Andalusie horse

The Andalusie, kent as the Pure Spaingie Horse or PRE (pura raza española[1]) forby, is a horse breed frae the Iberian Peninsula, whaur its ancestors hae leeved for thoosands o years.

Andalusie horse
Ither namesPure Spaingie Horse, pura raza española
Kintra o oreeginSpain, Iberian Peninsula
Distinguishin featursStrangly biggit, compact, elegant, thick mane an tail
Breed staundarts


  1. The Spanish pura raza española leeterally translates tae 'Spaingie pure breed'. This Spaingie name is whiles caipitalised whan uised in Inglis-leid publications, but is aw lawer-case in Spaingie, that daes nae caipitalise adjectives derived frae proper noons.
Association 1