"Haircraft in Space" is the thirty-second episode of the Sonic Underground television series. It first aired on 25 April 1999 in France and on 12 October 1999 in the United States. It was included in Volume 2.
- Bartleby MontClair
- Dingo
- Doo Bot (only appearance)
- Dr. Robotnik
- Sleet
- Sonic Underground
- Swatbots
Races and species:
Robotnik is using the local hairdresser, Doo Bot, to hypnotize the citizens that are against him. Sonia, Sonic and Manic became victim of the Doo-bot's trance while under the spell, divulges important information that could lead Robotnik to a secret base. The Hedgehogs learn that the Doo Bot is equipped with a recording device and dash to retrieve the tape from the Doo Bot before the secret location is disclosed.
Title in other languages
Language | Title | Translation |
French | Minute de coiffeur | Hairdresser minute |
German | Eine haarige Angelegenheit | A Hairy Affair |
Italian | Chiacchiere compromettenti Chioma nello spazio |
Compromising chatter Hair in space |
Polish | Haircraft in Space | Haircraft in Space |
Portuguese | Cabeleira No Espaço | Hairdresser In Space |
Romanian | Coafura in spatiu | Hairstyle in space |
Russian | Парикмахер-лазутчик | Hairdresser Scout |