Coat o airms o Hungary

The current coat o airms o Hungary wis adoptit on 3 Julie 1990, efter the end o Communist rule. The airms hae been uied afore, baith wi an athoot the Holy Croun o Hungary, whiles as pairt o a lairger, mair complex coat o airms, an its elements date back tae the Middle Ages.

The shield is split intae twa pairts:

  • The sinister (richt side frae the viewers pynt) consists o a siller dooble cross on reid base, situatit inside a sman gowden croun, the croun is placed on the middle heap o three green hills, representin muntain ranges (Tátra, Mátra, Fátra) (strictly in this order) as written in István Werbőczy's 'Tripartitium', but this is no explained thare. The first explanation o the hills are frae a Portuguese Jesuit Antonius Macedo in his wirk "Divi Tutelares..." frae 1687, writin: "mons essurgit numero triplex qui tres praecipuos eiusdem regni monti significant", but no namin them. Later in the 18t century, twa ither Jesuits, József Koller in "Cerographia" an Timon "Imago Novae Hungariae" state that "Alteram scuti partem Montes Regni praecipui, iique summi insigniunt. Nomen illis: Tatra, Matra, Fatra vulgare passim (...) atque omnium est cognitum". Timon adds, that the dooble cross is an auncient seembol o the Kinrick o Hungary, tae which the three hills wur connectit. Finally, a no sae well-kent theory for the triple hills is that it seembolizes the hills o Calvarie (Golgota), whaur Jesus wis crucified.
  • The dexter (left side frae the viewers pynt) features the sae-cried Árpád stripes, fower siller an fower reid stripes. It is whiles said that the siller stripes represent fower rivers (Duna, Tisza, Dráva, Száva).

