M134 Minigun je ameriška 6-cevna 7,62x51 Gatlingova strojnica. Uporabljajo jo tri veje Ameriški oboroženih sil: kopenska vojska, letalske sile, mornarica in okrog 30 drugih držav po svetu.

M134 Minigun
Minugun na helikopterju

Minigun lahko izstreli 2000-6000 nabojev na minuto. Po navadi ga poganja električni motor. Teža orožja je okrog 40 kilogramov, dolžina 801,6 mm, dolžina cevi pa 558,8 mm.

Glej tudi





  • Ballad, Jack S. Development and Employment of Fixed-Wing Gunships, 1962–1972. Washington, DC: Office of Air Force History, United States Air Force, 1982.
  • Davis, Larry. Gunships: A Pictorial History of Spooky. TX: Squadron/Signal Publications, Inc, 1982. ISBN 0-89747-123-7
  • Gervasi, Tom. Arsenal of Democracy III: America's War Machine, the Pursuit of Global Dominance. New York, NY: Grove Press, Inc, 1984. ISBN 0-394-54102-2.
  • Gunston, Bill. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aircraft Armament. New York, NY: Orion Books, 1988. ISBN 0-517-56607-9.
  • Jane's Weapon Systems, 1986–1987. Ronald T Pretty, Ed. London, UK: Jane's Publishing Company, Ltd, 1986. ISBN 0-7106-0832-2
  • United States. Headquarters, Department of the Army. FM 1–40 Attack Helicopter Gunnery. Washington, DC: Headquarters, Department of the Army, 1969.

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