
The Supernatural

The Spernatural es una canción de Sonic Adventure 2 que se escucha durante el nivel de Shadow:Final Chase fue compuesto por Everett Bradley.


I am the ultimate life, a flawless existence
Nothing is unpredictable to me, nothing can surprise me
I am the mystery of the world, I can tell it by their cold eyes
I am the warrior, it's my way to go
Give me your huge potential with your fluid motion
Tell me the truth are you really the ultimate life?
Nothing is unpredictable to me, nothing can surprise me
I am the mystery of the world, I can tell it by their cold eyes

Just move, It's the time
Just move, it's the time for you
Just move, it's the time for you
Just move, it's the time for you


The Supernatural -Sonic Adventure 2
The Supernatural -Sonic Adventure 2
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