Eddingtonova medalja

Nagrada za teoretično astrofiziko

Eddingtonova medalja (angleško Eddington Medal) je znanstvena nagrada, ki jo podeljuje Kraljeva astronomska družba iz Londona za raziskave izjemne vrednosti v teoretični astrofiziki. Imenuje se po siru Arthurju Stanleyu Eddingtonu. Prvič so jo podelili leta 1953. Frekvenca podeljevanja se je z leti spreminjala in je bila podeljevana enkrat vsako leto, dve ali vsake tri leta. Od leta 2013 jo podeljujejo vsakoletno.

Eddingtonova medalja
Eddington Medal
Podeljeno za za dosežke na področju teoretične astrofizike
Podeljuje Kraljeva astronomska družba
Država Zastava Velike Britanije Združeno kraljestvo
Mesto London
Prvič 1953
Zadnjič 2017



Dosedanji nagrajenci so (vir je [1] kjer ni drugače navedeno):


  1. »Eddington Medal Winners« (PDF) (v angleščini). Kraljeva astronomska družba. Pridobljeno 15. januarja 2016.
  2. »RAS honours leading astronomers and geophysicists«. Royal Astronomical Society. 11. januar 2017. Pridobljeno 17. januarja 2017.
  3. »RAS honours leading astronomers and geophysicists«. Royal Astronomical Society. 8. januar 2016. Pridobljeno 9. januarja 2016.
  4. »2015 winners of the RAS awards, medals and prizes«. Royal Astronomical Society. 9. januar 2015. Pridobljeno 9. januarja 2015.
  5. Winners of the 2014 awards, medals and prizes - full details
  6. »2013 winners of the RAS awards, medals and prizes«. Royal Astronomical Society. 10. januar 2013. Pridobljeno 12. januarja 2013.
  7. »RAS honours outstanding astronomers and geophysicists«. 14. januar 2011. Pridobljeno 2. avgusta 2016.
  8. »RAS Awards and Prizes: RAS Awards 2009; Gold Medal: Prof. David Williams; Gold Medal: Prof. Eric Priest; Price Medal: Prof. Malcolm Sambridge; Eddington Medal: Prof. James Pringle«, Astronomy and Geophysics, 50: a34, 2009, Bibcode:2009A&G....50a..34., doi:10.1111/j.1468-4004.2009.50134.x
  9. »Wiley: Home«. www.blackwellpublishing.com. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 4. februarja 2010. Pridobljeno 21. julija 2016.
  10. »arhivska kopija«. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča dne 30. januarja 2009. Pridobljeno 20. avgusta 2017.
  11. »News: Society for the History of Astronomy; short-term contract information sought; more asteroids than ever; state of the union; Society medals for Jacobs Mestel and Gough; RAS grants announcement; spidermen; new faces for the Planetary Forum; an RAS Council member«, Astronomy and Geophysics, 43 (3): c4, 2002, Bibcode:2002A&G....43c...4., doi:10.1046/j.1468-4004.2002.43304.x
  12. »Eddington Medal to Mestel«, QJRAS, 34: 275, 1993, Bibcode:1993QJRAS..34..275.
  13. Pounds, K. A. (1991), »R.A.S. Eddington Medal to Iben-Jr - 1991MAY10«, QJRAS, 32: 353, Bibcode:1991QJRAS..32..353P
  14. Davies, R. D. (1988), »Eddington Medal to Paczynski 1987OCT9«, QJRAS, 29: 97, Bibcode:1988QJRAS..29...97D
  15. Hide, R. (1984), »Presentation of the Eddington Medal to Lynden-Bell 1984FEB10«, QJRAS, 25: 231, Bibcode:1984QJRAS..25..231H
  16. Wolfendale, A. W. (1981), »Peebles P.J.E. / 1981 Eddington Medal / 1981MAY8 / Address of President«, QJRAS, 22: 350, Bibcode:1981QJRAS..22..350W
  17. Cook, A. H. (1979), »W. Fowler received the Eddington Medal.«, QJRAS, 20: 3, Bibcode:1979QJRAS..20....3C
  18. Blackwell, D. E. (1975), »Presidential Addresses on the Society's Awards«, QJRAS, 16: 356, Bibcode:1975QJRAS..16..356B
  19. Hoyle, F. (1972), »P. Ledoux received the Eddington Medal.«, QJRAS, 13: 485, Bibcode:1972QJRAS..13..485H
  20. Lovell, B. (1971), »8D. G. King-Hele received the Eddington Medal.«, QJRAS, 12: 138, Bibcode:1971QJRAS..12..138L
  21. Lovell, B. (1970), »C. Hayashi received the Eddington Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society.«, QJRAS, 11: 88, Bibcode:1970QJRAS..11...88L
  22. »Meetings of the Society.«, QJRAS, 10: 1, 1969, Bibcode:1969QJRAS..10....1.
  23. »Award of Eddington Medal to Robert Hanbury Brown and Richard Quintin Twiss (address)«, QJRAS, 9: 277, 1968, Bibcode:1968QJRAS...9..277.
  24. »Award of Eddington Medal to R. F. Christy (address)«, QJRAS, 8: 129, 1967, Bibcode:1967QJRAS...8..129.
  25. »Award of Eddington Medal to R. Wildt (address)«, QJRAS, 7: 120, 1966, Bibcode:1966QJRAS...7..120.
  26. »Pound R. V. awarded Eddington Medal«, QJRAS, 6: R123, 1965, Bibcode:1965QJRAS...6R.123.
  27. »Tousey R. awarded Eddington Medal«, QJRAS, 5: S108, 1964, Bibcode:1964QJRAS...5S.108.
  28. »Award of Eddington Medal jointly to A. R. Sandage and M. Schwarzschild (address)«, QJRAS, 4: 180, 1963, Bibcode:1963QJRAS...4..180.
  29. »The award of The Eddington Medal to Professor Andr\'e Lallemand (address)«, QJRAS, 3: 84, 1962, Bibcode:1962QJRAS...3...84.
  30. »The award of The Eddington Medal to Professor H. A. Bethe (address)«, QJRAS, 2: 107, 1961, Bibcode:1961QJRAS...2..107.
  31. »The award of The Eddington Medal to Dr R. d'E. Atkinson (address)«, QJRAS, 1: 26, 1960, Bibcode:1960QJRAS...1...26.
  32. Saiedy, F. (1959), »Society Business: Eddington Medal Address on award of«, MNRAS, 119 (4): 447, Bibcode:1959MNRAS.119..447., doi:10.1093/mnras/119.4.447
  33. Steavenson, W. H. (1958), »Society Business: Address on award of Eddington Medal«, MNRAS, 118 (4): 404, Bibcode:1958MNRAS.118..404., doi:10.1093/mnras/118.4.404
  34. Jackson, J. (1955), »Address on the award of the Eddington Medal to Professor H. C. van de Hulst«, MNRAS, 115 (2): 202, Bibcode:1955MNRAS.115..202., doi:10.1093/mnras/115.2.202
  35. Lemaître, Georges (1953). »Announcement of Eddington Medal award«. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 113: 2. Bibcode:1953MNRAS.113....2L.

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