In the anime, they were led by Professor Tomoe, who encouraged them to find the Holy Grail, which was said to appear when the three Talismans come together. However, the Talismans were sealed inside Pure Hearts, the Talismans themselves desired by Sailor Neptune and Uranus. Hotaru Tomoe (the reincarnation of the Messiah of Silence) was eventually unconsciously awakened by the Holy Grail's appearance.
Later, she consumed Chibiusa's Pure Heart Crystal, awakening the Messiah of Silence within her. The Witches 5 were all killed off by this point, and Uranus and Neptune fought Professor Tomoe, expelling the Daimon Germatoid from his body but sparing him. Mistress 9 successfully brought Pharaoh 90 to Earth, but Hotaru fought viciously against her and awakened Sailor Saturn's spirit within her, destroying their shared body; with the help of Sailor Moon, she was able to enter Pharaoh 90 and expel it from Earth from within it.