
Blue Blur: Sonic Generations Original Soundtrack


Blue Blur: Sonic Generations Original Soundtrack, también conocido como Sonic Generations Original Soundtrack: Blue Blur, es la banda sonora de Sonic Generations. Con un total de tres discos, el álbum reúne toda la banda sonora de Sonic Generations, incluyendo la música de la versión de Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 y PC y de la versión de Nintendo 3DS. Fue lanzado el 11 de enero de 2012.

Lista de Canciones

Disco 1

  1. Título
  2. Green Hill: Act 1
  3. Green Hill: Act 2 - Normal
  4. Green Hill: Act 2 - Rapido
  5. Chemical Plant: Act 1
  6. Chemical Plant: Act 2
  7. Sky Sanctuary: Act 1
  8. Sky Sanctuary: Act 2 - Normal
  9. Sky Sanctuary: Act 2 - Rapido
  10. Run Through the Speed Highway - Cash Cash RMX / Speed Highway: Act 1
  11. Run Through the Speed Highway / Speed Highway: Act 2
  12. Going Down - Cash Cash vs. Jun Senoue RMX / Speed Highway: Act 2 - Bajando del rascacielos
  13. Escape from the City - Cash Cash RMX / City Escape: Act 1
  14. Escape from the City - Blue Blur RMX / City Escape: Act 2
  15. Mad Convoy Race/ City Escape: Act 2 - GUN Convoy Battle
  16. Seaside Hill: Act 1
  17. Seaside Hill: Act 2
  18. Crisis City: Act 1
  19. Crisis City: Act 2
  20. Rooftop Run: Act 1
  21. Rooftop Run: Act 2
  22. Planet Wisp: Color Power / Pink Spikes
  23. Planet Wisp: Act 1
  24. Planet Wisp: Color Power / Orange Rocket
  25. Planet Wisp: Act 2
  26. End Roll Medley ver.1

Disco 2

  1. Titulo (Version Corta)
  2. Casino Night: Act 1
  3. Casino Night: Act 2
  4. Mushroom Hill: Act 1
  5. Mushroom Hill: Act 2
  6. Blue Azure World / Emerald Hill: Act 1
  7. Windy and Ripply / Emerald Hill: Act 2
  8. Vengeance is Mine - Cash Cash RMX / Radical Highway: Act 1
  9. Vengeance is Mine - Circuit Freq RMX / Radical Highway: Act 2
  10. Back 2 Back - Digital Remakin' Track / 2-10. Water Palace: Act 1
  11. Back 2 Back - Cash Cash RMX / Water Palace: Act 2
  12. Tropical Resort - Color Power / Red Burst
  13. Tropical Resort: Act 1
  14. Tropical Resort - Color Power /Cyan Laser
  15. Tropical Resort: Act 2
  16. Boss Battle: Big Arms
  17. Supporting Me.../Boss Battle: Biolizard
  18. Boss Battle: Egg Emperor
  19. Special Stage
  20. End Roll Medley ver.2
  21. Super Sonic Racing - Cash Cash vs. Jun Senoue RMX/Challenge/Mission 1
  22. Deasfio /Mision 2
  23. Desafio /Mision 3
  24. Desafio /Mision 4
  25. Desafio /Mision 5

​Disco 3

  1. Titulo Demo
  2. Rival Battle: Metal Sonic
  3. Rival Battle: Metal Sonic (ver.US)
  4. For True Story - Circuit Freq RMX / Rival Battle: Shadow the Hedgehog
  5. Live & Learn (Ver.Corta) / Rival Battle: Shadow the Hedgehog - Sonic Attack
  6. All Hail Shadow (Ver.Corta) / Rival Battle: Shadow the Hedgehog - Shadow Attack
  7. Rival Battle: Silver the Hedgehog
  8. Boss Battle: Death Egg Robot
  9. Open Your Heart - Crush 40 vs. Circuit Freq RMX / Boss Battle: Perfect Chaos Pt-I
  10. Perfect Chaos Revival! / Boss Battle: Perfect Chaos Pt-II
  11. Boss Battle: Egg Dragoon
  12. Boss Battle: Time Eater ver.1
  13. Boss Battle: Time Eater ver.2
  14. Boss Battle: Time Eater - Final Attack
  15. White Space Medley
  16. Menu 1
  17. Menu 2
  18. Jingle: Invencible ver.1
  19. Jingle: Invencible ver.2
  20. Jingle: Tiempo
  21. Jingle: Acto terminado
  22. Jingle: Resultados ver.1
  23. Jingle: Resultados ver.2
  24. Jingle: Game Over
  25. Skill: Precious Time/Ring Time
  26. Skill: Time Break
  27. Skill Shop
  28. Collection Room
  29. Galleria
  30. Cinematica 1
  31. Cinematica 2
  32. Cinematica 3
  33. Cinematica 4
  34. Cinematica 5
  35. Cinematica 6
  36. Cinematica 7
  37. Cinematica 8
  38. Cinematica 9
  39. Cinematica 10

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