Lucemon is the main antagonist in the second half of the Digimon anime Digimon Frontier. His name is based on Lucifer, more commonly known as The Devil and Satan within the beliefs of Abrahamic religions.
He was voiced by Kumiko Nishihara in the original Japanese version and by Mona Marshall in the English dubbed version. While his Chaos Mode in Japanese were voiced by Ryusei Nakao, who also voiced Frieza and Cooler from Dragon Ball.
What Makes Him Pure Evil
- Killed Dynasmon and Crusadermon by taking their data to turn into his Chaos mode despite their loyalty to him.
- Attempted to destroy the Digital World and recreate it in his image.
- Tormented and oppressed all the Digimon he saved after he grew mad with power, believing he should rule the Digital World and make all the decisions.
- Turned Cherubimon evil so he can collect the data needed to free him.
- Beat the living daylights out of Takuya and Koji and took their data.
- Almost killed Koichi.
- Tried to conquer the human world, threatening to destroy all of humanity if they don't serve him.
- Only his Frontier counterpart is Pure Evil as his Fusion counterpart fails to reach the heinous standards.
- He is named Lucifer the biblical name of Satan from the Bible.
External Links
- Lucemon on the Villains Wiki.