I knew you didn't have the stones for a real game.Pinky Wilson taunting when the player busts out
Pinky Wilson is a minor character featured in Red Dead Redemption.
Pinky is a member of the Bollard Twins Gang.
Pinky can be encountered in the town of Thieves' Landing, either walking around or at the Poker table in the Saloon. He also appears in the Pike's Basin gang hideout.
I got you spooked, ain’t I?Pinky Wilson during a gunfight
You isn't gonna ride away from this!Pinky Wilson during a gunfight
I'se gonna shoot you in the face!Pinky Wilson during a gunfight
Hundred and something fights, ain't no one got me so far!Pinky Wilson during a gunfight
I'm gonna have man for breakfastPinky Wilson during a gunfight
I'ma put windows in your skull!Pinky Wilson during a gunfight
Give it your best shot!Pinky Wilson during a gunfight
Let's see if you can hit me proper!Pinky Wilson during a fist fight
You just cut off a dog's tail you can't sew back on, didn't you?Pinky Wilson when threatened
Now you got me horn in the brushPinky Wilson when threatened
You made your move, now I'm gonna make mine.Pinky Wilson when threatened
I'll crawl your hump good.Pinky Wilson when threatened
Pinky Wilson going to a different directionIt's this way.
You wanna hand of poker?Pinky Wilson inviting the player to play poker
Get these hip-shackles off of me, you're making me nervous!Pinky Wilson when hogtied
Damn you! Get these here off of me!Pinky Wilson when hogtied
I don't feel right...Pinky Wilson when injured
Pinky Wilson when another Bollard Twins Gang member is critically injuredI’ll save your dumb head again.
Ain't wise starting something you ain't reckon to finish.Pinky Wilson when bumped
Best be about to apologize, peckerwood.Pinky Wilson when insulted by high Fame John Marston
Pinky Wilson when shockedSheesh!
Pinky Wilson when shockedOh, shit!
Pinky Wilson when shockedShit!
Pinky Wilson when shockedFuck!
Pinky Wilson responding to a conversationUh huh…
Pinky Wilson responding to a conversationSo says you.
I been playing since I was a kid.Pinky Wilson when dealing Poker
This is gonna be my round. I can feel it.Pinky Wilson when dealing Poker
You cheatin’ devil! I see you at my table again, I’mma kill you dead!Pinky Wilson when catching the player cheating at Poker.
- His character model is available in the Outfitter under the name of Jason M. Bright.
- Pinky, Werner Cobb and Gus Ballard are the only members of the Bollard Twins gang that are not bounty _targets.
- Pinky and Gus Ballard are the only African-American members of the Bollard Twins Gang
- Pinky and Charlie Mash are the only Bollard Twins Gang members that can be dueled. However dueling Pinky requires cheating at Poker.