drafted manuscript; R.M.C., Z.S.L., D.J.V., S.T.W., and W.L.K. edited and revised manuscript; R.M.C., Z.S.L., D.J.V., S.T.W., and W.L.K. approved final version of manuscript.


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