



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

मनुः, स्त्री, (मन् + “शॄस्वृस्निहीति ।” उणा० १ । ११ । इति उः ।) पृक्का । इति राज- निर्घण्टः ॥ (मनोः पत्नीति । मनु + “मनोरौ वा ।” ४ । १ । ३८ । इत्यत्र “वा ग्रहणेन द्बावपि विकल्प्येते । तेन त्रैरूप्यं भवति । मनोः स्त्री मनायी मनावी मनुः ।” इति काशिकोक्तेः पक्षे ङीबभावः ।) मनुपत्नी । इति लिङ्गादिसंग्रहे अमरः ॥

मनुः, पुं, (मन्यते इति । मन + “शॄस्वृस्निहीति ।” उणा० १ । ११ । इति उः ।) ब्रह्मणः पुत्त्रः । स च प्रजापतिर्धर्म्मशास्त्रवक्ता च । इति लिङ्गादिसंग्रहे अमरः ॥ मनुष्यः । इति शब्द- रत्नावली ॥ (यथा, ऋग्वेदे । ८ । ४७ । ४ । “मनोर्विश्वस्य घेदिम आदित्याराय ईशते- ऽनेहसो वऊतयः सुऊतयो वऊतयः ॥” “मनोः मनुष्यस्य ।” इति तद्भाष्ये सायनः ॥) जिनभेदः । इति त्रिकाण्डशेषः ॥ मन्त्रः । इति जटाधरः ॥ (यथा, गौतमीयतन्त्रे । ७ । ५ । “गोहिरण्यकवस्त्राद्यैस्तोषयेद् गुरुमात्मनः । यथा ददाति सन्तुष्टः प्रसन्नवदनो मनुम् ॥” * ॥) प्रतिकल्पे चतुर्द्दश मनवो भवन्ति तेषां नामानि यथा । स्वायम्भुवः १ स्वारोचिषः २ उत्तमः ३ तामसः ४ रैवतः ५ चाक्षुषः ६ एते गताः । वैवस्वतः ७ । वर्त्तमानोऽयम् । सावर्णिः ८ दक्षसावर्णिः ९ ब्रह्मसावर्णिः १० धर्म्मसावर्णिः ११ रुद्रसावर्णिः १२ देव- सावर्णिः १३ इन्द्रसावर्णिः १४ एते भविष्यन्ति । इति श्रीभागवते ८ स्कन्धे १ अध्यायः ॥ * ॥ एतेषामुत्पत्तिर्यथा, -- “आद्यो मनुर्ब्रह्मपुत्त्रः शतरूपापतिर्ब्रती । धर्म्मिष्ठानां वरिष्ठश्च गरिष्ठो मनुषु प्रभुः ॥ स्वायम्भुवः शम्भुशिष्यो विष्णुव्रतपरायणः । जीवन्मुक्तो महाज्ञानी भवतः प्रपितामहः ॥ संप्राप कृष्णदास्यञ्च गोलोकञ्च जगाम सः । दृष्ट्वा मुक्तं स्वपुत्त्रञ्च प्रहृष्टश्च प्रजापतिः ॥ तुष्टाव शङ्करं तुष्टः ससृजे मनुमन्यकम् । स च स्वयम्भूपुत्त्रश्च पुरः स्वायम्भुवो मनुः ॥ स्वारोचिषो मनुश्चैव द्वितीयो वह्रिनन्दनः । राजा वदान्यो धर्म्मिष्ठः स्वायम्भुवसमो महान् ॥ प्रियव्रतसुतावन्यौ द्वौ मनू धर्म्मिणां वरौ । तौ तृतीयचतुर्थौ च वैष्णवौ तामसोत्तमौ ॥ तौ च शङ्करशिष्यौ च कृष्णभक्तिपरायणौ । धर्म्मिष्ठानां वरिष्ठश्च रैवतः पञ्चमो मनुः ॥ षष्ठश्च चाक्षुषो ज्ञेयो विष्णुभक्तिपरायणः । श्राद्धदेवः सूर्य्यसुतो वैष्णवः सप्तमो मनुः ॥ सावर्णिः सूर्य्यतनयो वैष्णवो मनुरष्टमः । नवमो दक्षसावर्णिर्विष्णुव्रतपरायणः ॥ दशमो ब्रह्मसावर्ण्णिर्ब्रह्मज्ञानविशारदः । ततश्च धर्म्मसावर्णिर्मनुरेकादशः स्मृतः ॥ धर्म्मिष्ठश्च वरिष्ठश्च वैष्णवानां सदा व्रती । ज्ञानी च रुद्रसावर्णिर्मनुश्च द्वादशः स्मृतः ॥ धर्म्मात्मा देवसावर्णिर्मनुरव त्रयोदशः ।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

