"Tangled Webs" is the sixth episode of the Sonic Underground television series. It first aired on 24 January 1999 in France and on 6 September 1999 in the United States. It was included in Volume 1 and Band on the Run.
- Dingo
- Dr. Robotnik
- Freedom Fighters
- Cyrus (first appearance)
- Sonic Underground
- Trevor (first appearance)
- Lionel (first appearance)
- Sleet
- Swatbots
Races and species:
- Mobius
- Robotropolis
- Sanctuary (first appearance)
- Chili dogs
- Whack a Buttnik (only appearance)
- Medallions
- Parabolic Inverter (only appearance)
- Roboticizer
The sinister Robotnik blackmails Cyrus, an old friend of Sonic's, by holding his father hostage. Robotnik makes Cyrus gain the Hedgehogs trust and then has Cyrus convince them to save his father. Cyrus reluctantly informs Robotnik of the rescue plan so Robotnik can devise a trap for the Hedgehogs. However, once Cyrus sees the Hedgehogs helping the kids of Mobius, he realizes assisting in the capture of the Hedgehogs is a bad idea. Instead, Cyrus helps the Hedgehogs and in the process they destroy another of Robotnik's swat-bot factories.
Title in other languages
Language | Title | Translation |
French | Holodrame | Holodrama |
German | Falsche Freunde | False Friends |
Hungarian | A hamis jó barát | A fake good friend |
Italian | Fidarsi è bene ma... | Trust is good but... |
Persian | موضوع در هم برهم | The subject is messed up |
Polish | Kłamstwo ma krótkie nogi | A lie has no legs |
Portuguese | Teias Entrelaçadas | Interwoven Webs |
Romanian | Web încâlcit | Tangled web |
Russian | Липкая паутина | Sticky web |
Spanish | El enredo | The Machination |