

"Look-a-like" ist das Lied, das von Riyu Konaka komponiert wurde und am Ende von Sonic the Hedgehog: Der Film abgespielt wird, was dazu einen annehmen lässt, dass es ein Lied für Metal Sonic sein mag ("look alike" deut. gleich aussehen, Doppelgänger). Eine erweiterte und kurz-bearbeitete Version wurde später für die CD "True Colors: The Best of Sonic the Hedgehog." erschaffen.


On a Sunday, riding my bike,
I notice, I notice, different things that look alike
On a Sunday, riding my bike,
I notice, I notice, many many things that look alike
Ice and water, steak and cow
Autumn, this year, and last year
Spark and burn, rain and cloud
A, B, C, D...
Tuesday, Wednesday, so is Friday
How 'bout moons and headlights?
What I say and what I think
A short while ago (A short while ago)
I was born (I was born)
In the memory (in the memory)
By a lot of names
On a Sunday, riding my bike,
I notice, I notice, different things that look alike
On a Sunday, riding my bike,
I notice, I notice, many many look alikes
On this planet, drinking my coffee,
I notice, I notice, different things that are alike
On this planet, drinking my coffee,
I notice, I notice, many many things that are alike
Everything is born from this planet
A number, a TV, even thoughts that entertain
Everything is out of this planet
A boyfriend, a pencil, even your new videos
And everything is.....
On this planet, riding my bike,
I notice, I notice, different things that are alike
On this planet, riding my bike,
I notice, I notice, many many look alikes
On this planet, riding my bike,
I notice, I notice, different things that are alike
On this planet, riding my bike,
I notice, I notice, new and universal look-a-likes


  • I notice, I notice, different things that look alike - Metal Sonic ist ein metallisches ebenbild von Sonic.
  • A short while ago (...)I was born - Metal Sonic wurde in der OVA erschaffen, um Sonic und den Planet Freedom zu vernichten.

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