Sacred Texts  Sagas & Legends  Index  Previous 


{Note: spellings in the index sometimes diverge from those in the text. I have retained the spellings in the index, without comment, in these cases. The electronic version makes it easier to detect these problems--jbh}

Adam and Eve, 3.
Adils, legendary king of Sweden (the Eadgils of Béowulf), 170, 172, 212.
Africa, 5.
Agdir, on the southwest coast of Norway, 207.
Age of Gold, 25.
Ái, a dwarf, 27.
Áleifir (Ólafr Pá), Icelandic chieftain of the tenth-eleventh century, 106.
Álfheimr, abode of the Light-Elves, 31.
Álfr, a dwarf, 27.
Alfödr, 34. See Allfather.
Áli or Váli, son of Odin and Rindr, 41, 114.
Áli, legendary king of Norway, slain by Adils, 170, 171, 212.
Allfather (Odin), 15, 22, 25, 27, 31, 42, 43, 46, 51, 97.
All-Strong, Sun's horse, 23.
Alsvidr. See All-Strong.
Alsvinnsmál, one of the poems of the Elder Edda, 213, 224.
Althjófr, a dwarf, 26.
Alvig, wife of Hálfdan the Old, 228-230.
Amlódí 140. "Amlódi's Churn (=the sea), 140.
Ámsvartnir, a lake, 44.
Andhrímnir, 50.
Andlangr, the second heaven, 32.
Andvari, a dwarf, 26, 151, 152.
Andvari's Yield, 156.
Angles, 197.
Angrboda, a giantess, 42.
Annarr, second husband of Night, 22.
Apli, an ox, 213.
Apostles, 194.
Arfr, an ox, 213.
Arfuni, an ox, 213.
Arnórr Earls' Skald, poet of the eleventh century, 97, 134-136, 180, 181, 196, 198, 201, 209, 216, 218, 223, 226, 231, 232.
Arvakr. See Early-Wake.
Ása-Thor, 5 9, 64, 6 5, 8 5, 116.
Ásgard, abode of the Æsir, citadel of the gods, 14, 15; 21, 22, 25, 74, 83, 89-91, 96, 107, 109, 116, 143, 145, 146.
Ásgrímr, an Icelandic Skald, 141.
Asia, 5, 8, 9.
Askr ("Ash") according to pagan tradition the first created man, 21.
Áslaug, daughter of Sigurdr Fáfnisbani and Gudrún, 159.
Ásynjur, the goddesses corresponding to the male Æsir, 33, 45, 48, 89, 129, 143.
Athra or Annarr, 7.
Atli, son of Budli, brother of Brynhildr, and second husband of Gudrún, 156, 157, 212, 230.

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Atli, a skald, 223.
Atrídr or Atridi, a name of Odin, 34, 211.
Audi, a name of Odin, 230.
Audr, son of Naglfari and Night, 22, 136, 137.
Audumla, the cow that nourished Ymir, 18, 19.
Augustus Caesar, 161.
Aurboda, a giantess, mother of Gerdr, 48.
Aurnir, a giant, 165.
Aurvandill, 118, 119. "Aurvandill's Toe," a star, 119.
Aurvangar, 27.
Austri, a dwarf, 26, 133) 134.
Awful Winter, the winter preceding Ragnarök, 77.

BÁFURR, a dwarf, 20.
Baldr or Beldeg, son of Odin, 8, 28, 36, 41, 71-75, 83, 92, 100, 111, 114, 115, 119, 129, 174. "Baldr's Brow," a plant, 36.
Báleygr, a name of Odin, 34.
Barrey, 49.
Baugi, a giant, brother of Suttungr, 94, 95.
Bedvig, 7
Beigudr, one of Hrólfr Kraki's berserks, 171
Beimar, 233.
Beimuni, a legendary king, 233
Beldeg. See Baldr.
Beli, a giant slain by Freyr, 49, 81, 112, 120, 211.
Bergelmir, ancestor of the Rime Giants, 19.
Bersi, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 181.
Bestla, mother of Odin, Vili, and Vé, 19.
Biflindi, a name of Odin, 34.
Bifröst, bridge of the Æsir, 24, 25, 29, 40, 53, 79.
Bifurr, a dwarf, 26.
Bikki (= Sibicho), Jörmunrekkr's faithless counsellor, 158.
Bil and Hjúki, the children who follow the moon's course (cf. Jill and Jack), 23, 47.
Bileygr, a name of Odin, 34.
Bilskirnir, Thor's hall, 35, 107, 109.
Bjáf or Bjárr, 7.
Bjarkamál, poem attributed to Bjarki, the warrior-skald of Hrólfr Kraki, 173.
Bjárr, 212.
Björn, 212.
Black-Elves. See Dark-Elves.
Blakkr, a horse, 211.
Blódughadda, a daughter of the sea-god Ægir, 219.
Blódughófi, a horse, 211.
Bodn, a vat, 93-95, 103, 105.
Borr, father of Odin, Vili, and Vé, 19-21, 103.
Bragi, the god of poesy, 39, 53, 89, 92, 94, 96, 99, 113, 115, 121, 130.
Bragi, a Norwegian skald of the

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ninth century, 13, 103, 107, 109, 143, 144, 150, 159, 160, 185, 189, 221.
Bragi, son of Hálfdan the Old, legendary king, 230.
Bragi the Old, legendary king, 203.
Bragnings, the dynasty of Bragi Hálfdanarson, 230, 231.
Brandr, 8.
Breidablik, the abode of Baldr, 31, 36.
Brimir, a hall, 82.
Brísinga-men, Freyja's necklace, 46, 113, 114, 129, 132.
Brokkr, a dwarf, 145.
Brunnakr's brook, 132.
Brynhildr, 155, 156. See Hildr.
Budli, soil of Hálfdan, father of Atli and Brynhildr, 156, 230.
Budlungs, the dynasty of Budli, 230, 231.
Búi, 183.
Búri, primogenitor of the gods, 19, 103.
Búseyra, 111.
Býleistr, brother of Loki, 41, 80, 114.
Bylgja, a daughter of Ægir, 219.
Byrgir, 23.
Bödvar-Bjarki, one of Hrólfr Kraki's berserks, 171.
Bödvarr the Halt, an Icelandic skald of the twelfth century, 134.
Bölthorn, a giant, father of Bestla, 19.
Bölverkr, a name of Odin, assumed by him on his visit to Hnitbjörg, 34, 95 ff.
Bölverkr, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, son of Arnórr, 218.
Bömburr, a dwarf, 26.

CHRIST, 161, 194, 197.
Constantinople, 197.
Creation: Hebrew tradition, 3; Teutonic pagan tradition, 16-26.

