All clothing in Red Dead Redemption 2. Trending pages Outfits in Redemption 2 Legend of the East Outfit Easter Eggs & Secrets in Redemption 2 Vests in Redemption 2 Hats/Masks in Redemption 2 Coats in Redemption 2 Bandana Ram Skull Mask All items (65) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Arthur's Gambler's Hat B Bandana Boots in Redemption 2 Brawler's Outfit C Cat Skull Mask Chaps in Redemption 2 Chinese Skull Cap Civil War Hardee Hat Clairmont Outfit Coats in Redemption 2 File:Cool marston lemoyne 2.jpg File:Cool marston lemoyne.jpg Cowboy Outfit D Dewberry Creek Outfit E Easter Eggs & Secrets in Redemption 2 Exotic Hat G Gloves in Redemption 2 Grizzlies Outlaw Outfit Gunslinger Outfit H Hats/Masks in Redemption 2 I Innocent Outfit J John's Gambler's Hat L Legend of the East Outfit Legendary Alligator Gambler's Hat Legendary Clothing M File:Marston lemoyne smoking.jpg Miner's Hat Morion Helmet N Nevada Hat Nuevo Paraiso Gunslinger Outfit O Outfits in Redemption 2 P Pagan Skull Mask Pants in Redemption 2 Pig Mask Pursuer Outfit R Ram Skull Mask Rancher Outfit Rebel Outfit Ruffian Outfit S Shirts in Redemption 2 Summer Gunslinger Outfit T The Bear Hunter The Beast of Prey The Bounty Hunter The Bronco Buster The Death Roll The Desperado The Dreamcatcher The Ghost Bison The Huntsman The Marauder The Mountain Man The Night Wrangler The Rattler The Saint Denis The Stalker The Trophy Buck The Wittemore The Wrangler Tricorn Hat V Valentine Outfit Vaquero Outfit Vests in Redemption 2 Viking Helmet W Winter Gunslinger Outfit