Datoteka:Positional astronomy.svg

Izvorna datoteka (SVG fajl, nominalno 429 × 375 piksela, veličina fajla: 16 kB)

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Opis izmjene

Català: Versió vectorial generada en metapost de Positional astronomy.png.
English: Metapost-generated vector version of Positional astronomy.png.
Izvor Positional astronomy.png
Autor Wmheric
Ostale verzije
Other related versions:[uredi]
SVG genesis
Izvorni kôd ove SVG datoteke je valjan.
Ova je vektorska slika napravljena programom MetaPost.
 This file uses embedded text that can be easily translated using a text editor.
Izvorni kod

PostScript code

def drawangle(expr A,X,B,r,w,col) =
    draw (X + r*unitvector(A-X))
         { r*unitvector(A-X) rotated 90 }
         { r*unitvector(B-X) rotated 90 }
         (X + r*unitvector(B-X)) withpen pencircle scaled w withcolor col;

def drawcircle(expr X,r,w,col,shade,angle) =
    draw (X + (r,0))..(X + (0,r))..(X - (r,0))..(X - (0,r))..cycle withpen pencircle scaled w withcolor col;
    if shade: fill (X + (r,0))--(X - (r,0))..(X - (0,r))..(X + (r,0))..cycle rotatedaround (X,angle); fi;

def drawcircleS(expr X,r,w,col,angle) =

s = 2cm;
r = 2.2mm;
path p;
pair A, B, C, D;
pair GEE;  % greatest eastern elongation
pair GWE;  % greatest western elongation
pair EQ;  % eastern quadrature
pair WQ;  % western quadrature
pair Sun;  % position of the Sun, defines the origin
  Sun = (0,0);
pair Earth;  % position of the Earth
pair planet;
numeric GEEangle, GWEangle, EQangle, WQangle, planetangle;
GEEangle = 300;
GWEangle = 60;
EQangle = 311.8103;
WQangle = 48.1897;  % arccos(2/3)

pair Conj;  % conjunction
pair Opp;  % opposition
pair SupConj;  % superior conjunction
pair InfConj;  % inferior conjunction

% draw the circles and define points of interest
for i=0 upto 2:
  A := (s + i*s,0);
  B := A rotated 90;
  C := B rotated 90;
  D := C rotated 90;
  p := A..B..C..D..cycle;
  draw p withpen pencircle scaled 1pt;
  if i=1:
    Earth := D;
  if i=0:
    GEE := D rotated GEEangle;
    GWE := D rotated GWEangle;
  if i=2:
    EQ := D rotated EQangle;
    WQ := D rotated WQangle;  % arccos(2/3)
  % naming special points for further labeling references
  if i=0:
    SupConj := B;
    InfConj := D;
  if i=2:
    Conj := B;
    Opp := D;

% draw small circles at points of interest


pair out; out = (0,0.6cm);
pair inlft; inlft = (0,2.5mm) rotated 15;
pair inrt; inrt = (0,2.5mm) rotated (-15);
path q;
for i=0 step 30 until 360:
  q := (inlft--out--inrt) rotated i;
  draw q;

numeric planetAngle; planetAngle = 330;
planet := D rotated planetAngle;

% draw the dashed lines
draw B--D withpen pencircle scaled 1pt dashed evenly;
draw EQ--WQ withpen pencircle scaled 1pt dashed evenly;
draw GEE--Earth--GWE withpen pencircle scaled 1pt dashed evenly;
draw Sun--planet--Earth withpen pencircle scaled 1pt dashed evenly;

% draw the Sun and the Earth

% labelling
label(btex $\alpha$ etex, planet) shifted (1cm,0.8cm);
label(btex $\varepsilon$ etex, Earth) shifted (-0.8cm,0.6cm);

lbl = 0.2cm;

label.lrt("Earth", Earth) shifted (lbl,-lbl);
label.urt("Sun", Sun) shifted (lbl,3*lbl);

label.bot("Opposition", Opp) shifted (0,-lbl);
label.top("Conjunction", Conj) shifted (0,lbl);
label.top("Superior conjunction", SupConj) shifted (0,lbl);

label.top("Inferior", InfConj) shifted (0,3*lbl);
label.top("conjunction", InfConj) shifted (0,lbl);

label.lrt("Western quadrature", WQ) shifted (0,-lbl);
label.llft("Eastern quadrature", EQ) shifted (0,-lbl);

label.top("Greatest western", GWE) shifted (8*lbl,lbl);
label.top("elongation", GWE) shifted (6*lbl,-lbl);
label.top("Greatest eastern", GEE) shifted (-8*lbl,lbl);
label.top("elongation", GEE) shifted (-6*lbl,-lbl);

% arrows
pair OPO,EO,IPO;
OPO := Conj rotated 32;
EO := Earth rotated (180+42);
IPO := SupConj rotated 80;

pair sft; sft := (-lbl,lbl);

drawarrow ((OPO + 3*sft)--(OPO + sft));
drawarrow ((EO + 10*sft)--(EO + sft));
drawarrow ((IPO + 18*sft)--(IPO + sft));

label.top("Outer planet's", (OPO + 3*sft)) shifted (3*lbl,1.8*lbl);
label.top("orbit", (OPO + 3*sft)) shifted (0,0.5*lbl);

label.top("Earth's orbit", (EO + 10*sft)) shifted (0,0.5*lbl);

label.top("Inner planet's", (IPO + 18*sft)) shifted (0,0.7*lbl);
label.top("orbit", (IPO + 18*sft)) shifted (-3*lbl,-0.5*lbl);
Translate this file This SVG file contains embedded text that can be translated into your language, using any capable SVG editor, text editor or the SVG Translate tool. For more information see: About translating SVG files.
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For most Wikipedia projects, you can embed the file normally (without a lang parameter). The Wikipedia will use its language if the SVG file supports that language. For example, the German Wikipedia will use German if the SVG file has German. To embed this file in a particular language use the lang parameter with the appropriate language code, e.g. [[File:Positional astronomy.svg|lang=en]] for the English version. Do not specify a lang parameter if it is not needed. The parameter may prevent the use of a subsequent translation.

To translate the text into your language, you can use the SVG Translate tool. Alternatively, you can download the file to your computer, add your translations using whatever software you're familiar with, and re-upload it with the same name. You will find help in Graphics Lab if you're not sure how to do this.


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  • pripisivanje – Morate pripisati odgovarajuće autorske zasluge, osigurati vezu do licence i naznačiti jesu li napravljene izmjene. To možete uraditi na bilo koji razumni način, ali ne tako da se sugerira da davalac licence odobrava Vas ili Vašu upotrebu njegovog djela.
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30. marta 2010

vrsta medija na Internetu Serbian (Latin script)


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aktualna5. februara 2024. u 15:45Minijatura verzije (5. februara 2024. u 15:45)429 × 375 (16 kB)ManlleusFile uploaded using svgtranslate tool (https://svgtranslate.toolforge.org/). Added translation for ca.
23. juna 2019. u 20:06Minijatura verzije (23. juna 2019. u 20:06)429 × 375 (11 kB)PbrksChange text to sans-serif; changed "inner planet" to "inferior planet" and "outer planet" to "superior planet" per cleanup request
30. marta 2010. u 03:55Minijatura verzije (30. marta 2010. u 03:55)429 × 375 (42 kB)Wmhericmistakes found for shading of the planets at opposition and at inferior conjunction
30. marta 2010. u 03:45Minijatura verzije (30. marta 2010. u 03:45)429 × 375 (42 kB)Wmhericmetapost generated svg version of Positional_astronomy.png Category:Astronomy sketches

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mac 1
os 41
text 6