
दृश्यताम् (पूर्वतनम् २० | ) (२० | ५० | १०० | २५० | ५००)
  • विस्मये २ हास्ये च मेदि॰। हीही¦ Ind. 1. An interjection of surprise, (ah, ha!) 2. An interjection of laughter, (hee, hee!) E. ही the interjetion repeated...
    २ KB (७४ शब्दाः) - ०९:४४, २१ मार्च् २०१६
  • H ( : ha). This letter has two meanings: (1) Under- standing (2) Rudra. (Agni Purāṇa, Chapter 348). _______________________________ *3rd word in left half...
    ६५२ B (२८ शब्दाः) - ००:१०, २८ मे २०१६
  • quality of excellence or goodness, &c.: see सत्त्व | (I)--a son of पुरूद्व(ha) and an ऐक्ष्वाकि; father of सात्वत. Br. III. ७०. ४८; वा. ९५. ४७. (II)--a...
    १ KB (४० शब्दाः) - २३:४६, २७ मे २०१६
  • यवनाचार्य्य¦ m. (-र्य्यः) An astronomical writer, frequently quoted by Vara4- ha-mihira, and other ancient Hindu astronomers: perhaps PTOLEMY, or the Greek...
    २ KB (४८ शब्दाः) - १३:५८, २१ मार्च् २०१६
  • Vātāpi was put out of action there (agastyāśramam āsādya durjayāyām uvāsa ha/… agastyeneha vātāpiḥ kimartham upaśāmitaḥ) 3. 94. 1-2 (Nī. on 3. 96. 1 takes...
    २ KB (१६० शब्दाः) - ०२:३५, २८ मे २०१६
  • Purohita (tān dhaumyaḥ pratijagrāha…/pādyena phalamūlena paurohityena caiva ha//) 1. 174. 6-7. _______________________________ *1st word in right half of...
    २ KB (१७२ शब्दाः) - ०२:३७, २८ मे २०१६
  • Purohita (tān dhaumyaḥ pratijagrāha…/pādyena phalamūlena paurohityena caiva ha//) 1. 174. 6-7. _______________________________ *1st word in right half of...
    २ KB (१७२ शब्दाः) - ०२:३७, २८ मे २०१६
  • yathākālaṁ sthūlakeśāśramaṁ prati//utsṛjya caiva taṁ garbhaṁ nadyās tīre jagāma ha) 1. 8. 6-7; Sthūlakeśa saw the new-born child alone on the bank of the river;...
    ३ KB (३३६ शब्दाः) - ०२:५८, २८ मे २०१६
  • Vedic; not belonging to the text of a Vedic hymn (as इति used in the Padapāṭ&ha with certain words not followed in the Saṁhitā by इति); सम्बुद्धौ शाकल्यस्येतावनार्षे...
    ३ KB (१४९ शब्दाः) - ०९:५९, २ मे २०१७
  • vihAya ityukte kim? varaH: "vihaH" iti puruShasya chaturthI! praShTavyam kim? ha! nUtanam kimapi pR^ichChatu. kanyA: bhavatu, "aham" iti shabdasya varNanam...
    ४ KB (४७५ शब्दाः) - ११:१८, ३ डिसेम्बर् २०१६
  • अवज्ञायाञ्च चक्रवर्त्ती। हूम्¦ Ind. 1. A particle of doubt or consideration (humph, ha.) 2. An interrogatory particle, (hey, indeed.) 3. A particle of assent, (yes...
    ४ KB (१६७ शब्दाः) - ०९:४६, २१ मार्च् २०१६
  • austerities were the forests of gods (vyacarat kāśikanyā…devāraṇyeṣu caiva ha…āplāvayata gātrāṇi tīvram āsthāya vai tapaḥ) 5. 187. 24, 26, 28; (3) In order...
    ५ KB (४०४ शब्दाः) - ०२:३६, २८ मे २०१६
  • eṣa dharmo vai…saṁmitaḥ sāmavedena/dhāryate svayam īśena rājan nārāyaṇena ha//) (12. 336. 9-10); this dharma was learnt and taught by Brahman to the Barhiṣad...
    ७ KB (८९३ शब्दाः) - ०२:५६, २८ मे २०१६
  • Location: On the (eastern) seacoast (samudratīreṇa śanair maṇalūraṁ jagāma ha) 1. 207. 13. B. Epic events: Arjuna, during his exile, visited it from the...
    ४ KB (४३८ शब्दाः) - ०२:४४, २८ मे २०१६
  • 15; near the place called Durjayā (agastyāśramam āsādya durjayāyām uvāsa ha) 3. 94. 1. B. Description: Excellent (āśramavara) 3. 85. 15; extensive (mahant)...
    ४ KB (४५० शब्दाः) - ०२:१९, २८ मे २०१६
  • the seeds of the Eleocarpus. 2. The name of ARUNDHATI, wife of VASISHT'- HA, (from her wearing a rosary.) E. अक्ष a kind of seed or bead, and माला a necklace...
    ६ KB (२२२ शब्दाः) - ०९:४५, २ मे २०१७
  • कन् added, टिट्टिभक; also टिटिभक, टटिभक, &c. टिट्टिभ m. = भक(also टीतिभ, ha See. ) Gaut. Mn. v , 11 Ya1jn5. i , 172 MBh. xii etc. टिट्टिभ m. N. of a दैत्य...
    ५ KB (२१६ शब्दाः) - २१:५६, २७ मे २०१६
  • Brāhmaṇas, most of them known for their learning (grāmo brāhmaṇānāṁ babhūva ha) 13. 67. 3; (vidvāṁsas tatra bhūyiṣṭhā brāhmaṇāś cāvasaṁs tadā) 13. 67. 4;...
    ७ KB (४७५ शब्दाः) - १८:३७, २४ नवेम्बर् २०२२
  • tīrtha came to be known after him (tatra hy amararājo 'sāv īje kratuśatena ha… tasya nāmnā ca tat tīrtham…indratīrtham iti khyātam) 9. 48. 2, 5. D. Events:...
    ४ KB (५१२ शब्दाः) - ०२:२३, २८ मे २०१६
  • tīrtha came to be known after him (tatra hy amararājo 'sāv īje kratuśatena ha… tasya nāmnā ca tat tīrtham…indratīrtham iti khyātam) 9. 48. 2, 5. D. Events:...
    ४ KB (५१२ शब्दाः) - ०२:२२, २८ मे २०१६
दृश्यताम् (पूर्वतनम् २० | ) (२० | ५० | १०० | २५० | ५००)
"https://sa.wiktionary.org/wiki/विशेषः:अन्वेषणम्" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्
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