"Three Hedgehogs and a Baby" is the twentieth episode of the Sonic Underground television series. It first aired on 14 March 1999 in France and on 24 September 1999 in the United States. It was included in Volume 2 and Sonic Christmas Blast.
- Dingo
- Dr. Robotnik
- Hip Hedgehog (only appearance)
- Sleet
- Sonic Underground
- Swatbots
Races and species:
While on a mission to investigate a secret invention of Robotnik's and learning about a micro-roboticiser, Sonic, Manic, and Sonia find an abandoned hedgehog baby in an alley and begin a search for the baby's parents.
However, the baby is actually a spybot, specially designed to behave just like a real baby - even eating and pooping - and track the siblings, with the intention of leading Robotnik to the secret sanctuary where the children of Freedom Fighters are taken, known only as "Sanctuary" - and as a backup, the basket is a morphed Dingo.
The trio hunts for the baby's parents, but of course can find none, Manic is chosen to take care of the baby, much to his chagrin. However he finds that the baby responds well to music and flying, and nicknames it "Hip". Soon he becomes fond of the baby, while Sonic and Sonia continue their investigation into the miniature roboticizer. They suggest taking Hip to a shelter, but Manic disapproves, telling them Sanctuary would be safer. Sonic and Sonia tell him he cannot make the long and dangerous journey alone, and head out to investigate the plans.
Manic decides that he will take the baby safely to Sanctuary on his own. In the meantime, Sonic and Sonia discover that the miniature roboticizer was all a ruse to distract them, and Robotnik gloats in front of them, telling them that the baby is also fake. The two of them escape and rush to stop Manic from leading Robotnik to Sanctuary.
Robotnik sends Sleet after them, and orders him to shoot the two down. In the battle, Manic drops Hip while struggling with Dingo, and the baby plummets to the ground. Manic rushes to catch him, but fails, and the robot is smashed to pieces. Manic is left crying with shock at the realisation that the baby he cared so much for was a fake, and his siblings comfort him.
Together they battle the pursuing fleet, defeating it and keeping it from getting any closer to Sanctuary.
In the closing scene, Manic visits Sanctuary and plays with the young children, teaching them about music and showing them that you do not even need instruments to play a rhythm.
Title in other languages
Language | Title | Translation |
French | BB AJT | Restless baby |
German | Drei Igel und ein Baby | Three Hedgehogs and a Baby |
Italian | Tre ricci e una culla | Three hedgehogs and a cradle |
Persian | سه جوجه تیغی و یه بچه | Three Hedgehogs and a Baby |
Polish | Trzy jeże i dziecko | Three Hedgehogs and a Baby |
Portuguese | Três Ouriços e Um Bebê | Three Hedgehogs and a Baby |
Romanian | Trei arici și un copil | Three hedgehogs and a child |
Russian | Три ежа и малыш | Three Hedgehogs and a Baby |
Spanish | Tres Erizos y un bebé | Three Hedgehogs and a Baby |
- The title of this episode is a reference to the title for the 1987 American comedy film Three Men and a Baby.
- This is the first episode in a Sonic TV show to reference the movie Three Men and a Baby. The second was the Sonic Boom episode, "Three Men And My Baby!".
- This is the second Sonic television episode about babysitting. The first was the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog episode, "Baby-Sitter Jitters".