"Six is a Crowd" is the twenty-fourth episode of the Sonic Underground television series. It first aired on 28 March 1999 in France and on 30 September 1999 in the United States. It was included in Volume 2 and Legend Has It.
- Freedom Fighters (alternate dimension) (only appearance)
- Dr. Robotnik (alternate dimension) (only appearance)
- Jake (only appearance)
- Oracle of Delphius
- Queen Aleena Hedgehog
- Royal 'Corrupt' Hedgehogs (only appearance)
- Manic the Hedgehog (alternate dimension) (only appearance)
- Sonia the Hedgehog (alternate dimension) (only appearance)
- Sonic the Hedgehog (alternate dimension) (only appearance)
- Sonic Underground
- Manic the Hedgehog
- Sonia the Hedgehog
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Swatbot (only appearance)
Races and species:
- Mobius
- Northern Plains
- Robotropolis (mentioned)
- Mobius (alternate dimension) (only appearance)
- Mobotropolis (alternate dimension) (only appearance)
- Hot Hot Jake's (only appearance)
The Sonic Underground gets a visit from the Oracle of Delphius to visit another dimension. Upon arrival, they find a beautiful city with bowing citizenry and fine statues of themselves, but all is not as it seems.
The Freedom Fighters of this dimension capture Sonia, Manic, and Sonic and take them to their leader, Robotnik, and he accuses them of taking away their money, freedom, and even music. The triplets realize they're an opposite dimension where Robotnik's the hero and they're the villains. After realizing that the hedgehogs he has captured are not the royal triplets of his dimension (by seeing live video of the royals via his Spybot), the group rapidly learn that the siblings of this dimension are greedy, selfish and spoilt rulers, with an obese King Sonic gorging himself on chili dogs, corrupt King Manic demanding extortionate taxes, and the cruel Queen Sonia imprisoning entire families - and all three have left their love of music behind.
The heroes show the Freedom Fighters and Robotnik that they're not like their cruel doubles by singing a song. Robotnik tells them that the rulers haven't left their palace in years and have no idea what it's like for the people they're oppressing. Sonic, Manic, and Sonia sneak into the palace disguised as themselves, fire all of the guards, and once again see their doppelgangers criticizing good food, over-taxing citizens, and sending servants to the dungeon.
They confront their lookalikes. Sonic races his double, but his corrupt double cheats. However, Robotnik shows up, and in a fair race, the good Sonic wins easily. Manic sucks up all of his greedy double's money with a giant vacuum and accuses him of stealing from the poor. His double insists that "I don't steal, I tax," but Manic is not fooled, and sucks him up too. Sonia's spoilt double throws a tantrum over the prick of a needle, but Sonia tricks her with a fake mirror, and when Manic shows up with his double, the double Sonia faints.
They confront their lookalikes and take them on a trip outside the palace to see what they've done to their world. Their doubles are shocked and dismayed when they realize what they've done through their corruption and over-taxing, and decide that they must change their laws and their ways to make a better world for everybody. The Sonic Underground then leave the world.
While leaving, Sonia hears their mother's voice and a vision of Queen Aleena says she is happy for what they have done, with a gentle warning that power can corrupt anybody. The apparition vanishes while Sonia cries. Her brothers console her and their journey for their mother continues.
- The Oracle first gave the orb in "When in Rome...".
Title in other languages
Language | Title | Translation |
French | Monde parallèle | Parallel world |
German | Die Paralleldimension | The Parallel Dimension |
Italian | Tre ricci di troppo Una gente per sei |
Three hedgehogs too many One people for six |
Polish | Sześcioro to już tłum | Six is already a crowd |
Portuguese | Seis é Multidão | Six is a Crowd |
Romanian | Șase este o mulțime | Six is a lot |
Russian | Шестера - уже толпа | The six are already a crowd |
Spanish | Seis es Multitud | Six Is a Crowd |
- This is one of the only two episodes where Aleena's narration is not heard in the beginning of an episode.
- This is one of the few episodes where Sleet and Dingo are absent.
- It is also the only episode where the main-universe Dr. Robotnik is absent; an alternate dimension version of him appears instead.
- There is no alternate-universe version of Queen Aleena either.