DAGR, 211.
Dagr, son of Hálfdan, 230.
Dáinn, a dwarf, 26.
Dáinn, a hart, 29, 210.
Dáinsleif, Högni's sword, 189.
Dalarr, a hart, 210.
Dalr, a hart, 210.
Danes, 8, 234.
Dark-Elves, 31, 43.
Day, 136.
Day, god of the day, 22.
Dayspring, third husband of Night, and father of Day, 22.
Denmark, 9, 13, 161, 169, 199, 230.
Dólgthvari, a dwarf, 26.
Dóri, a dwarf, 26.
Draupnir, a dwarf, 26.
Draupnir, Odin's gold ring, 73, 74, 111, 134, 143, 146, 147, 174.

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Dröfn, a daughter of Ægir, 219.
Drómi, a fetter, 43.
Drösull, a horse, 211.
Dúfa, a daughter of Ægir, 219.
Dúfr, a dwarf, 26.
Duneyrr, a hart, 29, 210.
Durathrór, a hart, 29, 210.
Durinn, a dwarf, 26.
Dvalinn, a dwarf, 26, 104, 211.
Dvalinn, a hart, 29, 210.
Döglings, a Swedish dynasty, 230, 231.

EARLY-WAKE, Sun's horse, 23, 212.
East, a dwarf, 20.
Egill Skallagrímsson, an Icelandic skald of the tenth century, 100, 104, 112, 112, 169, 209, 217, 228.
Egill Völusteinsson, an Icelandic skald, son of Völu-Steinn, q.v., 106.
Eikin, a river, 52.
Eikinskjaldi, a dwarf, 27.
Eikthyrni, a. hart in Valhall, 52.
Eilífr Gudrúnarson, an Icelandic skald (c. 1000), 105, 108, 109, 123, 194.
Eilífir Kúlnasveinn, a skald, 195, 196.
Einarr Skúlason, an Icelandic skald, 139, 140, 148, 169, 175, 196, 214, 219.
Einarr Tinkling-Scale, an Icelandic skald of the tenth century, 103-105, 175, 176, 182-184, 187, 193, 203, 205, 207, 209, 214, 215, 217, 218, 220-223, 230, 231.
Einherjar, Odin's Champions, 48, 53.
Einridi, 7.
Einridi, a name of Thor, 121.
Eiríkr, son of Earl Hákon the Mighty, 205.
Eiríkr the Wise-in-Speech, 230.
Eiríksmál, a poem on Eiríkr Blood-axe, 102.
Eldhrímnir, a kettle, 50.
Elfin-Beam, the sun, 84.
Ella, 129.
Elli ("Old Age"), 65-67.
Elves, 29, 11, 32, 90, 96.
Embla ("Maple"?) the first created woman, 21.
Eneá. See Európá.
England, 9, 14, 197, 199.
Eräh, Ónurb, 88, 99, 111.
Erpr, one of Gudrún's three sons by Jónakr, 159-160.
Erringar-Steinn, a skald, 191.
Európá or Eneá, Europe, 5.
Ey-Gotaland, 234.
Eyjólfr the Valiant Skald, an Icelandic poet of the early eleventh century, 194, 208.
Eylimi, maternal grandfather of Sigurdr the Völsung, 153, 230.
Eymundr, a king of Hólmgardr, 229.

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Eysteinn Valdason, an Icelandic skald of the tenth century, 108.
Eyvindr Skald-Despoiler, a Norwegian skald of the tenth century, 98-100, 102, 105, 106, 112, 136, 148, 172, 181, 188, 197, 205, 228.

FÁFNIR brother of Otter, 151, 154, 174, 213.
Fákr, a horse, 211.
Falhófnir, a horse, 29, 211.
Falr, a dwarf, 27.
Fárbauti the giant, father of Loki, 41, 114.
Farmatýr ("God of Cargoes"), a name of Odin, 34.
Fearful-Tusk, Freyr's boar, 73, 113.
Fenja, one of the two giantesses who turned the stones of the mill Grotti for King Fródi, 162-169, 174.
Fenris-Wolf or Fenrir, 24, 39, 42-45, 50, 78-81, 83, 84, 101, 113, 114.
Fensalir, Frigg's abode, 45, 71, 129.
Fidr, a dwarf, 27.
Fíli, a dwarf, 26.
Fimbulthul, a river, 16, 52.
Finland, 217.
Finn, 7.
Fire-Kindler, one of Ægir's thralls, 144.
Five-Finger, one of Ægir's thralls, 144.
Fjalarr, a dwarf, 93.
Fjölnir, a legendary Swedish king, 162.
Fjölnir, a name of Odin, 34.
Fjölsvidr, a name of Odin, 34.
Fjörgvin or Fjörgynn, Frigg's mother, 22, 129, 208.
Fjörm, a river, 16, 52.
Fjörsvartnir, Night's horse, 212.
Fólkvangr, Freyja's dwelling, 38.
Fornjótr, father of the Wind, 141.
Forseti, son of Baldr, 41, 89, 111.
Fránangr-Falls, 75.
Frankland (Franconia, or all the territory occupied by the Franks), 8.
Franks, the, 230.
Freki, one of Odin's wolves, 50, 51.
Freóvin, 8.
Freyja, daughter of Njördr, 39, 46, 54, 73, 89, 91, 111-113, 116, 128, 129, 1431 149-150, 184, 187.
Freyr, son of Njördr, 38, 48-50, 561 73, 79, 81, 89, 111, 112, 129, 136, 146, 171 149.
Fríallaf or Fridleifr, 7, 8.
Fridleifr, 161, 162.
Frigg or Frígídá, wife of Odin, 7, 22, 33, 45-47, 71-74, 81, 89, 99, 111, 114, 121, 129, 136, 143.
Frjódigar or Fródi, 8.

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Fródi, legendary king of Denmark, 161. Fródi's Peace. 161-164, 167-169.
Frosti, a dwarf, 27.
Frosty-Mane, Night's horse, 22.
Fulla, one of the Ásynjur, 46, 74, 89, 129, 143, 148.
Fundinn, a dwarf, 26.
Fýri, a river ill Sweden, 171-173.
Fýris-Plain, 143.
Fölkvir, a horse, 212.

