The Lillien Knights (リーリンナイツ) are a group of pirates led by B. Jenet. They appear in both the Fatal Fury and The King of Fighters series.
The Lillien Knights were created by the daughter of a rich family, B. Jenet. Jenet used her family's money to create a pirate ship that can transform into a submarine. The pirate ship is equipped with tremendous firepower, but she only uses it when she feels she has to.
The Lillien Knights steal only from the rich. One of the members of the Lillien Knight is Lao, a former street fighter that roamed South Town. After being defeated by Rick Strowd and Li Xiangfei, he joined up with Lillien Knights.
- Garou: Mark of the Wolves - in Jenet's win and intro poses
- The King of Fighters XI - in Jenet's win and intro poses, and the Mark of the Wolves Team ending
- The King of Fighters XIV - in the Women Fighters Team ending
- The King of Fighters XV - mentioned by Jenet several times in gameplay and story scenarios; also in Garou Team ending