मनु¦ स्त्री मन उ।

१ पृक्कायाम् (पिडिङ्गशाक) राजनि॰।

२ मनुपत्न्याञ्च

३ प्रजापतिभेदे, धमशास्त्र{??}र्त्तरि खाय-[Page4735-a+ 38] म्भुवादौ मुनिभेदे च पु॰। मनवश्च चतुर्दश ते च हरिवं॰

७ अ॰ उक्ता दृश्याः।



पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

मनु¦ m. (-नुः)
1. MANU, the legislator and saint, the son of BRAHMA4, or a personification of BRAHMA4 himself, the creator of the world and progenitor of mankind; the name is however a generic term. and in every Kalpa or interval from creation to creation, there are fourteen successive MANUS presiding over the universe for the period of a Manwantara, respectively; in the present crea- tion there have been the six following MANUS: MARI4CHI4 or SWAYAMBHUVA, the supposed revealer of the code of law possessed by the Hindus, SWA4RO4CHISHA, OUTTAMI4, TA4MASA, RAIVATA, and CHA4KSHUSHA; the seventh or the present MANU is VAIVASWATA, and is regarded to be the founder of the solar race of kings; SA4BARNI4, DAKSHA-SA4BARNI4, BRAHMA-SA4BARNI4, DHARMA-SA4- [Page550-a+ 60] BARNI4, RUDRASA4BARNI4, DE4VA-SA4BARNI4, and INDRA-SA4VARNI4, these seven Manus are to come in the present creation.
2. A man in general.
3. One of the Jain4a saints.
4. A Mantra, a mystical verse or formula.
5. The number fourteen. f. (-नुः-नायी- नावी) The wife of a legislator or MANU. E. मन् to know or under- stand, (the Ve4das or scripture especially,) and उ Una4di aff.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

मनु [manu], a. Thinking, wise, intelligent, sage; सलोकपाला मुनयो मनूनामाद्यं मनुं प्राञ्जलयः प्रणेमुः Bhāg.4.6.39.

मनुः [manuḥ], [मन्-उ Uṇ.1.1]

N. of a celebrated personage regarded as the representative man and father of the human race (sometimes regarded as one of the divine beings).

Particularly, the fourteen successive progenitors or sovereigns of the earth mentioned in Ms.1.63. (The first Manu called स्वायंभुवमनु is supposed to be a sort of secondary creator, who produced the ten Prajapatis or Maharṣis and to whom the code of laws known as Manusmriti is ascribed. The seventh Manu called वैवस्वतमनु, being supposed to be born from the sun, is regarded as the progenitor of the present race of living beings and was saved from a great flood by Viṣṇu in the form of a fish; cf. मत्स्यावतार; he is also regarded as the founder of the solar race of kings who ruled at Ayodhyā; see U.6.18; R.1.11; विवस्वान् मनवे प्राह मनुरिक्ष्वाकवे$ब्रवीत् Bg.4.1. The names of the fourteen Manus in order are: 1 स्वायंभुव, 2 स्वारोचिष, 3 औत्तमि, 4 तामस, 5 रैवत, 6 चाक्षुष, 7 वैवस्वत, 8 सावर्णि, 9 दक्षसावर्णि, 1 ब्रह्मसावर्णि, 11 धर्मसावर्णि, 12 रुद्रसावर्णि, 13 रौच्य-दैवसावर्णि and 14 इंद्रसावर्णि).

A symbolical expression for the number 'fourteen'.

A man, mankind (opp. evil spirits); मनवे शासदव्रतान् Ṛv.1.13.8.