GALARR, a dwarf, 93.
Gamli Gnævadar-Skáld, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 109, 231.
Gandálfr, a dwarf, 26.
Gangleri, a name of Odin, 34.
Gangleri, alias of Gylfi, King of Sweden, 14 ff., 23-25, 27-36, 38, 44, 45, 49-53, 56, 57, 68, 70, 75, 77, 81 82, 84.
Gangr, a giant, 92, 124.
Gardar, the modern Russia, 196.
Gardrofa, a horse, 47.
Garmr, a dog, 53, 79.
Gauta-Týr ("God of Geats" ?) a title of Odin, 99.
Gautr, a name of Odin, 34, 204, 235.
Geats, 197.
Gefjun, one of the Ásynjur, 13, 46, 89, 143.
Gefn, a name of Freyja, 46, 149.
Geirahöd, a Valkyr, 48.
Geirrödr, a giant, 33, 107, 110, 114, 121-2124.
Geirvimul, a river, 52.
Geitir, 191.
Gelgja, a chain, 45.
Gerdr, wife of Freyr, 48, 49, 89.
Geri, one of Odin's wolves, 50, 51.
Gevis or Gave, 9.
Gillingr, a giant, 93, 94, 105.
Gimlé, the pagan Paradise, 16, 31, 82.
Ginnarr, a dwarf, 27.
Ginnungagap, the Chaos of the Scandinavian mythology, 17, 20.
Gípul, a river, 52.
Gísl, a horse, 29, 211.
Gizurr, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 225.
Gjallar-Horn, Heimdallr's trumpet, 27, 40, 79, 80.
Gjálp, a giantess, daughter of Geirrödr, 110, 122 ff., 210.
Gjúki, Sigurdr's father-in-law, 155, 159, 230.
Gjúkungs, the dynasty of Gjúki, 157.
Gjöll, a river (the Styx of the pagan Scandinavians), 16, 73, 74. Gjöll's Bridge, 73, 74.
Gjöll, a rock, 45.
Gladr ("Glad," "Bright"), Day's horse, 28.
Gladsheim, abode of the Æsir, 25.

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Glammi, 221.
Glapsvidr, a name of Odin, 34
Glasir, a grove in Ásgard, 143, 145, 174
Glaumr, a horse, 128, 212.
Gleipnir, the fetter with which Fenris-Wolf is bound, 39, 43, 44.
Glenr, husband of Sun, 23.
Glenr, a horse, 28, 140/
Glitnir, Forseti's hall. 31, 41.
Glóinn, a dwarf, 26.
Glórá See Lórá.
Glúmr Geirason, an Icelandic skald of the tenth century, 98, 104, 186, 197, 229.
Glær, a horse, 211.
Gná, one of the Ásynjur, 47.
Gnipa's Cave, den of the dog Garmr, 79.
Gnita Heath, Fáfnir's abode, 153, 154.
God of Cargoes. See Týr of Cargoes.
God of the Hanged, a title of Odin, 97, 98.
God of the Slain, a title of Odin, 101.
God of Tears, a title of Baldr, 111.
Gói, the eighth month, 225.
Góinn, a serpent, 30, 213.
Gold-Bristle, Freyr's boar, 73, 112.
Gold-Mane. See Gold-Bristle; also 115, 118.
Goths, 233.
Goti, Gunnarr's horse, 155, 210.
Goti, a legendary king, 233.
Gotland, 161, 233, 234; or Gautland, 233, 234.
Gotthormr, murderer of Sigurdr Fáfnisbani, 155, 156, 166.
Grábakr, a serpent, 30, 213.
Grád, a river, 52.
Grafvitnir, a serpent, 30, 174, 213.
Grafvölludr, a serpent, 30.
Gramr, Sigurdr Fáfnisbani's sword, 153, 156.
Gramr, a son of Hálfdan the Old, 228.
Grani, Sigurdr Fáfnisbani's horse, 154, 155, 174, 177.
Grani, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 223, 231.
Greeks, 194, 196, 197.
Greip, a giantess, sister of Gjálp, 123.
Grettír, a skald, 184.
Grídr, a giantess, mother of Vídarr, 122, 129. Grídr's Rod, 122 ff.
Grímhildr, mother of the Gjúkungs, 155.
Grímnir, a name of Odin, 34, 106.
Grímnismál, poem in the Elder Eddic collection, 35, 47, 52.
Grímr, a name of Odin, 34.
Grjótbjörn (Arinbjörn Thórisson), a skald of the tenth century, 112.

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Grjótúnagard, 116, 117, 119.
Gróa, wife of Aurvandill, 118, 119.
Grótti, the mill that made the sea salt, 140, 162, 163, 165.
Gudólfr, 7.
Gudr, a Valkyr, 48, 181, 182.
Gudrún, daughter of Gjúki and wife of Sigurdr Fáfnisbani, 111, 155-159.
Gullfaxi, Day's horse, 211.
Gullintanni, a name of Heimdallr, q.v.
Gulltopr ("Gold-Top") Heimdallr's horse, 28, 40, 73, 113, 210.
Gungnir, Odin's spear, 79, 102, 145, 146.
Gunnarr, a Niflung or Gjúkung, 155-158.
Gunnlaugr Serpent's-Tongue, an Icelandic skald of the tenth-eleventh century, 177.
Gunnlöd, daughter of Suttungr the giant, 94, 95, 100, 106, 107, 129, 136. Gunnlöd's Liquor, 106, 107.
Gunnr. See Gudr.
Gunnthrá, a river, 16, 52.
Gunnthráin, a river, 52.
Gylfi, King of Sweden, gives lands to the Æsir, 8; contest with Odin, 13 ff.
Gylfi, 192.
Gylfi, a son of Hálfdan, 22 8, 229.
Gyllir, a horse, 28, 211.
Gýmir, father of Gerdr, 48
Gymir (a name of Ægir), 138.
Göll, a Valkyr, 48.
Gömul, a river, 52.
Göndlir, a name of Odin, 34.
Göndul, a Valkyr, 99, 182.
Göpul, a river, 52.
Götha, a river, 209.

HÁAR, a name of Odin, 181. See Hárr.
Hábrók, a hawk, 53.
Haddings, 98, 211.
Háfeti, a horse, 211.
Hagbardr, 230.
Haki, a viking, 211, 222.
Hákon, the Mighty, son of Sigurdr and Bergliot, and Earl of
Hladir, ruler of Norway 975-995, 148, 173, 182, 202, 204.
Hálfdan the Munificent, 230.
Hálfdan the Old, a legendary king, 227-230.
Hálfdan the Swarthy, son of Haraldr Fairhair, 230.
Hálfdanr, 168.
Hálfr, a legendary king of Hördaland, 141, 233.
Hallarsteinn, a skald, 177, 178.
Halldórr, an Icelandic skald of the twelfth century, 224.
Hallfredr Troublous-Skald, in the service of Ólafr Tryggvason, 99, 136, 137, 179, 184, 187, 200, 229.
Hallinskídi. See Heimdallr.

