This category contains the characters that have died in Red vs. Blue. Trending pages Tex Epsilon Butch Flowers Wyoming Leonard L. Church Maine Director York All items (106) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Alabama Alaska Alex Alien Arizona B Biff Blanton Clint Buckshot Burke C C.T. Casio 06 Chain Guy and Chain Girl Cherry Allison Church Director Leonard L. Church Cobb Coffee Man Jason Cunningham Curious Space Pirate Cyclops D Hank Daggerknife Delaware Dellario Delta Demo Man Deuce Diesel Donald Doyle Drag Dropship Pilot Deke DuFresne E Epsilon Eta F Felix Butch Flowers G Max Gain Gamma Gateway UNSC Captain Girlie Guardian H Hammer Hutch I Illinois Insane Space Pirate Insurrectionist Leader Iota J Jimmy Jones (Blue Team) Jones II K Kilgore L Lemons Loco Lopez 2.0 Gabriel Lozano M Maine Marlowe Mayers McCready Johnson MacGruff Miller Zachary Miller Morgan Murphy N North Dakota O Omega P Peake Phil Aiden Price R Recovery Nine Recovery Six Red Zealot Regina Religious Aliens Resistance Sniper Rhee Sebiel Robot Number 2 Rogers Ross Ruben Lozano S Santos Scully Sharkface Sigma Sleeveless Insurrection Soldier Smith Snowman Fed South Dakota Space Station Guard Spaceship Operator Squatch Stassney Sue Surge T Tank Guy Tex Tex II Theta Tubbs Turf V V.I.C. Vargas W Wynn Wyoming X XT Y York