Thought, thinking or mental faculty (Ved.).

A prayer, sacred text or spell (मन्त्र); मनुं साधयतो राज्यं नाकपृष्ठमनाशके Mb.13.7.18.

(pl.) Mental powers; देहो$सवो$क्षा मनवो भूतमात्रा नात्मानमन्यं च विदुः परं यत् Bhāg.6.4.25. -नुः f. The wife of Manu. -Comp. -अन्तरम् the period or age of a Manu; (this period, according to Ms.1.79, comprises 4,32, human years or 1/14th day of Brahmā, the fourteen Manvantaras making up one whole day; each of these fourteen periods is supposed to be presided over by its own Manu; six such periods have already passed away; we are at present living in the seventh, and seven more are yet to come); मन्वन्तरं तु दिव्यानां युगानामेकसप्ततिः Ak. -जः a man, mankind. ˚अधिपः, ˚अधिपतिः, ˚ईश्वरः, ˚पतिः, ˚राजः a king, sovereign. ˚लोकः the world of men; i. e. the earth. -जा a woman. -जातः a man. -ज्येष्ठः a sword. -प्रणीत a. taught or expounded by Manu.-भूः a man, mankind. -राज् m. an epithet of Kubera.-श्रेष्ठः an epithet of Viṣṇu. -संहिता, -स्मृतिः the code of laws ascribed to the first Manu, the institutes of Manu.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

मनु mfn. thinking , wise , intelligent VS. S3Br.

मनु m. " the thinking creature(?) " , man , mankind RV. VS. AitBr. TA1r. (also as opp. to evil spirits RV. i , 130 , 8 ; viii , 98 , 6 etc. ; the ऋभुs are called मनोर् नपातः, the sons of man , iii , 60 , 3 )

मनु m. the Man par excellence or the representative man and father of the human race (regarded in the RV. as the first to have instituted sacrifices and religious ceremonies , and associated with the ऋषिs कण्वand अत्रि; in the AitBr. described as dividing his possessions among some of his sons to the exclusion of one called नाभा-नेदिष्ठSee. ; called सांवरणas author of RV. ix , 101 , 10-12 ; आप्सवas author of ib. 106 , 7-9 ; in Naigh. v , 6 he is numbered among the 31 divine beings of the upper sphere , and VS. xi , 66 as father of men even identified with प्रजा-पति; but the name मनुis esp. applied to 14 successive mythical progenitors and sovereigns of the earth , described Mn. i , 63 and in later works as creating and supporting this world through successive अन्तरs or long periods of time See. मन्व्-अन्तरbelow ; the first is called स्वायम्भुवas sprung from स्वयम्-भू, the Self-existent , and described in Mn. 12 , 34 as a sort of secondary creator , who commenced his work by producing 10 प्रजापतिs or महर्षिs , of whom the first was मरीचि, Light ; to this मनुis ascribed the celebrated " code of मनु" See. मनु-संहिता, and two ancient सूत्रworks on कल्पand गृह्यi.e. sacrificial and domestic rites ; he is also called हैरण्यगर्भas son of हिरण्य-गर्भ, and प्राचेतस, as son of प्र-चेतस्; the next 5 मनुs are called स्वारोचिष, औत्तमि, तामस, रैवत, चाक्षुषSee. IW. 208 n.1 ; the 7th मनु, called वैवस्वत, Sun-born , or from his piety , सत्य-व्रत, is regarded as the progenitor of the present race of living beings , and said , like the Noah of the Old Testament , to have been preserved from a great flood by विष्णुor ब्रह्माin the form of a fish: he is also variously described as one of the 12 आदित्यs , as the author of RV. viii , 27-31 , as the brother of यम, who as a son of he Sun is also called वैवस्वत, as the founder and first king of अयोध्या, and as father of इलाwho married बुध, son of the Moon , the two great solar and lunar races being thus nearly related to each other See. IW. 344 ; 373 ; the 8th मनुor first of the future मनुs accord. to VP. iii , 2 , will be सावर्णि; the 9th दक्ष-सावर्णि; the 12th रुद्र-सावर्णि; the 13th रौच्यor देव-सावर्णि; the 14th भौत्यor इन्द्र--s सावर्णि)

मनु m. thought(= मनस्) TS. Br.