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Hallr, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 210.
Hallvardr, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 136, 186, 192, 193, 207, 217, 227.
Hamdir, a son of Gudrún and Jónakr, 111, 158-160, 184.
Hamskerpir, a horse, 47.
Haraldr Gormsson, King of Denmark 940-986, and friend of Hákon the Mighty, 201, 202, 212.
Haraldr the Red-Bearded or Gold-Bearded, father-in-law of Hálfdan the Black, 230.
Haraldr Sigurdarson, King of Norway 1045-l066, 193, 199.
Hárbardr, a name of Odin, 34.
Hárekr, 102.
Hárr ("The High One"), poetic name for Odin, 15-21, 23-25, 27-36, 39, 44, 45, 49-53, 56, 68, 70, 75, 77, 83.
Hárr, a dwarf, 26.
Harri or Herra, a son of Hálfdan the Old, 228, 229.
Hati Hródvitnisson, a Wolf, 23.
Haustlöng, a poem by Thjódólfr of Hvin, 119 ff., 130 ff.
Hávardr the Halt, an Icelandic skald of the tenth century, 97.
Head, Heimdallr's sword, 40.
Hector, 85.
Hedinn, son of Hjarrandi, 127, 188-190.
Hefring, a daughter of Ægir, 230.
Heidrún, the she-goat whose udders give meed for the Einherjar, 51.
Heimdalargaldr, a lost Eddic lay, 40, 113. See Introduction.
Heimdallr, sentinel of the Æsir, 40, 73, 79, 80, 89, 101, 113, 115. Heimdallr's Measure, 113.
Heimir, 159.
Heingistr, 7
Heinir, 223
Heiti, 139, 194.
Hel, the hell of the pagan Scandinavians, 16, 74, 75, 83, 213.
Hel, goddess of the nether world, 42, 72, 74, 111, 114.
Helblindi, a name of Odin, 34.
Helblindi, brother of Loki, 41, 1114.
Hengikjöptr, 162.
Hengjankjapta, 111.
Heptifíli, a dwarf, 26.
Heremód, 7.
Herfjötur, a Valkyr, 48.
Herjann, a name of Odin, 34
Hermódr the Bold, son of Odin, 72-74, 99.
Hermundr, 135.
Herteitr, a name of Odin, 34.
Hildings, 230
Hildir, a son of Hálfdan the Old, 230.
Hildr, a Valkyr, 48, 184-186, 231.
Hildr, a Valkyr, daughter of Högni, 188-190.

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Hildr, or Brynhildr, a Valkyr, 155, 156.
Hill-Danes (= giants), 120.
Hill-Giants, 28, 35, 40, 48, 73, 160, 165, 169.
Hilmir, a son of Hálfdan the Old, 228, 229.
Himinbjörg, Heimdallr's dwelling, 31, 40.
Himinglæva, a daughter of Ægir, 219.
Himinhrjódr, an ox, 213.
Hinda-Fell, site of Brynhildr's hall and the Flaring Fire, 155.
Hísing, 223.
Hjadnings, 178, 189-190.
Hjálmberi, a name of Odin, 34.
Hjálmthér, 211.
Hjálprekr, King at Thjód, 153.
Hjalti the Stout-Hearted, one of Hrólfr Kraki's berserks, 171.
Hjaltland (Shetland), 226.
Hjarrandi, 188, 190.
Hjúki. See Bil.
Hjördís, Sigurdr Fáfnisbani's mother, 153.
Hledjólfr, a dwarf, 26.
Hleidr, 168, 170.
Hlér. See Ægir (2). Hlér's Isle (now Læssø), 89.
Hlidskjálf, one of Odin's abodes, 22, 31, 48, 75, 102.
Hlín, one of the Ásynjur, 47.
Hlóra, 107.
Hlymdalir, 159.
Hlödyn (= Earth), 81, 208.
Hlökk, a Valkyr, 48, 181, 184, 187.
Hnikarr, a name of Odin, 34.
Hnikudr, a name of Odin, 34.
Hnitbjörg, 94. 103.
Hnoss, daughter of Freyja, 46, 129, 148.
Hoddmímir's Holt, 83.
Hólmgardr, the Scandinavian kingdom of Novgorod, 228.
Hoof-Tosser, Gná's horse, 47.
Hornklofi, a skald of Haraldr Fairhair (c. 900), 181, 191, 216.
Hoy, 188.
Hrafn, a horse, 110.
Hrafnketill, 185.
Hreidmarr, father of Otter, Fáfnir, and Reginn, 150-152.
Hríd, a river, 16.
Hrímfaxi, Night's horse, 212.
Hrímnir, 108.
Hringhorni, Baldr's ship, 72, 111.
Hrist, a Valkyr, 48.
Hrólfr Kraki, a legendary king of Denmark (the Hróthulf of the Béowulf, 169-173, 227.
Hropta-Týr ("God of Gods"), a title of Odin, 34, 99.
Hroptr (= Odin), 102.
Hrotti, Fáfnir's sword, 153.
Hrund, 221.
Hrungnir, a giant slain by Thor, 107, 109, 115-118, 121, 165, 182, 185.
Hrungnir's Heart, the name of a rune, 117.

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Hrymr, a giant, helmsman of Naglfar, 78-80.
Hræsvelgr, a giant, 32.
Hrönn, a river, 52.
Hrönn, a daughter of Ægir, 219.
Hugi, 62, 63, 67. Huginn, one of Odin's ravens, 51, 214.
Hugstari, a dwarf, 26.
Húsdrápa, a poem by Úlfr Uggason, 111, 113, 115.
Hvergelmir, the wellspring of the Mist-World, 16, 27, 29, 52, 82.
Hvítserkr the Stern, one of Hrólfr Kraki's berserks, 171 .
Hymir, a giant, 68-70, 110, 132.
Hýrr, an ox, 212.
Hyrrokkin, a giantess 73, 111.
Hœnir, a horse, 212.
Hœnir, one of the Æsir, 37, 89, 114, 132, 133, 150.
Hödr, the blind god, and slayer of Baldr, 40, 71, 72, 83, 111, 114.
Högni, brother of Gunnarr, 155-157, 192.
Högni, father of Hildr, 188-190, 194, 201, 212.
Hölgi, father of Thorgerdr Hölgabrúdr, 173.
Höll, a river, 52.
Hölvir, a horse, 212.
Hördland in Norway, 198.
Hörn, a name of Freyja, 46, 149.
Hörr, a dwarf, 26.

ICE-WAVES, a mythological river, 17, 18.
Ida-Field or Ida-Plain, 25, 83.
Idi, a giant, 92, 124, 165, 174.
Idunn, wife of the god Bragi and guardian of the apples of youth, 39, 89-91, 113, 114, 129, 130, 137, 143.
Illugi, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 209.
Ingi Haraldsson, Norwegian king (d. 1161), 134.
Ingvi-Freyr, 132. See Freyr.
"Inlaying," 191.
Ironwood, a forest, 24.
Ironwood-Women, 24.
Ítermann, 7.
Ívaldi, a dwarf, father of Brokkr and Sindri, 56, 145.

