
Secretary of Homeland Security

The Secretary of Homeland Security is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog film series produced by Paramount Pictures and its spin-offs. She is a human and the Secretary of Homeland Security in the Pentagon.


The Secretary is a human of Asian descent with yellow-Caucasian skin, short black hair that she keeps tied up on the back of her head, and dark eyes. For attire in The Pentagon, she wears a dark teal female suit and golden earrings.


Film series

Sonic the Hedgehog

After a huge power blackout across the Pacific Northwest occurred, the Secretary met up with the top brass of the United States military in the Pentagon to discuss the incident. During the meeting, the Secretary informed them that the department of energy had reported it was not a power plant malfunction that caused the blackout. Eventually, Commander Walters suggested bringing in Dr. Robotnik for help, which he noted to the concerned top brass that they had no choice but to do it.


The Secretary is a serious, focused and composed woman who is ready to present facts as they are. Also, while not necessarily blunt, she is direct and to the point when sticking to the fact.



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