Banner o Tajikistan

Tajikistan wis the last o the umwhile Soviet republics tae reveal a new banner (Tajik: Парчами Тоҷикистон, Parcami Toçikiston), which wis adoptit in November 1992. The ane common link atween this an the 1953 SSR banner is the choice o colors - red, white an green. The umwhile Tajik SSR, whiles referred tae as the "Tadzhik SSR" (Roushie: Таджикская ССР), addit white an green stripes tae the banner o the USSR. The stripin an aa emphasizes Tajikistan's Persian cultur, as Iran's banner haes the same stripes (awtho reid an green are reverst).

Banner ratio: 1:2
Banner o the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic in 1953-1991.

The croun represents the Tajik fowk, the name itself arguably is derived frae tajvar, which means "crouned". In traditional Tajik cultural aspects the magic wird "seiven" is a seembol o perfection, the embodiment o happiness an the provider o virtue. Accordin tae Tajik legend, Islamic heaven is componed o seiven bonnie orchids, separatit bi seiven mountains each wi a glaein star on tap. The middle white stripe is ane-an-a-half times the size o the reid an green stripes. The reid represents the unity o the naition an the seembol o the sun an victory; the white represents purity, cotton, the snaw on the mountains an the unity o the fowk; an green stands for the spiritual meanin o Islam an represents the generosity o naitur o the kintra. The seembol charged in the middle o the white stripe is a croun surmountit bi an arc o seiven stars.