JAFNHÁRR, poetic name for Odin, 15-18, 20, 27, 33, 34,57.
Jalangr's Heath, 161.
Jálkr, a name of Odin, 34.
Jarizleifr, a Russian king, 1016-1054, 202.
Járnsaxa, a giantess, 118, 129, 215.
Ját, 7.
Jerusalem, 194, 197.
Jóm, 227.
Jónakr, third husband of Gudrún, 158, 161.
Jór, a horse, 211.
Jordan, 194, 196.
Jórunn, a poetess, 231.

{p. 256}

Jutland. See Reidgothland.
Jöfurr, a son of Hálfdan the Old, 228, 229.
Jörd, daughter of Night and of Annarr, wife of Odin, and mother of Thor, 22, 48, 107 ff., 119, 127, 129, 134.
Jörmungandr. See Midgard Serpent.
Jörmunrekkr (= Ermanarich), King of the Goths, fourth century, 158-161.
Jöruplain, 27.
Jötunheim, the abode of the giants, 13, 22, 25, 42, 54, 55, 58, 72, 80, 91, 115-117, 119, 132.

Keila, 110.
Kerlaugs, the, two rivers, 28.
Kertr, a horse, 212.
Kíli, a dwarf, 26.
Kjalarr, a name of Odin, 34.
Kjallandi, 110.
Kjárr, 130.
Knúi, 166.
Knútr, 136.
Kormákr, an Icelandic skald of the tenth century, 100, 102, 179, 186, 201, 204, 205.
Kvasir, wisest of the gods, 76, 93, 94, 103, 106.
Kölga, a daughter of Ægir, 219.
Körmt, a river, 28.

LAUFEY or Nál, mother of Loki, 41, 114.
Leidi, 111.
Leifi, 160.
Leikn, 110.
Leiptr, a river, 16.
Léttfeti, a horse, 28, 210.
Líf and Lífthrasir, the sole human survivors of Surtr's Fire 83.
Light-Elves, 31, 32.
Listi, 129.
Litr, a dwarf, 26, 73.
Lofdar, 230, 232, 233.
Lofdi, a son of Hálfdan the Old, 230.
Lofdungs, the dynasty of Lofdi, 230, 232.
Lofn, one of the Ásynjur, 46.
Logi, 62, 67.
Loki or Loptr, the sly god (Loki Laufeyarson), 33, 41 ff., 54, 55, 57. 58, 62, 67, 71, 75 ff., 85, 89-92, 113-115, 121-124, 131-133, 143-147, 150-152.
Lórá, wife of Duke Lóríkus of Thrace, 6.
Lóridi, son of Thor and Sif, 7.
Lóríkus of Thrace, foster-father of Thor, 6.
Lovarr, a dwarf, 27.
Lund, in Sweden, 175.
Lungr, a horse, 210.
Lútr, 111.
Lyngvi, an island, 44.
Lædingr, a fetter, 43.

{p. 257}

Læradr, a tree in Valhall, 51.
Lögr, the Malar in Sweden, 13.

MAGI, 7.
Magni, son of Thor arid Járnsaxa, 83, 107, 108, 119.
Magnús, 222.
Man, the Isle of, 203, 218.
Máni, a skald, 193.
Mardöll, a name of Freyja, 46, 174
Markús, an Icelandic skald (c. 1100), 135, 192, 195, 222, 226, 229, 232.
Marr, a horse, 210.
Mary, the Virgin, 195.
Mediterranean Sea, 5.
Meili, Thor's brother, 119, 131, 134.
Meinthjófr, 211.
Menja, a giantess, 162 ff. See Fenja.
Mennón, Trojan king, son-in-law of Priam and father of Thor, 6.
Michael, the Archangel, 136.
Midgard, the citadel prepared by the gods for human habitation. 21, 24, 53, 54, 68, 80, 107.
Midgard Serpent, 42, 67-70, 78-81, 83, 107, 114.
Mímir, the wise giant, who guards the well of wisdom, 27, 79; 80, 101.
Mimir's Well, the source of wisdom, 27, 79.
Mist, a Valkyr, 49.
Mistletoe, 71, 72, 114.
Mist-World, 16.
Mjödvitnir, a dwarf, 26.
Mjöllnir, Thor's hammer, 35, 55, 57, 60, 73, 83, 107, 118, 121.
Móda, 7.
Módgudr, the maiden who guards Gjöll's Bridge, 73.
Módi, a son of Thor, 83, 107.
Módnir, a horse, 211.
Módrödnir, a hart, 210.
Módsognir, a dwarf, 26.
Móinn, a serpent, 30, 213.
Mona. See Man, the Isle of.
Moon, the Moon-god, 23.
Moon-Hound, a Wolf, 24.
Mór, a horse, 210.
Morginn ("Morn"), 212.
Mundilfari, father of Sun and Moon, 23, 140.
Muninn, one of Odin's ravens, 51, 214, 215.
Múnón. See Mennón.
Múspell, the Region of Fire, 16, 24, 25, 50, 56, 78-80.
Múspellheim, 17, 20; 23. See Múspell.
Mýsingr, a pirate, 162.
Mökkurkálfi, 117, 118.

NAGLFAR, the ship of Múspell, 56, 78, 80.
Naglfari, husband of Night, 22.
Náinn a dwarf, 26.
Nál. See Laufey.

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Nanna, Baldr's wife, 41, 73, 74, 89, 111, 129.
Nár, a dwarf, 26.
Nari or Narfi, son of Loki and Sigyn, 42, 77, 114.
Nástrand, 82.
Nefir, a son of Hálfdan the Old, 230.
Nep, Nanna's father, 41, 73.
Nid, a river emptying into Trondhjem Bay, 223.
Nida Fells, 82.
Nídhöggr, the serpent that gnaws the root of Yggdrasill, 27, 29, 30, 213.
Nidi, a dwarf, 26.
Niflheim, the Mist-World, 17, 27, 42.
Niflhel, the Misty Hell, 55.
Niflungs, 155, 157, 174, 230.
Night, 136.
Night, the goddess of the night, 22.
Nikarr, a name of Odin, 15.
Nikudr, a name of Odin, 15.
Nípingr, a dwarf, 26.
Niz, the river Nissan in Sweden, 229.
Njáll of the Burning, an Icelandic skald and, lawyer of the tenth century, 219.
Njördr, reckoned among the Æsir, but originally of the Vanir, 36, 48, 89, 92, 111, 112, 129, 143.
Noah, 3. Noah's Ark, 3.
Nóatún, Njördr's abode, 36 ff., 92.
Nordri, a dwarf, 26, 133. See North.
Nordrsetudrápa, a poem by Sveinn, 141.
Nóri, a dwarf, 26.
Norns: the three Norns, the Germanic Fates, 28-30, 143; the minor norns, 29.
North, a dwarf, 20.
Norway, settled by Odin, 9; mentioned, 170, 188, 199, 218, 226, 233.
Nýi, a dwarf, 26.
Nýr, a dwarf, 26.
Nýrádr, a dwarf, 26.
Nyt, a river, 52.
Nönn, a river, 52.
Nörfi or Narfi, a giant, father of Night, 22.
Nöt, a river, 152.

