
The Shrek franchise is a series of movies featuring a green ogre named Shrek. The original movie was critically acclaimed as an animated film worthy of adult interest, with many adult-oriented jokes and themes, but a simple enough plot and humor to appeal to children. It made notable use of pop music. WikiShrek is a collaborative encyclopedia which covers all aspects of the series.

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Welcome to the Shrek Wiki

Shrek is a CGI-animated franchise by DreamWorks Animation loosely based on a 1990 book about an ogre in a fairy tale land who just wants to live in his swamp undisturbed, but is dragged against his will into fighting for the fate of entire kingdoms. This wiki is a collaborative resource for the Shrek community and all editors are welcome to come and contribute. We have forums and a chat room available and we are always looking for active editors to join our community!



Welcome to the Shrek franchise. Notorious for its humor, both witty and slapstick, for turning everything we knew from fairy tales upside-down, and for a ridiculously modern feel of its medieval fantasy setting. Alongside the humor however is the heart of its characters- not only bringing out the comical side of the central cast, but their emotional depth in conjunction with the satire of storybook tropes.

The first film's huge success convinced DreamWorks to abandon 2-D animation all together, paving the way for future computer-animated projects. The studio would later use 2-D influence for projects in the 2020's, including ones in the Shrek franchise.

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