Master Ninja is depicted as an upgraded model of the previous Ninja, Shinobi and Kunoichi models, possessing a similar shape, while having a full white color scheme with black and red details around body and on its blade-like arms. The guardian's forehead consists of unique stacked bar formation and a set of wings protruding from his back. Just like other Ninja models, they resemble the Soldier of the same "rank"
Powers and abilities
Much like other Ninja variants, Master Ninja uses its sharp arms as sharp blades, allowing it to attack from a notable distance. With its blades protruding from arms, the guardian can used them defensively and offensively, as its blade arms can be used to block direct attacks while creating a transparent, reddish shield around it.
Master Ninja is agile from its movements and attacks, as well possessing a high durability compared to Ninja and Shinobi. The guardian is also shown to fly in the air by using its wing structure on its back. Additional abilities consist of teleporting from a short distance away and creating identical clones of itself for brief moment of time, as both Master Ninja and its clones can also fire rapid laser beams from itse red eye-like detail in its head.
Main Story
Master Ninja in Sonic Frontiers is one of six guardians that can be fought in Ouranos Island. The player can approach Master Ninja in two different locations: the first encounter occurs on the top of grassy downhill near close to old ruins and steep cliff edge at the west part of the southern bay in the Open Zone field, while the second encounter takes place on a wide grass field right next to the rock bridge at the southern portion of the isolated island in northeast.
Boss guide
When approaching the Master Ninja, the guardian begins the battle generally by dashing quickly towards Sonic on the grass field. Unlike Ninja and Shinobi though, Master Ninja can reach to the player from very long range by charging its power for a second before flying along the ground at high speed in attempt to perform one of its attacks involving blade arms. The guardian either tries to do uppercut strike with one of its blade arms or make rapid, wide range swings when attempting to attack sideways or behind it. Much like other Ninja and Shinobi, Master Ninja can block chain combo attacks quickly and is very durable compared to previous two cases. During a close combat, Master Ninja itself can found teleporting further from Sonic's way to appear a couple of meters back away in attempt to fire an energy beam at him that the player should avoid quickly by using the Dodge/Evade.
Once the guardian has lost about half of its health in the Health Gauge, Master Ninja will teleport further away to be found levitating in one place and creating four duplicates of itself alongside. Each clone will start dashing towards Sonic at high speed, as the player has to use Parry to take down each clone. If the player misses, each clone then begins to fire a laser beam from its red eye while doing a mid-air flip before disappearing from the battle. Due the Health Gauge above it, Master Ninja can be easily can identify among clones. Occasionally, Master Ninja will also multiply a clone of itself during a close combat, that will try to strike with its blade arms at the player. During both scenarios, Master Ninja's clones only can be hit once to be taken out of the way.
Different Skill used to score huge combos have different effects on the guardian: performing the Cyloop/Quick Cyloop will sent Master Ninja to the mid-air while performing Quick Cyloop again or Stomp Attack in mid-air right afterwards, will knock the guardian down towards the ground. Cyloop does not work if the Guardian is unfocused, but it can still provide normally slight amount of hit points. Much like with other Ninja-like guardians, using the Parry with Grand Slam will have Sonic dashing towards the guardian and knocking it back. When the player activates the Spin Slash while Master Ninja creates its red transparent shield around it, Sonic can break the shield and deal small amount of damage afterwards.
Once Master Ninja has fallen after losing large amount of hit points, it will evaporate into a thin air much like other guardians while leaving a Portal Gear behind.
The Final Horizon
As the Master Ninja+, the player can only approach the boss across three different locations: the first location is the northwestern section away from the swamp, the second location is near the middle of the map, and the third location is the southern section next to the fourth trial tower.
Boss Guide
The Master Ninja+ has several differences:
Like other guardians, it has significantly more health, which makes it significantly difficult to destroy the Master Ninja+ without upgrades.
All of Master Ninja+'s attacks have significantly faster speed, giving characters less time to react to a sudden move.
The Master Ninja+'s now performs the mid-air flip laser beam attack twice instead of once.
Parrying the Master Ninja+'s attack will now sometimes trigger a mid-air flip laser beam attack.
By cylooping (including other variants except for Quick Cyloop) a laser attack after parrying, the Master Ninja+'s laser hitboxes will become permanently active known as the Infinite Phantom Laser glitch.
The counterattack is almost impossible to avoid or Parry unless if the Master Ninja+ is hit by a Wrench Attack or while under effects of Poison Parry.
Notoriously, the clone attack during close combat can be parried, but the character will sometimes take damage to the second hit of the clone attack due to its new attack speed.
Because of the new attack speed, the Master Ninja+ guards less often when attacked.
Using Sonic or Knuckles is recommended to defeat the boss. Asides the changes, the method remains the same for Sonic like the main story, although the player should react carefully with new attack patterns. Knuckles can utilize Break Parry, allowing Knuckles' attacks to deal significant damage to the Master Ninja+.
Master Ninja along with other four humanoid-like guardians, follows the naming pattern centered around different terminology and ranks of ninja from the early history of Japan and Japanese fiction. A jōnin[1] (上忍,jōnin[1]? lit. "upper ninja"), where the name "master ninja" name is loosely derived from, refers to the highest rank ninja who represents as the masters of ninja clans and has the dominance to hire mercenaries.[2]
*Appears in The Final Horizon exclusively V·T·E ·Category
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