Medellín Cairtel

The Medellín Cairtel wis an organisit netwirk o drog suppleers an smugglers oreeginatin in the ceety o Medellín, Colombie.

Medellín Cairtel
Foondin locationAntioquia Depairtment, Colombie
Years active1976–1993
EthnicityColombies an internaitional fowk oot o Colombie.
Creeminal activitiesDrog trokin, money launderin, assassinations, bombin, extortion, bribery, kidnappin, murther, poleetical corruption, airms trokin, racketeerin, terrorism.
AlliesGuadalajara Cairtel, Caribbean gangs.
RivalsCali Cairtel, an Colombie Govrenment offeecials

The drog cairtel operatit in Colombie, Bolivie, Peru, Honduras, the Unitit States, as well as Canadae an Europe throughoot the 1970s an 1980s. It wis foondit an run bi Ochoa Vázquez brithers Jorge Luis, Juan David, an Fabio thegither wi Pablo Escobar.

Bi 1993, the Colombie govrenment, in collaboration wi the Cali Cairtel, richt-wing paramilitar groups, an the Unitit States govrenment, haed successfully dismantled the cairtel bi impreesonin or assassinatin its members.



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