


Pleasance is an abandoned settlement and point of interest in Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online in the Scarlett Meadows region of the State of Lemoyne. The name can be seen as ironic, due to the abnormal number of unpleasant events that took place there.



The town of Pleasance was founded in August 1883 and was abandoned a month later following a brutal massacre that claimed the lives of ten residents. By 1899, it has become a ghost town surrounded by an enduring mystery.

Pleasance Massacre

On September 17th 1883, Pleasance was the site of a grisly massacre that claimed the lives of ten locals. The victims were discovered either shot or stabbed in a violent manner.

The killer, or killers as the case may be, was never identified deepening the mystery surrounding the ill-fated town. The motive for the murders also remains unknown but graffiti is seen scrawled on many of the buildings.

There is also evidence that Pleasance was also struck by plague. Many buildings are boarded-up and inaccessible, with signs such as "STAY OUT PLAGUE" being written on buildings, presumably as a warning not to enter in order to preserve the victims' quarantine. The easternmost house of the town also has graffiti scrawled across it; the first inscription reads "UNCLEAN SINNERS" on the wall, partially obscured by a creeping vine, while the door is scribbled "ILL WITH SIN!".

In addition to this, the Pleasance schoolhouse appears to have fallen victim to not only fire, but a large tree that fell on the building at some point afterwards (as can be assumed by the lack of scorch marks on the tree). The schoolhouse was the only building in addition to one other that was struck by the fire.

It can also be observed that the town church has no cross. It is possible that the town worshipped Satan, and the series of misfortunes that befell the ironically-named Pleasance are intended a result of this.


  • On a table in the abandoned schoolhouse can be found Otis Miller and the Boy from New York. On a desk is the Cigarette Card for Fountain Pen - 1884 - Lewis Waterman. On the mantle is Ginseng Elixir.
  • To the northwest of the schoolhouse is a barn. On the northeast side of the barn in the bushes in a crate that has the Cigarette Card for Lillian Powell.
  • A dreamcatcher can be found far to the northeast, across the border near where the roads converge.
  • A large dead Snake can be found in a tree south of here, possibly referencing the story of Adam and Eve.
  • The town has much in common with Boston Township, Summit County, Ohio, otherwise known simply as “Helltown”. The church in Boston Township is almost identical to the one in Pleasance, and both were rumored to have been abandoned due to Satanists.
    • There was also rumored to be a chemical spill in Boston Township in 1974, causing animals to change in size and behavior; the most famous rumored animal said to be lurking in Boston Township was a giant python. Similarly, there is a giant snake outside of Pleasance.

Known graves

The only graves in the town churchyard are from the ten victims of the massacre, all of them registering a violent death. Their gravestones are written as follows:

Leora Yeatman
Killed by Gunshot
September 1883
Aged 38 yrs
A dear wife & Mother
Jessie Yeatman
September 1883
Aged 14 Yrs
A tragic loss of a beautiful soul
Asa Hawson
Found Murdered
Sept. 1883
Age 34 Years

Beloved Mother

Amelia Curley
Dead of gunshot to the head
Sept. 1883
Aged 66 yrs
Ronald Yeatman
Killed by Gunshot
September 1883
Aged 43 Yrs
Loved Father & Husband
Jimmy Hawson
Killed by Knife Wound
Sept. 17th 1883
Age 15 years
May He Find Eternal Peace in Heaven
Daniel Curley
Had His Life Taken
On Sept. 17th
Glen Yeatman
Killed by Knife Wound
September 1883
Aged 16 Yrs
Taken Too Soon
Curtis Baines
Born January 1822
Murdered September 1883
His Love Has Taken
From Him by Hate
Edmund Tobin
Born July 1854
Killed by Gunshot
September 1883
Aged 29 Yrs
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