ODIN or Vóden, son of Fríallaf or Fridleifr, 7; migrates from Turkland to the North, 7-9.
Odin (to be identified with the above), son of Borr and Bestla, and supreme deity of the pagan Scandinavians, 19, 27, 28, 31, 33, 36, 38, 45, 48, 50-53, 72-75, 79-81, 89, 92, 94-107, 109, 111, 113-116, 127-129, 124, 127-129, 131, 132, 136, 137, 143, 145, 146, 149-152.

{p. 259}

161, 180-183, 186, 190, 206, 214, 218, 225, 226, 233, 234.
Ódr, Freyja's husband, 4-6, 55, 129, 148.
Ódrerir, a kettle, 93-95, 103, 105, 105.
Ófnir, a serpent, 30, 213.
Óinn, a dwarf, 26.
Ókólnir, a hall, 82.
Ólafr, 184.
Óláfr the Holy, King of Norway 1015-1030, 225.
Óleifr, King of Sweden (d. 1024), 207.
Ómi, a name of Odin, 34.
Ónarr, 136, 201.
Ónarr, a dwarf, 26.
Óri, a dwarf, 26.
Orkneys, 188.
Ormr Barrey's-Skald, a poet, 134, 138.
Ormr Steinthórsson, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 104, 106, 141, 178, 220.
Órun, 174.
Óski, a name of Odin, 34.
Óttarr the Swarthy, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 176, 180, 200, 206, 207, 215, 220, 221, 226, 228, 229, 232.
Otter, son of Hreidmarr, 143, 150-152.

PIG of the Swedes, the gold ring of King Adils, 171, 172.
Priam, King of Troy, 6.

RÁDGRÍDR, a Valkyr, 48.
Rádsvidr, a dwarf, 26.
Ragnarr Lodbrók, Danish king and sea-rover, 160, 161, 190.
Ragnarr. Lodbrók's Song of Praise, 189.
Rán, wife of the sea-god Ægir, 137, 139, 144, 219.
Randgrídr, a Valkyr, 48.
Randvér, son of King Jörmunrekkr, 158, 160.
Ratatöskr, squirrel of Yggdrasill, 29.
Rati, an auger, 95.
Raudr, an ox, 212.
Raumar, 223.
Raven-God, a title of Odin, 51, 98.
Refill, Reginn's sword, 153.
Refr, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 98, 101, 104, 138, 180, 185, 187, 193, 217, 218, 220.
Reginleif, a Valkyr, 48.
Reginn, son of Hreidmarr, brother of Fáfnir, and fosterer of Sigurdr, 151-154.
Reidgothland (Jutland, 8), 234.
Reid-Gotaland. See Reidgothland.
Reifnir, 190.
Rekinn, an ox, 212.
Rekkr, a dwarf, 26.
Rerir, 8.
Rhine, the German river, 157, 174, 175.

{p. 260}

Rhymes of Thorgrímr, 210, 212.
Rime-Giants, 16-19, 27, 35, 53, 73, 79, 147.
Rindr, the mother of Áli or Váli, 41 48, 100, 114, 129, 136, 137, 206.
Ródi, 183, 184.
Rome, 194., 195, 197.
Róta, a Valkyr, 48.
Rygir, 180.
Ræsir, a son of Hálfdan the Old, 228.
Rögnvaldr Jarl, Earl of Orkney 1012-1045, 135, 202.
Rögnvaldr's Song of Praise, 202.
Röskva, Thor's handmaid, 57, 58, 107, 108.

SADR, a name of Odin, 34.
Sága, one of the Ásynjur, 46.
Sann-getall, a name of Odin, 34.
Saxland (Saxony), 7, 9. East Saxland, 7.
Saxons, 171.
Seskef, 7.
Sessrúmnir, Freyja's hall, 38, 129.
Sheen-Mane, Shining-Mane, one of Day's horses, 22, 212.
Síbil. See Sif.
Sicily, 193, 233
Sid, a river, 57.
Sídhöttr, a name of Odin, 34.
Sidskeggr, a name of Odin, 34.
Sif, wife of Thor, 6, 41, 107, 108, 114, 116, 129, 136, 143, 145, 146, 174
Sigarr, 7
Sigarr, a son of Hálfdan the Old, 230.
Sigarr, descendant of Sigarr son of Hálfdan, 230.
Sigfödr, a name of Odin, 34.
Siggeirr, son-in-law of Völsungr, 230.
Sigi, son of Odin, 8.
Sigmundr, son of Völsungr and father of Sigurdr Fáfnisbani, 153, 159.
Sigmundr, son of Sigurdr Fáfnisbani, 155.
Sigtryggr, 227.
Sigtún, founded by Odin, 8.
Sigtún, in Sweden, 218.
Sigurdr Fáfnisbani, legendary hero, 153-156, 158, 159, 230.
Sigurdr, Jarl at Hladir in the tenth century, father of Hákon the Mighty, 98, 185, 202.
Sigvaldi, 183.
Sigvatr, an Icelandic skald (fl. c. 1000), 196, 200, 226, 233.
Sigyn, wife of Loki, 42, 77, 89, 114, 131.
Siklings, 230-232.
Silfrintoppr, a horse, 28
Silfrtoppr, 211.
Simul, 23.
Sindri, a dwarf, 145, 146.
Sindri, a hall, 82.
Sinfjötli, son of Sigmundr and half-brother of Sigurdr Fáfnisbani, 159.
Singasteinn, 113, 115.

