Zillow (stylized as zillow) is a subject that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog film series produced by Paramount Pictures and its spin-offs. It is a United States company for renting apartments.
Zillow is an American online real estate marketplace company, where customers can rent new places of residences. The company also has a online website that includes overviews of the different residences they offer, complete with photos of their locations, summaries, prices, adresses, and more.
Film series
Sonic the Hedgehog
After Tom Wachowski had planned to move to San Francisco and join the San Francisco Police Department, his wife Maddie started to use Zillow to look for apartments to rent in the city. When Tom was accepted into the SFPD, he discovered Maddie's work with Zillow.
- Zillow is based on the real-life subject of the same name.
- A woman named "Amy Rose" is mentioned on the website, referencing Amy Rose.