मनु m. a sacred text , prayer , incantation , spell(= मन्त्र) Ra1matUp. Pan5car. Prata1p.

मनु m. N. of an अग्निMBh.

मनु m. of a रुद्रPur.

मनु m. of कृशा-श्वBhP.

मनु m. of an astronomer Cat.

मनु m. ( pl. )the mental Powers BhP.

मनु m. N. of the number " fourteen " (on account of the 14 मनुs) Su1ryas.

मनु f. मनु's wife(= मनावी) L. ; Trigonella Corniculata L. [ cf. Goth. manna ; Germ. Mannus , son of Tuisto [TM] , mentioned by Tacitus , in his wk. Germania , as the mythical ancestor of the West-Germans , mann , man ; Angl.Sax. man ; Eng. man.]

मनु etc. See. p. 784 , col. 2.


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

(I)--a son of धिषणा and कृशाश्य. भा. VI. 6. २०.
(II)--a Pravara. M. १९६. ३०.
(III)--a साध्य god. M. २०३. ११.
(IV)--the author of a धर्मशास्त्र; grass cut for cow is not punishable; so also flowers plucked from gardens other than those of temples for the worship of god. M. २२७. २७, ३२, ११३.
(V)--approached by वरूत्रि's sons to ruin the offerings to Gods but interrupted by Indra. वा. ६५. ७९.
(VI)--a son of बाष्कल. वा. ६७. ७९.
(VII)--a son of शिघ्रक; established himself in कलापग्राम by yoga. वा. ८८. २१०.
(VIII)--one of the sons of Madhu. वा. ९५. ४५.
(IX) (रैवत)--the fifth Manu; son of Priya- vrata and brother of तामस; Bali and others were his sons. Vibhu was Indra; भूतरयस् were the gods of the epoch; वैकुण्ठ was the manifestation of Hari in this मन्वन्तर। फलकम्:F1:  भा. V. 1. २८; VIII. 5. 2-5.फलकम्:/F देवबाहु and others were the seven sages; served as calf to milk the earth. फलकम्:F2:  Br. II. ३६. 3, ५१. ६४; ३७. १७. 8.फलकम्:/F [page२-619+ ४३]
(X)--(चाक्षुष)--a son of विश्वकर्मन् (विश्- वेश-म्। प्।) and कृती। Father of विश्वस् and साध्यस्. भा. VI. 6. १५; M. १७१. ४८.
(XI) (सावर्णि)--the eighth Manu. A son of छाया and विवस्वान्. Father of Nirmoka and other sons. In this epoch Sutapas, Virajas अमिताभस्, Mukhyas were the gods. Bali was Indra. गालव, कृप, राम and others were the sages. Hari manifested himself as सार्वभौम। फलकम्:F1:  भा. VI. 6. ४१; VIII. १३. ११-7; २२. ३१; Vi. III. 2. 4; १३-19.फलकम्:/F Ini- tiated in the mystery of Lord's glories by नारद, worship- ping नरनारायण; फलकम्:F2:  भा. V. १९. १०.फलकम्:/F originally श्रुतश्रवस्; performs aus- terities on the slopes of Meru even to-day. फलकम्:F3:  Br. IV. 1. २८; III. ५९. ४९ and ८०.फलकम्:/F
(XII) (स्वायम्भुव)--the first son of ब्रह्मा and the first king (सम्राट्) also विराट्. Ruled the earth, girt by seven seas, occupying ब्रह्मावर्त with बर्हिष्मती as capital. A विप्रराजऋषि. Learnt the Veda from his father, who asked him to rule according to Dharma. Wife शत- रूपा; sons Priyavrata and उत्तानपाद besides eight more through अनन्ता and a daughter, देवहूती. Other daughters were आकूति and प्रसूति फलकम्:F1:  भा. VIII. 1. 1, 5 and 7, XI. १४. 4; III. २०. 1 and १०; २१. 1-3, २५-26; २२. २६-9; VI. 1. 1; 8. 6; Br. II. १३. १०५; M. 3. ४४-5; 4. ३४; १४५, ९०; वा. 3. 2, ३६; २३. ४७; ५९. ५६-7; Vi. I. 7. १४-19; III. 1. 6.फलकम्:/F who married दक्ष and Ruci res- pectively. Met Kardama on the सरस्वती, spoke of inter- dependence of the क्षत्रिय and the Brahmana, and offered his daughter देवहूती in marriage to that sage. फलकम्:F2:  भा. III. २१. ४५; २२. 