Command Input
Appears In
Iuvart (ユヴァルト)
or + near opponent
All appearances
Command Move
Soroinen (ソロイネン)
Asura slashes his opponent's legs, knocking them down.
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Ueriel (ソロイネン)
Asura kicks his opponent's shins.
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Lostel (ロステル)
Asura does a low kick.
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Asura does a front kick.
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Gresiru (グレシル)
Air +
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Special Moves
Asmodeus (アスモデウス)
+ or or or
Asura summons a bow and fires arrows of dark energy.
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Belphegor (ベルフェゴール)
+ or
Asura stabs the ground, summoning a lance that stabs the opponent from the ground.
All appearances
Mammon (マモン)
+ or or
Asura summons a shield. If he's hit whilst it's up, he creates a lance that knocks his opponent away.
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Seere (セイル)
+ or
Asura summons his sword, then slowly slashes his opponent overhead.
All appearances
Beelzebub (ベルゼバブ)
Asura summons his axe, and slams it on the ground.
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Level 1 Super Special Moves
Arch-angel (アーチュエインジェル)
Asura summons a spear that launches his opponent to the opposite side of the screen, where he then slashes them overhead with Seere.
All appearances
Level 2 Super Special Moves
Satanus (サタナス)
+ or
Asura jabs the hilt of his axe into the ground, stunning his opponent. He then summons a cage around his opponent, slashes them while they're in it, then summons spears to rapidly stab his opponent through the floor.
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