
Virtual Danger

"Virtual Danger" is the fortieth episode of the Sonic Underground television series and the final episode overall. It first aired on 23 May 1999 in France and on 22 October 1999 in the United States. It was included in Volume 2 and Band on the Run.



Races and species:






Sonic and Manic are introduced playing "Castle Conquest", a game of virtual reality, in order to enhance their pilot skills. When the two brothers decide to put their practice to use, they fly in a successful mission that intercepts a supply ship from Robotnik. Afterwards, they continue to play the game, only to run into a rival, Destructo. Destructo states that he is a programmer for the game and offers to give Sonic and Manic two updates. After downloading the second one, however, Destructo reveals that he is, in fact, Robotnik in disguise. He then reveals that he plans on using the updates to trap the two hedgehogs in the virtual universe and permanently kill them. Once the virtual danger of the game becomes a reality, it is up to Sonia to play the game to save her brothers.


Title in other languages

Language Title Translation
French La réalité du virtuel Virtual reality
German Gefangene im Cyberspace Prisoners of Cyberspace
Italian Pericolo virtuale
Addio, pericoli virtuali!
Virtual danger
Goodbye, virtual dangers!
Polish Wirtualne niebezpieczeństwo Virtual Danger
Portuguese Perigo Virtual Virtual Danger
Romanian Pericol virtual Virtual Danger
Russian Виртуальная угроза Virtual threat


  • The triplets were supposed to finally reunite with their mother in this episode, which would fulfill the Oracle's prophecy, defeat Robotnik, and restore everything to normal, but the outcome was never resolved when the series was cancelled.
  • This episode is marked as the show's series finale leaving off on a cliffhanger due to the series' cancellation.
  • Sleet and Dingo are not in this episode for unknown reasons.
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