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Sinir, a horse, 28, 211.
Sjöfn, one of the Ásynjur, 46.
Skadi, daughter of Thjazi the giant, and wife of Njördr, 37, 38, 77, 91, 92, 111, 115, 131 133, 135, 143.
Skáfidr, a dwarf, 27.
Skapti Thóroddsson, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 195.
Skati the Munificent, a legendary king, 233.
Skatnar, 233.
Skeggjöld, a Valkyr, 48.
Skeidbrimir, a horse, 28, 211.
Skelfir, a legendary king, 230.
Skídbladnir, Freyr's ship, 53, 56, 112, 145, 14.6.
Skilfingr, a name of Odin, 34.
Skilfings, the dynasty of Skelfir, 230, 233.
Skinfaxi, Day's horse. See Sheen Mane.
Skirfir, a dwarf, 27.
Skírnir, Freyr's messenger, 43, 44, 48, 49, 79.
Skjaldun. See Skjöldr.
Skjöldr or Skjaldun, legendary king of Denmark, 7, 8, 161, 230.
Skjöldungs, Danish dynasty, reputed to have sprung from Skjöldr, son of Odin, 8, 230, 232.
Skrýmir, a giant, also called Útgarda-Loki, 59-61.
Skuld ("That which is to be," the Future), one of the Norns, 28, 48.
Skúli Thorsteinsson, an Icelandic skald, grandson of Egill Skallagrímsson, 140, 148, 173, 215, 216.
Skyli or Skúli, a son of Hálfdan the Old, 228, 229.
Skævadr, a horse, 213
Skögul, a Valkyr, 48, 99, 181, 225.
Sköll, a wolf, 23.
Sleipnir, Odin's horse, 28, 53, 72, 114, 115, 210.
Slídr, a river, 16.
Slöngvir, horse of King Adils, 172, 212.
Snotra, one of the Ásynjur, 47.
Snæbjörn, a skald, 140, 201.
Sól. See Sun.
Són, a vat, 93-95, 103.
Sóti, a horse, 210.
South, a dwarf. See Sudri.
Starkadr, 110.
Steinarr, a skald, 178.
Steinn, 138.
Steinn Herdísarson, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 135, 178.
Steinthórr, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 100.
Strong-through-Spells, a title of Odin, 102.
Stúfr, a skald of the eleventh century, 229.

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Stúfr, a horse, 211.
Styrkárr Oddason, a skald, 194.
Sudri, a dwarf ("South"), 20, 26, 128, 133.
Summer, 32.
Sun, 47.
Sun, the sun-goddess, 23.
Surtr, 16, 31, 78, 83, 83, 102.
Surtr's Fire, 31.
Suttungr, a giant, Gillingr's son, 94-96.
Svadilfari, a stallion, sire of Sleipnir, 54, 55.
Sváfnir, a serpent, 30, 213.
Svanhildr, daughter of Sigurdr Fáfnisbani and Gudrún, 155, 158, 161.
Svarinshaugr, 27.
Svásudr, father of Summer, 32, 142.
Svebdeg or Svipdagr, 7.
Sveidi, 192.
Sveinn, a skald, 141, 192.
Svíarr, a dwarf, 26.
Svidrir, a name of Odin, 34.
Svidurr, a name of Odin, 34, 234.
Svipall, a name of Odin, 34.
Svipdagr, one of Hrólfr Kraki's berserks, 171.
Svívör, 111.
Svöl, a river, 16, 52.
Svöldr, battle of, in which Ólafr Tryggvason fell, 173.
Svölnir, 190.
Swans, origin of, 30.
Swarthead, 18.
Sweden, realm of King Gylfi, 8, 13, 162, 166, 170-172, 199, 234.
Swedes, 234.
Sylgr, a river, 16.
Syn, one of the Ásynjur, 46.
Sýr, a name for Freyja, 46, 201.
Sægr, 23.
Sæhrímnir, the boar which furnishes meat for the Einherjar, 50.
Sæmingr, a son of Odin and first king of Norway, 9.
Søkin, a river, 52.
Søkkvabekkr, Sága's abode, 46.
Sölsi, 192.
Sörli, one of Gudrún's three sons by Jónakr, 158-160, 184.

THEGN, 211.
Thekkr, a name of Odin, 34.
Thekkr, a dwarf, 26.
Thengill or Manna-Thengill, a son of Hálfdan the Old, 228.
Thjálfi, Thor's bondservant, 57, 58, 62, 63, 67, 107, 108, 117, 118, 124, 126.
Thjazi (also spelled Thjatsi), a giant, father of Skadi, 37, 90-92, 130 ff., 135, 165, 174.
Thjódnuma, a river, 52.
Thjódólfr of Hvin, Norwegian skald of the ninth century, 14, 99, 119, 130, 134, 137, 173, 197, 202, 205, 206, 208, 214, 216, 226, 227, 232.

{p. 263}

Thor, son of Mennón and Tróán, and grandson of Priam, 6.
Thor (to be identified with the above), son of Odin and Jörd ("Earth"), also called Ása-Thor and Öku-Thor, 22, 28, 35, 41, 54-70, 73, 76, 81, 83, 85, 89, 96, 107-111, 114-129, 136, 143, 145-147, 204, 221.
Thórálfr, an Icelandic skald, 102.
Thorbjörn Lady's-Skald, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 109, 110, 194.
Thórdr Kolbeinsson, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 204, 207, 210.
Thórdr Mæri's Skald, 176.
Thórdr Sjáreksson, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 111, 192.
Thorfinnr, Earl of Orkney (d. 1064), 199, 202.
Thorgerdr Hölgabrúdr, 173.
Thorinn, a dwarf, 26.
Thorkell Hamar-Skald, an Icelandic skald (c. 1200), 232.
Thórleifr, 121, 130, 133.
Thorleikr the Fair, a skald of the eleventh century, at the court of King Sveinn Úlfsson of Denmark, 175, 176, 120.
Thorn, 124, 127.
Thórsdrápa, poem by Eilífr Gudrúnarson, 123 ff.
Thorsteinn, 104.
Thorvaldr Blending-Skald, an Icelandic skald (c. 1100), 103, 176, 199.
Thrace, 6.
Thrándheim, the modern Trondhjem, 141
Thridi, poetic name for Odin, 15, 27, 20, 33, 34, 57, 82, 99.
Thrívaldi, a giant, 107, 109, 110.
Thróinn, a dwarf, 26.
Thrór, a name of Odin, 34.
Thrór, a dwarf, 26.
Thrúdheim, Thor's realm, 6.
Thrúdr, a Valkyr, 48.
Thrúdr, Thor's daughter, 107, 108, 128, 129.
Thrúdvangar, Thor's abode, 35, 68, 129.
Thrymheimr, Thjazi's abode, 37, 38, 90.
Thudr, a name of Odin, 34.
Thundr, a name of Odin 34.
Thviti, a rock, 45.
Thyn, a river, 52.
Thökk, a giantess (Loki in disguise), 75.
Thöll, a river, 52.
Tindr, an Icelandic skald (c. 1000), 183.
Tjaldari, a horse, 210.
Tooth-Gnasher and Tooth-Gritter, Thor's goats, 35.
Tróán, wife of Mennón and mother of Thor, 6.
Trór. See Thor (1).
Troy, 6, 9, 21, 85.