3-१४.फलकम्:/F Another daughter धन्या became the wife of Dhruva. Seeing Dhruva fighting with the यक्षस् in utter wrath, Manu asked him to cease slaughtering the innocents and to ask pardon of Kubera, their chief. फलकम्:F3:  Ib. IV. ११. 6-३४; M. 4. ३८.फलकम्:/F Appointed Priyavrata in charge of the kingdom and retired to तपस्। Spent ७१ yugas meditating on विष्णु, and gave Him the name, Hari. Did not take objection to Hara's violation of धर्म, though he was one of the twelve who knew the धर्म ordained by Hari. फलकम्:F4:  भा. V. 1. २१-2; XI. 2. १५; III. २२. ३१-6; II. 7. 2; VI. १७. १२; 3. २०; IV. २१. २८.फलकम्:/F Served as calf for पृथु to milk the earth. फलकम्:F5:  Ib. IV. १८. १२; २९. ४२.फलकम्:/F Formed one half of the Creator [page२-620+ ३८] and the other was शतरूपा. Asked ब्रह्मा for the earth being lifted out of the waters to form an abode for him and his subjects, when a वराह issued from ब्रह्मा's nostrils to do the work. फलकम्:F6:  Ib. III. १२. ५३-4; १३. 3-१८.फलकम्:/F Renouncing the world, Manu stood on one leg medi- tating on the glory of Hari on the bank of the सुनन्दा for a hundred years; when the Asuras tried to attack and devour him, Hari in the form of यज्ञ slew them. फलकम्:F7:  भा. VIII. 1. 7-१०.फलकम्:/F The first to give out स्मार्त धर्म, वर्णाश्रम धर्म and the first to practice शिष्टाचार; requested by Brahma to protect the वेदस् and consequently the यज्ञस्। Divided the Vedas into four sections. फलकम्:F8:  Br. II. २९. ४६, ६१-4; ३०. ३४; ३२. ३५-8, ९६; ३४. 2-8; ३५. १७५; ३६. 3; ३७. १४; IV. 1. ३२ and १०९; M. १४२. ४२.फलकम्:/F An आदिपुरुष. From him were born वैराजस्. फलकम्:F9:  Ib. 3. ४५-6; १७१. २७; १९२. १०; २२७. ३२.फलकम्:/F
(XIII)--(स्वारोचिष)--the second Manu, and son of Agni. Father of Dyumat and others. In this epoch Rocana was Indra, तुषित and others were gods, ऊर्ज्जस्तम्ब and six others were the seven sages. भा. VIII. 1. १९-20; Br. II. ३६. 3, २३; ३७. १५.
(XIV)--(वैवस्वत)--the seventh Manu, also known as ‘श्राद्धदेव’. फलकम्:F1:  भा. VIII. १३. 1-9; Br. II. ३६. 4, ८१; III. ५९. २२ and ३८; ६३. २१५; IV. 1. 6-२८; वा. ८४. २२; Vi. IV. 1. 6-7.फलकम्:/F Son of सम्ज्ञा and Vivasvat (सुरेणु and विवस्वान् वा। प्।): wife श्रद्धा: father of ten sons of whom इक्ष्वाकु was the eldest; फलकम्:F2:  Br. II. ३८. 1.फलकम्:/F in this epoch Puran- dara was Indra: कश्यप, Atri and others were sages: आदित्- yas and Vasus were gods: वामन was the manifestation of Hari; फलकम्:F3:  भा. VIII. १३. 1-9.फलकम्:/F a क्षत्रिय मन्त्रवादिन्: His sacrifice was disturbed by sons of वरूत्रि who were burnt by Indra in the वेदि: [page२-621+ ४१] a प्रजापति: king and दण्डधर. फलकम्:F4:  Br. II. ३२. १२०; ३८. २६ and ३२; III. 1. 3 and 6; 8. २१; १०. ९८; ६०. 7; M. १४५. ११५; २४८. १५.