National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe

an Italian celebration for the memory of the victims of the foibe massacres and the Istrian-Dalmatian exodus, held annually on 10 February

National Memorial Day of the Exiles and Foibe (in Italian: "Giorno del Ricordo") is Italian celebration in memory of ethnic cleansing's victims in massacres of Foibe and exiles from Dalmatia, Istria and "Venezia Giulia". [1]

Official comment


Italian president Giorgio Napolitano took an official speech in which he stated:

...Already in the unleashing of the first wave of blind and extreme violence in those lands, in the autumn of 1943, summary and tumultuous justicialism, nationalist paroxysm, social retaliation and a plan to eradicate Italian presence intertwined in what was, and ceased to be, the Julian March.

There was therefore a movement of hate and bloodthirsty fury, and a Slavic annexationist design, which prevailed above all in the peace treaty of 1947, and assumed the sinister shape of "ethnic cleansing".

What we can say for sure is that what was consumed - in the most evident way trough the inhuman ferocity of the foibe - was one of the barbarities of the past century.

— Italian president Giorgio Napolitano, Rome, 10 February 2007[2]

Cause of step


Step for this celebration was allowed by the end of communist totalitarian regimes in Balkan nations because culpability of these crimes is of old politicians.[3] Celebration was instituted in 2004 and first Memorial Day was held in 2005.



  1. "Never forget (in Italian)". Archived from the original on 2012-04-15. Retrieved 2012-07-03.
  2. «....Già nello scatenarsi della prima ondata di cieca violenza in quelle terre, nell'autunno del 1943, si intrecciarono giustizialismo sommario e tumultuoso, parossismo nazionalista, rivalse sociali e un disegno di sradicamento della presenza italiana da quella che era, e cessò di essere, la Venezia Giulia. Vi fu dunque un moto di odio e di furia sanguinaria, e un disegno annessionistico slavo, che prevalse innanzitutto nel Trattato di pace del 1947, e che assunse i sinistri contorni di una "pulizia etnica". Quel che si può dire di certo è che si consumò - nel modo più evidente con la disumana ferocia delle foibe - una delle barbarie del secolo scorso.» from the official website of The Presidency of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, official speech for the celebration of "Giorno del Ricordo" Quirinal, Rome, february 10 2007
  3. "adnkronos article". Archived from the original on 2011-09-19. Retrieved 2012-12-11.
Note 1