Objects and items found in the show. Trending pages NinjaNomicon Ninja Sword Ninja Kaginawa Chaos Pearls Ninja Suit Ninja Mask Halloweenja Ninja Chain Sickle All items (118) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other 6 6D Projector A Category:Arcade Games B Beacon of Hope Category:Beverages Bucky's Backup Dinger Bucky's Triangle C Cake Fries Catfish's Mind Control Collar Chaos Pearls Category:Chemicals Clamp Gun Cold Balls D Debbie's Phone Doomsday Device E Eye of Eternities F Fart Box G Glider Golden Doctor's Notes Grave Puncher Franchise Grave Puncher Series Gravy Fries Gris-gris Gut-buster ball H Halloweenja Heidi's Camera Heidi's Guitar Heidi's Recorder Hoarking Ball Hot Balls Howard's Boomerang Howard's Drum Machine Howard's Medal Howard's Phone Category:Howard's Possession Hypno-Spanish Audio I Inside-Outside Onion Blossom Category:Instruments Category:Inventions J Julian's 20-sided Die K Key Turnin' Ball Jammer L Lloyd Doppler Lucius O'ThunderPunch (Suit) M McBubble Slam McBubbleburp McFillings McFist Watch Timetalks McFist's Phone McFistios McFistPad McFizzles McFuzzBuzzer McHoodies McHuggers Shorts McKicks McMeatStache McPass McPeepers Mcsatchlé Handbag McShorties McSkinnies McTighties McTops Mind Reader Category:Mobile Device Monster Alarm Mood Juice N Ninja Balls Ninja Candelabra Ninja Chain Blade Ninja Chain Sickle Ninja Dual Blade Ninja Eskrima Ninja Expanding Baton Ninja Hand Drill Ninja Kaginawa Ninja Kamas Ninja Knife Sickle Ninja Manrikigusari Ninja Mask Ninja McTours Bus Ninja Ring Ninja Sai Ninja Scarf Ninja Spikes Ninja Stalling Wedge Ninja Stick Ninja Suit Ninja Sword Ninja Tonfa Ninja Ukulele NinjaNomicon O Odd Juice P Princess Tootie R Randy's Backpack Randy's Keytar Randy's Phone Category:Randy's Possession Randy's Satchel S Slipping Balls Smell-of-Death Vine Smoke Bombs Sorcerer's Key Soupsicles Stevens' Band Pin Stevens' Trombone Sticky Ball T The Blade of Deception There's Someone in the House Theresa's Batons Theresa's Phone Theresa's Satchel Time McChine Tracking Goo Tripping Balls Truth Tone V Category:Viceroy's Inventions Viceroy's Phone W Category:Weapon