फलकम्:/F Saved by the Matsya Hari during the deluge. After anointing his son on the throne, M. performed penance on the Malaya Mt. for a lac of years when ब्रह्मा blessed him as protector of the universe after the प्रलय। Once in making a water oblation to his manes, a fish fell into his hand which he put into his water vessel. Finding its rapid growth he placed it in a well, tank, Ganges and the sea respectively. From its abnormal growth he suspected it to be an asura or वासुदेव; on questioning it he found it to be the Lord and was asked to use it (the fish) as the life boat when the whole world went down in the deluge, saving at the same time some lives; फलकम्:F5:  Ib. 1. ११ to the end; 2. १६; 9. 1; १६. 1; ५२. 3.फलकम्:/F performed तपस् on the यमुना for one hundred years with a view to get progeny; फलकम्:F6:  भा. I. 3. १५; VIII. २४. ५०; IX. 1. 3-१२; 2. 1; 6. 4.फलकम्:/F see Satyavrata; celebrated an अश्वमेध in honour of Mitra and वरुण; out came इला who went to them; फलकम्:F7:  Br. III. ६०. 1-१०.फलकम्:/F the Lord of men, and seven worlds with towns; फलकम्:F8:  वा. ७०. १८.फलकम्:/F divided the Vedas into four for the pro- gress of the world; फलकम्:F9:  Ib. ६०. 8.फलकम्:/F in order to get sons he performed the मित्रावरुण ritual; owing to the होत'स् carelessness a daughter इला came out; she became again a male Sudyumna by name; by an imprecation of शिव he again became a woman near Budha's hermitage. Budha got by her a son by name पुरूरवस्; फलकम्:F१०:  Vi. IV. 1. 8-१२.फलकम्:/F interpretation of शब्दब्रह्म by. फलकम्:F११:  Ib. VI. 5. ६४.फलकम्:/F
(XV) (दक्ष सावर्णी)--the ninth Manu. Born of वरुण; father of भूतकेतु and other sons. पारस् and others were gods of his epoch, and Adbhuta was Indra; Dyu- timat and others were sages. During this period Hari mani- fested himself as ऋषभ. भा. VIII. १३. १८-20. [page२-622+ ३५]
(XVI) (रुद्रसावर्णि)--the twelfth Manu; father of देववान् and other sons. ऋतधामन् was Indra. हारित and others were gods. तपोमूर्ति and others were sages. स्वधाम was Hari manifesting in this epoch; फलकम्:F1:  भा. VIII. १३. २७-29.फलकम्:/F the fourth सावर्ण Manu in the १२थ् पर्याय। फलकम्:F2:  Br. IV. 1. ८२-93.फलकम्:/F
(XVII) सावर्ण(इ)--the second Manu in the epoch of the Vaivasvata Manvantara; son of सावर्ण; फलकम्:F1:  Br. IV. 1. ५१-5, ७३-81.फलकम्:/F in his age Bali was to reign over the whole world. फलकम्:F2:  Ib. II. ३६. 4; III. ७३. ५२.फलकम्:/F
(XVIII) (रौच्य)--a सावर्ण Manu of the XIII पर्याय; three groups of gods, all addicted to Soma and ghee through यज्ञस्। Br. IV. 1. ९५-116.
(XIX)--(चाक्षुषान्तरम्)--भृगु and other sages lived in this epoch. फलकम्:F1:  M. 2. १४; 6. 3; 8. १२.फलकम्:/F There were five classes of devas, Lekha, ऋभव, ऋभाद्य, वारिमूल, and Divaukasa; चाक्- षुष had ten sons commencing with Ruru; फलकम्:F2:  Ib. 9. २२, २५.फलकम्:/F King पुरूरवस् flourished in the same line in this epoch. फलकम्:F3:  Ib. ११५. 7-8.फलकम्:/F
(XX) (औत्तम)--the third Manu; फलकम्:F1:  M. 3. ४७.फलकम्:/F father of ten sons; the devas of the epoch are भावनस् and there were also seven sages, कौकुरुण्डि, etc., all engaged in yoga. फलकम्:F2:  Ib. 9. ११.फलकम्:/F
(XXI) (चाक्षुष) (VI)--the son of चक्षु and वीरिणी; married a royal princess नड्वला and had ten sons. M. 4. ४०; Vi. I. १३. 4.
(XXII)--the son of हर्यश्व and father of Pra- tika. Vi. IV. 5. २७. [page२-623+ २९]

पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

MANU I : See under Manvantara.

*18th word in left half of page 481 (+offset) in original book.

MANU II : Son of the Agni Pāñcajanya. Pāñcajanya had three wives Suprajā, Bṛhadbhāsā and Niśā. He got of his first two wives six sons and of his third wife Niśā, a daughter and seven sons. (Chapter 223, Vana Parva).

*19th word in left half of page 481 (+offset) in original book.

MANU III : A celestial maiden born to Kaśyapa of Pradhā. (Chapter 59, Verse 44, Ādi Parva).

*1st word in right half of page 481 (+offset) in original book.

Vedic Index of Names and Subjects


पृष्ठभागोऽयं यन्त्रेण केनचित् काले काले मार्जयित्वा यथास्रोतः परिवर्तयिष्यते। तेन मा भूदत्र शोधनसम्भ्रमः। सज्जनैः मूलमेव शोध्यताम्।

Manu in the Rigveda[] and later[] has no claim to historical reality. He is simply the first man, father of the race, and its guide in all matters, sacrificial and other. Hence the views of the texts on inheritance are foisted on Manu and his youngest son, Nābhānediṣṭha.[] He also plays the part of the hero in the Vedic legend of the flood.[]

Manu is called Vivasvan[] or Vaivasvata,[] ‘son of Vivasvant’ (the god); Sāvarṇi,[] ‘descendant of Savarṇā’ (the substitute of Saraṇyū in the legend of her wedding); and Sāṃvaraṇi,[] ‘descendant of Saṃvaraṇa.’ The first name is, of course, mythical. The other two have been regarded as historical, Sāvarṇi being taken by Ludwig[] as a king of the Turvaśas, but this is very doubtful.

  1. i. 80, 16;
    ii. 33. 13;
    viii. 63. 1;
    x. 100, 5, etc. See Macdonell, Velk Mythology, 50.
  2. Av. xiv. 2, 41;
    Taittirīya Saṃhitā, i. 5, 1, 3;
    vii. 5. 15, 3;
    ii. 5, 9, 1;
    6, 7, 1;
    iii. 3, 2, 1;
    v. 4, 10, 5;
    vi. 6. 6, 1;
    Kāṭhaka Saṃhitā. viii. 15;
    Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa, i. 1, 4. 14, etc. Jainiminīya Upaniṣad Brāhmaṇa, iii. 15, 2, etc.
  3. Taittirīya Saṃhitā, iii. 1, 9, 4;
    Aitareya Brāhmaṇa, v. 14, 1. 2.
  4. Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa, i. 8, 1, 1 et seq., Kāṭhaka Saṃhitā, xi. 2.
  5. Rv. viii. 52, 1.
  6. ६.० ६.१ Av. viii. 10, 24;
    Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa, xiii. 4, 3, 3;
    Āśvalāyana Śrauta Sūtra, x. 7;
    Nirukta, xii. 10.
  7. Rv. viii. 51, 1;
    Bloomfield, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 15, 180, n., conjectures Sāvarṇi instead. Cf. Scheftelowitz, Die Apokryphen des Ṛgveda, 38.
  8. Translation of the Rigveda, 3, 166. Cf. Weber, Indische Studien, 1, 195;
    Hopkins, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 11, 240;
    Lévi, La Doctrine du Sacrifice, 114 et seq.;
    St. Petersburg Dictionary, s.v.;
    Muir, Sanskrit texts, 1^2, 161 et seq.;
    Bühler, Sacred Books of the East, 25, lvii et seq.;
    Lanman, Sanskrit Reader, 340 et seq.
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