The Chao Attack (チャオアタック,Chao Atakku?), also known as the Cheese Attack, is a move that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is the signature move of Cream the Rabbit and Cheese, and the duo's primary form of offense. When performing this technique, the user orders Cheese to attack enemies from afar.
Making its first appearance in Sonic Advance 2, Cream is the only character to use the Chao Attack. When performing it, Cream points forward, commanding Cheese to quickly turn around and back, charging towards the enemy at moderate speed and destroy/damage the enemy when at a sufficient distance from it.
To perform the Chao Attack in gameplay, the player must press . This can be done either on the ground or while in mid-air. If the Chao Attack is used while performing the Spin Jump, Cream will be immediately uncurled from the Spin Jump. This attack can easily defeat the bosses of this game.
Sonic Advance 3
In Sonic Advance 3, the Chao Attack can be used by all characters to some extent as long as Cream is in the chosen pair. When Cream is the leading character, her usage of the Chao Attack behaves similarly to that of its previous appearance Sonic Advance 2 unless she is partnered with Sonic. When Cream is the partner, Cream's Tag Action transforms Cheese into a Chao version of her partner and allows them to use the Chao Attack for a limited time as well.
To perform the Chao Attack in gameplay, the player must press . When Cream is the leader and is partnered with Tails or Knuckles, this can be done while on the ground or in mid-air though when playing with Amy as a partner, Cream can only use the move while in mid-air. When the other characters have access to this move via Cream's Tag Action, they are able to perform the move while on the ground or in mid-air.
Sonic Heroes
In Sonic Heroes, the Chao Attack is called the Cheese Attack. In this game, it serves as the Fly Formation and Solo Attack for Team Rose. When using the Cheese Attack, Cream sends Cheese into enemies and destroys them on contact (unlike other Solo Attacks for the Fly Formation which only stuns enemies), though this attack is the slowest of them all. It is very useful during Battles and boss battles with other teams, capable of knocking the opposing team off the platform.
To use the Cheese Attack in gameplay, the player has to press // when Cream is without her teammates.
Step Attack
The Step Attack (ステップアタック,Suteppu Atakku?) is basically the Chao Attack performed at high speeds. It is a move used only by Cream the Rabbit and Cheese. It has only appeared in Sonic Advance 2.
In order to perform the Step Attack, Cream must perform the Chao Attack while in Boost Mode. The resulting speed from the Boost Mode will then transform the Chao Attack into the Step Attack.
When using the Step Attack, Cream will take a long stride forward, while Cheese circles around her as a shield at high speeds and as a result, it will destroy or damage any enemies Cheese makes contact with. Most importantly though, the Step Attack allows Cream to maintain the speed she is running at and remain in Boost Mode, unlike the normal Chao Attack which would make her slow down.
The Chao Ball Attack is a variant of the Chao Attack that has so far only appeared in Sonic Advance 3. It can only be used by Cream while she is partnered with Sonic.
When using the Chao Ball Attack, Cream commands Cheese who flies horizontally forward for a short distance while twirling around and enveloping himself in a cyan aura before flying back to Cream. Any enemy in contact Cheese as he flies forward will be destroyed or damaged. Unlike the regular Chao Attack, the move will not home directly at enemies.
The Chao Spinning Attack can only be used when Cream has Knuckles as her partner. When used, this move allows Cream to attack an enemy from afar by having Cheese home in on them and dealing damage upon impact, before returning to Cream's side, similar to the Chao Attack. Unlike the Chao Attack though, the Chao Spinning Attack hits over a wider range when launched, allowing it to damage more enemies at once.
In the Sonic X anime series, Cream and Cheese, though rarely participating in any fights, have used the Chao Attack, under the name Cheese Shot. It first appeared when Emerl went on a rampage and appeared unstoppable due to his ability to copy others' moves. By using multi-attacks with Cheese however, the Cheese Shot included, Cream was able to defeat Emerl since he could not copy two skills at once.
Cream and Cheese later developed a Spin Attack variant of the Cheese Shot. When using this attack, Cream throws Cheese as he dashes towards enemies in ball form.
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