{p. 264}

Turf-Einarr, Earl of Orkney (c. 900), 203.
Turkland. See Troy.
Turks, 9, 85.
Tyggi, a son of Hálfdan the Old, 228, 229.
Týr, god of war, 39, 42, 45, 79, 89, 96, 113, 143.
Týr of Cargoes, a title of Odin, 96.
Týr of the Hanged, a title of Odin, 96.
Týr of Triumph, a title of Odin, 96, 98.
Týr of the Wain, a title of Odin, 96.

UDR, a name of Odin, 34.
Udr, a daughter of Ægir, 219.
Úlfr Uggason, an Icelandic skald (c. 1000), 99-101, 106, 110-113, 179, 186, 204, 208.
Ullr, Thor's step-son, 41, 89, 107, 108, 114; 119, 128, 129, 180, 182, 185.
Ulysses, 85.
Uppsala, 170, 171.
Urdr ("That which has taken place," the Past), one of the three Norns, 28, 30, 186, 194, 195. Urdr's Well, 29, 30, 186, 194, 195.
Útgarda-Loki, 61-69. See Skrýmir.
Útgardr, 61.
Uvigg, 8.

VAFTHRÚDNIR, a giant, 19.
Váfudr, a name of Odin, 34.
Vágasker, 113.
Vakr, Morn's horse, 212.
Vakr, a name of Odin, 34.
Valaskjálf, one of Odin's dwellings, 31.
Valfather (Odin), 27.
Valgardr, an Icelandic skald of the eleventh century, 219, 222, 224, 233.
Valhall ("Hall of the Slain") the abode of Odin's champions, 12, 33, 47, 50-53, 71, 99, 102, 116, 144.
Váli, a dwarf, 26.
Váli, son of Loki, 48, 77, 83.
Váli, one of the Æsir, 89, 114.
Valkyrs, 48, 73, 100, 102, 143, 181, 182.
Valr, a horse, 210.
Ván, a river, 45, 114.
Vanir, the older Northern gods before the Æsir, 37, 46, 47, 93, 111, 112, 129.
Vár, one of the Ásynjur, 46.
Vartari, a thong, 147.
Vásadr, grandfather of Winter, 33.
Vé one of Odin's brothers, 19.
Vedrfölnir, a hawk, 29.
Vegdeg, son of Odin, 7.
Vegsvinn, a river, 52.
Veiga in Hálogaland, the modern Vegenö, 207.
Veratýr, a name of Odin, 34.

{p. 265}

Verdandi ("That which is in a state of being, or becoming," the Present), one of the three Norns, 28.
Vésteinn, 211.
Vestri, or West, a dwarf, 20, 26, 133.
Vetrlidi, an Icelandic skald. of the tenth century, 110.
Victory-Týr. See Týr of Triumph.
Víd, a river, 16, 52.
Vídarr, one of the Æsir, slayer of Fenris-Wolf, 40, 80, 81, 83, 89, 113, 143.
Vídbláinn, the third heaven, 32.
Vidblindi, a giant, 177.
Vidfinnr, father of Bil and Hjúki, 23.
Vidrir, a name of Odin, 191.
Vidurr, a name of Odin, 34, 204.
Vifill, 211
Víga-Glúmr, an Icelandic skald of the tenth century, 90, 183, 191, 215.
Vigg, a horse, 211.
Viggr, a dwarf, 26.
Vígrídr, the field on which the last battle is fought at the end of the world, 79, 91.
Vili, Odin's brother, 100.
Vimur, a river, 110, 122 ff.
Vin, a river, 52.
Vína, a river, 52.
Vindálfr, a dwarf, 26.
Vindlér, a name of Heimdallr, 113.
Vindljóni, father of Winter, 33.
Vindsvalr. See Vindljóni.
Vindsvalr, 141.
Vingener, 7
Vingethor, 7.
Vingnir, 107.
Vingólf, abode of the Ásynjur, 25.
Vingólf, abode of Odin's champions, 33
Virfir, a dwarf, 27.
Vitr, a dwarf, 26.
Vitrgils, 7
Vitta, 7
Væni, the lake on which Adils defeated Áli, 170
Vöggr, 170.
Völsungs, 8, 230, 232.
Völuspá, poem in the Elder Edda, 16, 17, 20, 24, 26, 27, 31, 55, 77, 78, 80, 81. Völuspá the Less, 18.
Völu-Steinn, an Icelandic skald of the tenth century, 106, 208.
Vör, one of the Ásynjur, 46.
Vöttr Véseti, one of Hrólfr Kraki's berserks, 171.

WEIRD of the Gods, 39, 45, 77 ff., 189.
Westphalia, 8.
Whitby, Scandinavian settlement in Yorkshire, 231.
Willharm, 18.
Wind, origin of, 32
Winter, 33.
Witolf, 18.

{p. 266}

YAWNING Void. See Ginnungagap.
Yggdrasill, the Ash, holy place of the Æsir, 27 ff., 53, 79, 80.
Yggr, a name of Odin, 34, 204. (Cf. Yggdrasill, "Odin's Steed "?)
Ylgr, a river; 16.
Ymir or Aurgelmir, the first Rime-Giant, 17, 18, 20, 21, 26, 133, 134, 136-138.
Ynglings, the first Swedish dynasty, 9. 230, 232.
Yngvi, son of Odin and first king of Sweden, ancestor of the Ynglings, 9.
Yngvi, son of Hálfdan the Old, to be identified with the above, 99, 102, 230.
Yngvi, a dwarf, 27.
Yrsa, mother of Hrólfr Kraki, 169, 170-173.

ÆGIR or Hlér, dweller on Hlér's Isle, 89; visits the Æsir, 89-96; mentioned, 115, 121.
Æsir, the gods, to be identified with the above, 53-57, 61, 64, 65, 70-72, 74-77, 79, 80, 83, 84, 89-94, 96, 103, 142, 143, 146, 150-152.
Æsir, the people of Odin of Turkland, 8, 9, 13, 14, 22, 27 ff., 33, 35-45.
Ægir, the sea-god, 137, 139, 143, 144, 217, 219.

ÖDLINGS or Ödlungs, 230, 231.
Ögló, 98, 197.
Öku-Thor, 57, 61, 85. See Thor.
Ölvaldi, a giant, father of Thjazi, Idi, and Gangr, 92.
Ölvir Cut-Nose-and-Cropped-Ears, a Norwegian skald c. 900, 107.
Örmt, a river, 28.

Note 1